

What if Naruto Uzumaki really wasn’t “Naruto Uzumaki?” What if the blood that ran through his veins was of demonic and angelic origin? The door to the demon world has open and once again hell has been unleashed. It’s time for the Nephilim to rise. P.S This a reboot of Naruto: Devil May Cry.

The_Advent91 · Tranh châm biếm
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2 Chs

Chapter 2: Prologue Part2 A Mother’s Love

Loud noises erupted from outside, shattering the night's silence. Suddenly, flames engulfed the house. Dante, paralyzed by fear, hid beneath the table. 'Where was Mom? Where was Vergil?' He didn't dare to find out what had sparked the inferno.

From underneath the table, he could see his mother run towards him. She knelt down and grabbed Dante's wrist to pull him out from under the table. As quickly as she got Dante, she rushed him over to the closet that was in the other room. Eva opened the door to it and led Dante inside it.

"Stay here. No matter what happens, you mustn't leave." Eva paused as she looked in the direction of where the noise was coming from. She looked back at Dante and continued. "I need to find Vergil. I promise I'll be back."

She took his face in her hands, having Dante look at her with eyes filled with fear.

"I know this is hard. You must listen to me. Be a big boy... a man, huh?" she said with a weak smile. Dante nodded.

She seemed hesitant about what to say next.

"If I don't return... you must run. You must change your name and forget your past. Start anew as someone else," she began to close the closet doors, "A new beginning."

Dante watched her run through the flaming hall, calling out for his brother. Dante began to shake and curled himself up in the corner of the closet. He didn't mean to make Vergil run away... he should've left him and his book alone.

"Vergil! Where are you Vergil!?" Eva shouted, pulling out the gun that Sparda had commissioned her. One of the last gifts that he gave her before he disappeared.

Eva quickly walked down the hall and checked the rooms for her eldest son, keeping the gun in front of her. She was then stopped by a few demons falling through the ceiling and landing in front of her. She let out a scream and jumped out of the way of the debris. She landed hard on the wooden floor causing her to drop her gun a few feet away. Eva looked at the demons that were creepy closer to her, one raising a scythe to bring down on her. Eva tried reaching for her gun to kill it before the demon could end her. But she was to late.

Because the demon to one swing and pierced Eva through her chest.

"EVA!" a powerful voice called out as the demons where cut down by a monstrous sword.

The sword was being held bay a clawed hand, the body of this demon is slightly-larger-than-human-sized, a vaguely insectoid demon with clawed hands, a scaly hide, a pair of downward-facing ram horns, chiropteran wings with beetle-like wings underneath, hooves for feet, and reptilian spines protruding from his back. Parts of his body appeared to be made of greyscales with accents of red and purple. He also has gold veins on his hands and arms, chest, shoulders and back, a red diamond eye shaped gem in the center of his forehead, and skull-shaped gold knees and elbow guards with small horns.

This the true form of SPARDA - THE LEGENDARY DARK KNIGHT. In his right hand he is holding is his sword FORCE EDGE, it has a thick organic hide, the curved blade and the color scheme of its guard. The sword has an organic-looking spinal column with some bony covers below its guard. It has a large red jewel on its side and a green one below it, and the grip is darker.

"Ahh!!" Sparda roared as he swung force edge creating a powerful shockwave that sent the demons crash the walls of the Paradise mansion.

Force Edge disappeared in a purple flames as Sparda dropped downs to his knees. Purple flames covered his body all over, once the flames died down he was back in his human form. He slowly walked over to Eva and bent down as he place his hand on the blade of the scythe and slowly pulled it out of Eva's chest.

"Eva th-this is all my fault I should have never left." Sparda as he place his hands underneath Eva's head and gently laid her head on his lap.

"D-don't blame yo-yourself my love, we both known it was matter of time until Mundus found us." Eva said as blood poured from her mouth.

Sparda wiped the blood away from Eva's mouth as he tried to hold back his tears. "Eva I-"

He is cut off from another voice, "Mother!" the voice cried. Sparda turns around and sees that it's Virgil.

