
Blossoming Gemstones

Beauty is something that everyone admires but what if you don't fit the beauty standard? Maiah Blossom was a normal girl who loved to play and cause trouble, on the record. Off the record, she was the poor fat kid with a single mother. Making her a target for ridicule and mockery. In a world where everything is monitored Maiah knows that asking for help is futile.Until she meets a boy her age willing to get revenge on her behalf.

Rosie00003 · Kỳ huyễn
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7 Chs


Maiah was sweating out of exhaustion. The heat of the sun and the coldness in the air formed a terrible working condition for her young and tender body.

Maiah's soft brown hands were digging in the dirt, planting seeds in some clay pots. Maiah doesn't even know what type of seeds she's planting but feels as if these seeds hold some sense of familiarity. Perhaps because she is named after the blossoming of plants she feels content doing garden work, even if it is in the cold. As Maiah is thinking these thoughts something icy cold splashed all over her!

Maiah shrieked in fright.

Maiah looked all over her surroundings to find the culprit, for she was now chilled to her bones and looked like a wet cat!

Feeling wronged tears formed in her eyes but she did not let them fall. Maiah continued to plant seed after seed sulking. Which diety did I offend to deserve such a punishment? Maiah pondered resentfully.

After a while, Maiah is almost done. She's planted around sixty seeds so far. Although Maiah's face is still calm you can still see the satisfaction in her eyes. By this time her clothes were mostly dry so she was super pleased.

Maiah stands up her knees sore from kneeling for so long and stretches in a way that was very cat-like. As she stretched another pitcher of cold water on her. The first time Maiah was crouching so her front and shoes weren't wet. But now she was drenched from head to toe.

Maiah was done. She doesn't even bother searching for the person who did it this time. She just went back to work. She finishes as fast as she can so that can get her paycheck and head on home.

When she finished in record time there was no satisfaction or pleasure or emotion of any kind in her eyes. Only emptiness and cold.

Maiah went to find the old madam who gave Maiah this job to get her pay. Maiah enters the house and walks down an empty hallway. It was so quiet that the soft thumping of her feet could be heard. Maiah stops in front of a black wooden door. She hesitantly knocks on it softly.

I hope the old madam isn' sleeping, she thought.

The old madam has a unique personality. She sleeps like the dead and you can almost never wake up. If by any chance you're able to wake her up, then she enters this crazed state and goes on a rampage.

Hearing no response on the other side of the door, Maiah is unsurprised. With no hesitation, Maiah leaves a sticky note on her door and leaves the house.

It is dark outside for a lot of time has passed.

Hm, mommy must be on her way home by now, Maiah thought.

With this in mind, she hurried down the sidewalk to her home that is three blocks away.