
Blue lock: the true egoist

Blue lock fanfic. Jude Sanchez a half Japanese, half Spanish, 14 years old boy who had no interest in anything other than studying cause of his weak and ill body suddenly got back his memories from his past life accompanied with a system called the greed system. After finding out that he lives in the blue lock world, what will his reaction be? Will he be able to make the best use of the system? DISCORD: https://discord.gg/KkxRC3eKxC **Disclaimer** -all copywriter content is the property of its respective owner(s).

Saint_Hubris · Tranh châm biếm
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73 Chs

Past memories

"What?? Are you serious Jude? You want to start playing football?"

"Yes father, I have gained some interest in the sport." I said as I looked at my father's worried eyes.

"What made you change your mind? It's hard to believe you changed your mind so suddenly after hearing how much you hated collective sports."

"During my coma I remembered a certain quote which changed my perception of the sport and made me want to give it a try." That wasn't exactly a lie, recently I've been getting flashes of memories which I knew weren't mine, after a few months it started increasing in numbers, and finally one week ago after an accident I fell into a coma.

During that coma all the memories came back to me, a reality in which my current world was nothing but a manga, I didn't believe it at first but soon after I realized that was the truth, players like Noel Noa, Lavinho, Chris prince.

Those players exist in my current world but in my past memories those were simply a part of a football manga, the only manga which actual made me gain interest in a collective sport, it's also the reason why being a football player was my biggest dream in my past life.

In the past I've never had any interest for football, or any team sport in general, solo sports like martial arts were much more interesting to watch and practice, the hard work of a single person is all that matters in those sports, you can't blame anyone other than yourself, you're the only one who can make a difference.

In a sport where only you can decide win and loss, only you can stand at the top, to have a very clear number one, not a number one team, a number one individual, someone who will take all the glory for himself, someone who is known as the best.

That philosophy is something I liked a lot, unfortunately one thing kept me from being able to succeed in any of those sports.

I tried many different martial arts and learned as many techniques as I could, but one thing never changed, one thing which accompanied me through my whole life.

"Jude, I'm very happy that you got interested in football, but we both know how weak your body is, your illness won't allow you to run 45mins let alone a full game." His worried gaze never left since the beginning of our conversation.

"Please don't worry about that father, I feel like my body have improved a bit recently, maybe the coma wasn't such a curse but more of a blessing." I said with a smile while trying to reassure him.

That was obviously a lie, but it didn't mean that my body couldn't improve anymore, after all I got a little gift along those memories of mine.


*a few days ago*

[...Awakening completed]

[Congratulations player for being the first person to unlock the greed system!]

I looked at the screen in front of my face with a shocked expression, what the hell was going on?

[Thanks to your immense greed developed throughout your past life and your current life you have successful awakened the greed system.]

The screen didn't seem to acknowledge my existence and simply finished its monologue.

[In both this life and your past life you have been handicapped with a body that capped all of your physical abilities.]

This screen which I thought was just a random hallucination seemed more and more believable the more details it gave about me.

[Even with your handicap, your greed never died down, you still researched ways to overcome it, improve, train in various fighting techniques and even in your past life with your dreams to become a footballer.]

"... " I knew everything written in front of my face was true, every single word hit me deep in my soul, especially after I miraculously gained back my last life memories.

[That's why you are eligible for the greed system.]

[Would you like to go through the process of remodeling and modifying your body?]

[Yes] [no]

What?? Remodeling my body? What type of shabby deal is that? What does it even mean to modify my body?

[Your current body is affected by your illness, it makes all your abilities capped, the body remodeling and modifying will reset all your stats to 10 which is very low but in exchange you will be able to have endless potential and reach the perfect athletic body.] Suddenly the system replied as if it could listen to my thoughts.

This yes or no option wasn't only a choice, it was the dream I've had in both lives, the chance to rise to the top, to stand at the very top of the world, to dominate the most popular sport in the world, to step on everyone on my path and make my efforts pay.

Without much more thoughts I simply clicked on yes which made another screen appear in front of my eyes.

[Body remodeling and modifying process have started!]

[Time left until completion: 6 days, 23hours, 59minutes.]


*current time*

[Time left until completion: 0 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes, 30 seconds]

I kept my eyes fixated on the screen and couldn't hide my growing excitement, it was without a doubt the biggest event of both of my lives reunited, I've never felt this excited about something.

[10 seconds left!]


[2 seconds left!]


[Congratulations on successfully going through your body remodeling and modifying!]

[All your stats have been updated to 10!]

[Status available!]

Looking at this screen I nearly cried out of happiness, it was finally there, the opportunity I've been waiting for my whole life. And I was planning on clinging to this opportunity as much as possible.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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