
Blue: Fallen Star

This is not some random story, this is the story of my life. Me, a complete average guy who's also kind of a spineless guy but face it everyone is spineless deep down. The question is whether or not you have gotten to the point where you became spineless. Haha but this same spineless guy is going to conquer everything. "Why are you British?" asked Hyla "I'm not British I just like the way they sound" replied Blue as he took a drag from his pipe usually other people would be driven near madness when they find out they have an alien in their body but I could barely stay strong What kind of Masochistic Alien System is this? This training method is insane "You want power? Then do it or you'll definitely die" A star came crashing down from outer space Creating ripple after ripple as it tried to destroy us and I have to save us all by using the same power from the Fallen Star Join Hyla as he embarks on a journey to survive and protect the world at large

Hila · Kỳ huyễn
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216 Chs


{Congratulations host has unlocked has the Mental World feature} said the message.

Reading the message I knew that gotten the chance to improve once more and unlike only training my physical body only, I would now be able to train my mind and strengthen it, reducing the chances of me being pulled into the collective mental world of the Hive.

[I will now open your own mental world this one is not linked to the collective mental world of the Hive so you are free to use it as you please, that is if you are able to even alter it] said Blue in a mocking tone.

[No need to talk so much just bring it, I bet I can easily do it, I already did it once so why can't I do it again.] I said full of confidence.

[As you wish, but it would be better if you close your eyes and focus that way it won't disorient your focus when entering the mental world] said Blue.