
Blue eyed damsel

"why are you doing this Elena?!!... we're sisters for God's sake!!" Elisa yelled as she tries to block Elena's attacks. Elena scoffs "sisters?!!.. we're not sisters!!.. I disowned you the day the king, our father, gave you what's supposed to be mine!!!.. I deserve to be queen not you!!" Elena yelled in anger as she increased her attacks on Elisa.. ******************************************** Elena and Elisa were sisters and daughters of King Steven, the king of emerald kingdom.. Before the king death, he called his daughters and loyal subjects to announce who their new ruler will be.. every one expected it to be Elena, since she's older, but to their suprise, the King chose Elisa.. No one knows why he made that decision... Elena got extremely mad and left the kingdom.. not after promising to take revenge.. Elisa was short of words, equally surprised but couldn't say anything... 10 yrs after, Emerald kingdom was in peace and harmony. Elisa seems to be doing a great job.With no one but her daughter, Nia by her side, she felt happy.. but that happiness didn't last, for her sister returned with zeal to revenge... She broke out a war with the armies she managed to build up... she has gotten stronger over the years.. Elisa's daughter, Nia, with her friends who were twins, managed to escape the war, the kingdom, and found themselves in a place they regard as "strange land" cuz everything looks strange and unexplainable for them.. What is this "strange land" they speak of?.. and what do you think will happen next??... stay tuned to find out

Anthonia_Charles · Kỳ huyễn
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6 Chs

Chapter one..

Emerald kingdom is a place you can describe as an extraordinarily beautiful place, filled with magic and wonders. It's like those ancient kingdoms you read about, but this one is 5 times beautiful than them... A strong magical barrier surrounded the kingdom, protecting it from evil forces... Only the king, his right hand man, his daughters and the palace guards can open the barrier..  You can also say, emerald kingdom is the safest kingdom around but it's almost impossible to get in... Every one in the kingdom was born with special abilities/powers and they all lived in peace. ..


The castle was also magnificent... The designs were breathtaking.. the walls were painted sparkly silver with a hint of blue. Drawings of different species of animals were seen. The palace was also decorated with beautiful flowers and golden chandeliers hung on the palace ceilings.. Inside the palace is a throne room; and inside the throne room, a magnificent throne is seen; and on the throne sat the king of emerald kingdom...


King Steven sat on the throne, sad and lost in thoughts.. it's been years since his wife, the queen died but he still misses her.. it wasn't easy taking care of his two daughters all alone and training them into becoming the princesses they are today. But that's not the case tho; What worries him the most is that he doesn't have a male child, a male that'll rule this kingdom when he's gone.. he's not saying his daughters aren't strong and capable to rule this kingdom but he felt a male will do the job better.... Suddenly he felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned his head by the side and looked up and saw his second daughter, Elisa, looking back at him with a face filled with concern "Father, whatever it is that you're thinking about... Please stop it... Overthinking isn't good for your health" she said, really worried about her dad.. He smiled sadly "Elisa, you do have a heart of gold.. your kindness is just out of this world.. you're the only one that really cares about me.. unlike your elder sister, Elena, who doesn't care if I'm alive or dead" he sighed sadly.. If only Elisa was a boy, things would have been easier.. he could die in peace, knowing the kingdom is in good hands.. *The king was diagnosed with a rare illness and according to the royal physician, the king doesn't have much time to live* .. Elisa stared at her father with sadness in her eyes.. There's nothing she could do about her father's condition.. The royal physician has also tried his best, giving the king different herbal medicine that can cure any illness but yet nothing changed. He concluded that Her father, the king, could only be cured by someone who has incredible healing powers.. But alas, people born with healing powers are extremely rare and the only person in the kingdom born with such powers just died recently due to old age.. Suddenly the throne room doors were pushed open and a man in his mid 40's rushed in "your highness!!!.. I've got good news!!" He bowed a little and smiled happily.. Elisa looked at the king's right hand man grinning happily and turned to her father "Father, I'll leave you two to talk... I'll be going now" Elisa bowed a little and left... "So what's the good news mark?" King Steven asked, really curious.. If mark can barge into the throne room like that, then the news must be really good and important "your highness,  I was going through the book of the kingdom's history and laws and I found something quite interesting" mark grinned. King Steven leaned forward "really?!.. what did you find?" He asked, very eager to know. "Your highness, according to page 15,689 , it says 'Males are not the only ones that are meant be the rulers.. females are also allowed to be rulers' .. it was enforced by your great great great great grandmother Mrs Evelyn Salvador...  don't you see your highness!!.. you don't need a male to inherit the throne.. you have two strong princesses who are very capable of ruling this kingdom!" Mark smiled widely.. King Steven sighed in relief and smiled "Alas, one problem is solved" he thought in his mind happily "this is good news indeed Mark.. I'm glad that you were able to fi.." king Steven didn't complete his words as he held his chest in pain and started coughing out blood. Mark became alarmed and rushed to the king "your highness!!!... Your highness!!... Guards!! Get the royal physician now!!" The guards ran out to do what they were ordered to do.. The king kept coughing out blood until he eventually passed out....