Virgil walks slowly towards his father, white hair is stained with blood, his blue long sleeve shirt is torn just along with his black shorts. His black sneaker's are burnt. He is dragging a katana in his right hand across the floor. The tsukamaki handle has the traditional traditional diamond shape in the negative space. A gold dragon styled menuki are inserted underneath the tsukamaki to allow for the fingers to grip. The hand guard is gold and a deep navy blue, shaped like an octagon with two trapezoidal halves, each with gold dot pattern patches and in a grove like motif with gold rings, inside of which are various circles in clusters of three, arranged in triangular patterns, and the gold habaki/fuller is also with a similar embossed pattern. The hamon featured is a kawazuko choji or tadpole head clove flower styled hamon as similar to those found on blades historically made by Osafune Nagamitsu. The blade has also been given prominent temper lines.

The scabbard is black, made of traditional lacquered wood, and features several metallic ornaments on its far end. The kurigata is black. It also features a yellow sageo, the cord used to tie the katana to the waist. The sageo is blue, with gold dot accents. This is the legendary sword YAMATO.

"Father what happened?" Virgil asked as tears fell from his blue eyes.

"Demons Virgil, yes they are real son." Sparda said as he turns his focus back on Eva.

"Virgil!" a voice called as Virgil is tackled to the ground. Virgil looks done and sees Dante holding him tightly why crying into his chest.

"Dante." Virgil saids he hugs his brother in return. Virgil lets Dante cling to him as he looks up at his father.

"F-father I-I had to kill those monsters they attacked me and I healed. What's going on?!" Virgil pleaded.

"As I said son demons are real, I myself am a demon and your mother is angel. That makes you and your brother Nephilim, half angel & half demon." Sparda said as looks at his sons.

"I know you have many questions Virgil, but there's not enough time my son." Sparda said as he took of the Perfect Amulet and places it and Eva's hands.

"V-Virgil D-Dante come here." Eva said in a growing week voice.

Dante letted go of Virgil as both them walked to their mother. They both are in awe when the Perfect Amulet in Eva's cupped hands starts to glow a majestic white.

Once the glow fade Virgil is shocked that amulet has spit into two half's a dark blue amulet and a red one. Sparda takes the amulets from Eva and attaches them to sliver necklaces.

Sparda kneels down on one knee and places the blue amulet around Virgil's neck and the red one around Dante's. Virgil touches his amulet he feels something he just doesn't know what it is.

"Father what is this?" Virgil asked.

Sparda stands back up and looks at both his sons. "Your inheritance." Sparda said as he closed eyes as purple flames shot from the floor and wrapped around him. The flames became more intense as the flames split into two.

When the flames died down Virgil and Dante was shocked to see another Sparda standing right next to him.

"There's no time waist Sparda it has to be down now I can sense more of Mundus's forces coming." Eva said as she tried to sit up.

Sparda walked over to Eva and helped her to her feet. He guided her over to Virgil and Dante Tears fell from eyes are she placed her hands on their foreheads.

"I love you both with all my heart, you mean everything to me and your father. But it's best if you don't remember anything." She said as her hands glowed a power golden color.

The glow faded away and Virgil and Dante fell in to the arms of the two Sparda's. Eva walked over to Dante and kissed him on his forehead.

"Take him to the Redgrave Orphanage and make sure your not followed." Sparda said to his copy.

The copy nodded his head and disappeared in a burst of spreed with the unconscious Dante in his arms.

Sparda bent down and picked up Yamato. Eva weakly walked over to him and wrapped her arms around his waist.

"Where will you take him?" Eva asked weakly.

"He's no longer safe here is so his best chance is send him to another dimension, I meet man who has a burning will within him. Virgil will be safe with and his wife." Sparda said.

He takes Yamato and swings it's so fast it looks like he never drew with its sheath. Sparda stands with Virgil in his arms as a distortion in space takes as the fabric of space itself opens up into a blue portal.

Eva walks up to Sparda and kisses him on the lips. They part lips and Sparda lays his forehead on hers.

"I love you my Angel Of Grace." Sparda said as tears pour from his eyes.

"And I love you my Dark Knight." Eva replied as she runs her hand through Virgil's hair.

Sparda kisses Eva one last time. He backs away from and turns to the portal. He tries to stop the tears from falling from eyes as he walks into the portal. He does his best to block out the screams of Eva being attacked by demons.

Eva lays on the as the demons raise their weapons above her. She gives them a smirk as her body glows a blind white.

"Boom." She said as she exploded in a blast of energy whipping out the demons and the rest of the Paradise mansion. Before the portal closed some of Eva's energy entered it as the portal closed completely.

Paradise was Sparda and Eva's mansion, where Dante and Vergil grew up. Now all that remains is burning white flames and raining ash.