

*** I have completely rewritten and republished this story.*** A string of murders across Bangkok leads an elite team of detectives in charge of crimes using magic into the art world as they try to unmask the killer before he locates his most cherished victim. Detectives Kram and Love meet gallery owner Hart after their unit takes over a case from local police, Hart is hiding something or someone. Is he the killer or all that stands between the killer and the young man he's hunting? Love is sure Hart is innocent but is that logic or desire talking? Kram's strength as an investigator comes from his jaded past and his ability to see connections when others can't but can but none of it matters if he can't save a young painter who's been hunted to the point of desperation. This is a BL, GL story. I am not Thai but I am living in Bangkok where this story takes place.

Hera_Crowley · Thành thị
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
21 Chs

Chapter 12

 It had been three days since they put Hart under surveillance and interrogated Múd, and still they had learned nothing new. Agitated Kram lay awake staring at his ceiling fan. He had spent the last several hours flopping around in bed, adjusting his pillows and bolster trying to find a way to relax. Every time he was almost asleep the sudden sensation of falling or drowning would overtake him, and he would wildly thrash awake drenched in a cold sweat. He was about to give up and make a pot of coffee when the siren ringtone sounded on his phone. They had another case.

It was almost 4:30 am by the time the team gathered in Silom's Soi 4 on the dead end of the very street Love had arrested Múd three nights prior. Silom wasn't the arts district, but it was only a 10-minute drive by car with no traffic. This was clearly their case, and they wouldn't have to wait for an ID on victim number 3. The team gathered around as Noh pulled back the tarp, and though the body was mutilated they all recognized Múd.

"The attack is more vicious this time. Múd is much larger than the previous victims but the killer was still able to do all this to him with no witnesses. This means he didn't have time to fight back, he must have been overpowered quickly. If he was able to fight back someone would have heard it even late at night. His body was found at 3:30 by someone bringing trash out and Silom stays busy till at least 3." Said Kram

"He definitely would have fought back hard, no matter who it was if he was given the chance." added, Love. Remembering the confrontation between Hart, Múd, and himself. 

Xavier spoke next. "The rage this time is different too. Some cuts are shallow, others deep. The shallow marks might be because they knew each other, perhaps it was harder to kill someone they knew? Or it could be that the killer paused if he thought someone was coming? The most obvious difference is the fact that the killer cut out the victim's tongue and eyes. The empty eye sockets are the only place where he left the gold stone this time. The tongue sends a clear message: This was retribution for him talking to the police." 

Kram broke in. "We need to go back over the tapes of his interview, and his statements, maybe something there is more important than it first seemed."

"What's he doing here though? Chimed in Tan quizzically. I mean he had a fight and was arrested here 3 nights ago that had to be embarrassing. Why would he come back? Furthermore, how did he make bail this quickly? It wasn't a bar room brawl; he was charged with assault on an officer. 

They all nodded in agreement. Bail wasn't easily granted; it usually took several days before the request could be heard before a judge and it would have been set high with these charges.

"Those are good questions. Kram, I want you to make some calls and find us the answers. Noh left no room for discussion. He turned to Love. "Where is Hart?"

Love slowly tore his gaze from the body. "The last time the officer watching him checked in he was still in his studio, nothing unusual reported."

"Go get him. It's time we have a talk, he may not be the one killing people but he's part of this. If he's not helping the killer, it's possible he might be the next victim. I want him in my office within the hour. If he won't come with you willingly. I will come to get him with handcuffs. 

"Kinky," smirked Tan winking at Noh, who glared at him in response. Tan raised his hands in defeat and began unpacking his drones. Noh looked back at Love.

"Do you want to take Xavier with you?" 

Love shook his head. "No, Hart already doesn't trust cops, bringing someone new with me might make him less likely to cooperate. But I will take someone's car if that's ok? I came on the bike." He motioned to the motorcycle over his shoulder. 

Kram tossed him his keys. "You better take mine or Hart will complain for sure, Noh's is a mess and Xaviers is small." Love snatched them out of the air. 

"Thanks" with a tired wave he headed toward Kram's SUV. 

Morning traffic was already starting to pile up so it took twenty minutes for Love to navigate the few kilometers. pulling up to the police truck parked down the block from Hart's studio he asked. 

"Anything to report?"

The officer shook his head. "No sir, he didn't come out. I saw him through the window a few times till he turned out the lights at 2:30. I have been patrolling every thirty minutes, but everything is quiet here." The officer replied. 

"I'm sure you heard, but we've got another body on our hands. Why don't you head over there? I'm sure they can use another set of hands keeping the press at bay." Love tapped the truck window twice. "Thanks," he said. 

The officer nodded and pulled away, Love stood watching till he turned right at the end of the road before crossing the street and opening the gate that led to the side door of the Studio. Sliding his phone out of his pocket he dialed Hart's number. He could hear Hart's ringtone going off in the house. Cher's Believe blared over and over.

"Come on, pick up the phone! Pick up the phone!" Love muttered agitatedly under his breath. He tapped his foot, nervously, is it possible something happened? Worried, he knocked on the door while he redialed Hart's number. Still no answer. 

"Hart! Hart! Are you in there?" Love pounded on the door. "Hart!" How long had it been since the officer saw the lights on, he checked his watch, shit! That was 3 hours ago! Love jiggled the door handle, locked. 

"Hart if you can hear me open the door! If it's not open in 5 seconds I'm kicking it down! He called. The office would probably buy him a new one," he thought to himself. 

"5! 4! 3! 2! 1!" Love aimed his kick carefully just as his foot was about to connect the door swung open. Hart stood there looking angry, barely clad in a silk kimono; his hair wrapped in a silk scarf. 

Love fell slightly forward as he tried to regain his footing. 

"What the hell are you doing trying to kick my door down in the middle of the night!?" Hart glared daggers at Love. 

"I thought you were–" Love stopped himself. "Look, can I come inside, please? We need to talk and it's better if I'm not standing on the porch." 

"Better how?" asked Hart suspiciously. 

"Better, as in safer, please Hart." Love said solemnly. 

Hart rolled his eyes, taking a step back, he held the door open for Love. 

"Well, come on then," Hart said, stifling a yawn.