The king laid on the bed, looking as pale as ever while the physician checked his health status.. Elisa knelt beside the king's bedside and held his hand while crying.. And Elena just stood at a corner staring at her father. Obviously she was a little bit sad about her father's health condition but she showed no emotion.. she kept a straight face.. The physician sighed sadly and stood straight.. Elisa stood up too "Marcos.. how is he?" She asked as tears welled up in her eyes. Obviously looking at her father, she could tell her father's condition has worsened. The physician sighed again and spoke up "it appears that the king's condition has worsened and if my calculations are correct, I'd say the king has only few minutes left to live" he bowed his head sadly.. No! Elisa covered her mouth as tears rolled down her cheeks.. She knelt beside the king's bedside and held his hand whilst crying "Father!!" .. Everyone except Elena bowed their head sadly.. Mark also started to cry.. The atmosphere was so sad and filled with sorrow.. Suddenly they heard a cough.. they looked up and saw the king awake but looks extremely weak. "Father!" Elisa looked at her extremely pale and weak looking father as more tears rolled down her face.. The king managed to speak up "I know that I don't have much time left.. Everyone listen up!.. mark, come closer" mark did as he was told "Mark, when I'm gone.. I.. want you.. to make... Elisa.. the next ruler of emerald kingdom" What!!.. Everyone widened their eyes in shock.. obviously it was unexpected.. Elena gritted her teeth in anger "what are you talking about father??!!!... I'm supposed to be the next ruler of emerald kingdom not Elisa!!!... I'm your first daughter!!.  Your first child!!!" Elena yelled in anger.. Elisa quickly stood up "Elena.. sister .. please calm down.. I'm as shocked and surprised as everyone else in the room .. please calm down" Elisa tried to calm her down but Elena seemed to get more angrier "Shut your mouth Elisa or I'll burn you alive!!" Elena threatened as fire came out in her body (P.s : Elena was born with the ability to wield and control fire)... Mark became annoyed with Elena's sudden outburst "Elena would you stop all this nonsense!!... The king's mind has been made up and nothing can change that!!... If the king says Elisa will be the ruler, then Elisa will be the ruler!!... So just f*cking stop all this!!" Mark yelled at Elena who's anger seems to be growing by the minute.. She walked angrily to the door and opened it. She suddenly turned and points a finger at Elisa "Father gave you something that was supposed to be mine!!.. something I've worked for all my life... You can be the ruler but I promise you it won't last... I'll be back to have my revenge" Elena sneered, meaning every single word and ran out from the palace, with nothing but revenge in her mind.. Elisa just stared at the opened door, short of words.. While all this were going on, no one noticed that the King has given up to ghost..  Mark sighed and turned to the king "your highness, I'm sorry for...." Mark suddenly noticed that the king's not breathing.. He quickly ran to the king and shake him vigorously "your highness!!.. your highness!!... Marcos!!.. His highness is not breathing!!" Marcos,the physician, quickly ran to check the king's pulse "he's.... Dead" Elisa gasped as tears rolled down her face "father!! .. no!!" She was about to approach her father when suddenly, she heard neighing sounds coming from outside. She approached the window and took a look outside, she saw Elena hopping on one of the horses and rode it outside the palace.. she reached the barrier, opened it and rode out of the kingdom.. Elisa slopes down and covered her face and cried the more... As far as she knew, this was the worst and painful day of her life and she'll never forget it...