It's all of that bastard's fault! That I am a wanted woman! Why can't he just let me fly free? He doesn't even love me so why does he cause all of this fuss over me leaving him?
Many old cultivators fought like wild tigers against the undead monster that came out of the once peaceful-looking forest; the undead bodies began piling up into a hill steadily. An old cultivator with a long white beard frantically made his way to his majesty side. "Your highness I found princess Qaihong Gho" few beads of sweat poured down his forehead.
Emperor Qaihong slammed his fist onto the bamboo table "Wheres my daughter?" Emperor Qaihong's voice raised higher "If you left her in that forest to defend for herself I'll have you beheaded in the public square!" emperor Qaihong roared with anger.
The old cultivator gulped "Y-your majesty I left the princess in the royal infirmary tent" he stuttered lightly. The amount of bloodlust that the emperor was showing off was enough to kill him. The unforeseen mountain pressure pressed onto his head forcing the old cultivator to kowtow before the emperor.
The old man's whole body trembled "What is her state?" emperor Qaihong asked with a hint of frost to his tone "The princess was mauled up pretty badly, she was fighting off the undead when I arrive" the old cultivator managed to utter before passing out.
Emperor Qaihong rushed over to the royal infamy tent, his daughter is covered in head-to-toe bandages, her eyes are wide open. They glowed an unnaturally bright blue "Doctor Bai! What's wrong with my daughter's iris?" emperor Qaihong beckoned for the female doctor.
"That's what we are trying to figure out your majesty. The princess was gravely wounded when she was brought here. Despite that, she has been fighting the undead on her own" Doctor Bai explained on what she knew so far.
Sir Lai enter the tent with a gravel expression, he rushed towards the young princess completely ignoring the emperor "My lady I should've convinced you not to go into those damnable woods" his voice sounded quite pleasant to the ears of others.
Emperor Qaihong clear his throat "Shouldn't you be helping get rid of the undead menace?" emperor Qaihong's voice boomed with authority, that's when the knight notice his majesty. He got down onto one knee "forgive this humble knight for not seeing you before your highness" Lai Shufen spoke respectfully towards the emperor.
Emperor Qaihong narrows his eyes at the middle-aged knight "what's your relationship with the princess?" he asked Lai Shufen with a scrutinizing stare. Lai Shufen kept his gaze towards the ground "I am the head knight assigned to princess Qaihong Gho" Lai Shufen replied in monotone.
Emperor Qaihong turn around and left the tent soon after Lai Shufen got off the floor to hold onto his ladyship hand hoping to aid her in some shape or form.
"Child I won't allow you to die so soon, so I will help you" Angel engulfed the undead in golden light, the undead turned into thousands of particles that ascended to the heavens. Angel helped me up, I shakily stayed on my feet and grip my spear tightly.
"Now child fight till someone come and rescue you" Angel angelic voice echo around the forest, my body felt extremely weak I just want to lay down and sleep but if I did that I would definitely die!
"Eight moon defense!" Power flow into my body giving me the extra strength that I needed, eight petagrams in the shapes of the moon appeared around me, all eight phases rotated around me. Closing my eyes shut I circulate my moon essence through my body stopping the bleeding.
"Graaarrr!" The undead approached me quickly, I spun my spear around and decapped the undead head. I tackled down two to three zombies at the time by beheading them or stabbing them in the brains.
My vision zoomed in and out of focus, staggering I kept on fighting its unknown how much undead I have killed at this point. The moon rationing around my body shone brightly and attacked the zombies and skeletons that attack my blind spot.
"Aggggghhhh!!" I scream out my battle cry and kept up my rhythm of slashing and killing 'I wonder how long I'll be hospitalized this time' laughing at my joke I trust my spear into a skeleton rib cage shattering its bark-covered heart.
Just when I was about to fall over from exhaustion someone caught me in their arms, I smiled faintly at them "Tell father that I'm not useless" coughing out blood my eighth moon phases defense disappeared without a trace and I fainted due to fatigue.
After that, I was left to the darkness of my own mind or so I thought Angel appear and patted my head "You did a great job, my child, you can rest easy. For now, I will work on healing you" Angel stated calmly with that fatherly smile of his.
Unknown to me I have caused quite the stir in the royal infirmary tent I focus on recovering by that I drift off to sleep. When I open my eyes next I saw a familiar ceiling that I have grown used to.
I placed my hand over my eyes "are we back?" I asked myself, Angel appeared in my view in his chibi form "Gho my child while you were out cold a few things happen" Angel began explaining her current situation.
I massage my poor forehead "So my eyes have been glowing blue the past week and farther knows? Shitttttt" I groan about the oncoming headache. I wonder did my appearance change anymore like the last few times I was at death door?
Pushing myself off of the comfy bed I made my way to my vanity to examine my facial features and then my hair, as expected a more noticeable white streak can be seen underneath some of my raven black hair.
At least I still have my one golden eye it gives me some comfort at least, "My lady you should be in bed" a female voice sounded from behind; I swirled around to see who it was, She wore a doctor's blue and red uniform. She looked like one of those strict substitute teachers you would see from time to time.
"Who are you?" I asked confused about who she was. For all, I could know she could be some assassin sent to kill me. She place her right hand on the left side of her chest and knelt "I am Doctor Bai his majesty has in trust your recovery into my care" she replied smoothly.
Enhancing my eyes I looked at the information above her head and just as she said, she is indeed doctor Bai "Hurry up and do your check-ups I got paperwork to do" the usual gentle demeanor I would put on disappeared in a flash.
Her eyes widen like saucers at my sudden change in attitude she soon snapped out of it and began checking my pulse "My lady when did your eye turn blue?" she asked a few basic questions such as my eye color changing.
"After getting into an accident in Guiying province" I replied curtly not wanting to say more about the manner. She asked a few more before leaving me to my own devices in other words I got ready for my day and went to go do my paperwork that has been piling up.