
Blooming Emotions

"I asked him for it. For the blood, the rust, for the sin. I didn't want the pearls other girls talked about, or the fine marble of palaces, or even the roses in the mouth of servants. I wanted pomegranates-- I wanted darkness I want him. So I grabbed my king and ran away to the land of death, where I reigned, and people whispered that I'd been dragged. I'll tell you I've changed. I'll tell you, the red on my lips isn't wine. I hope you've heard of horns, but that isn't half of it. Out of an entire kingdom, he kneels only to me, calls me Queen, calls me Mercy. Mama, Mama, I hope you get this. Know the bed is warm and our hearts are cold, know never have I been better than when I am here. Do not send flowers, we'll throw in the river. 'Flowers are for the dead' --'least that's what the mortals say. I'll come back when he bores me, but Mama, not today." --Daniella Michallen, "Persephone Speaks." The kidnapping of Persephone retold in which Hades didn't kidnap Persephone, but she fell into the Underworld and became Hades' queen.

Ms_Klarah · Kỳ huyễn
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22 Chs


"I was wondering when you would call another meeting, uncle," I said. "Did my ears deceive me when I heard the good news?"

"No," Thanatos answered. "The Queen is back. The curse of the Underworld has taken its toll on her, and Hades brought her back to heal."

Charon leaned back and laughed. "Oh, at last. How is she?"

"She is well," Hekate said. "Weak, but well. Why did you call this meeting, Morpheus?"

"Now that the Queen has returned, Zeus will be hot on our heels," I began. "The only reason he got in last time was that Hermes and a servant opened the Gates. Zeus will try to get in again. We need someone else to protect the Gates. Kerberos is excellent at his job, but he needs reinforcement."

"Hades will be suspicious if I suddenly disappear, so it can't be me," Hekate said with a shake of her head.

"No one will be dead if I stop my job," Thanatos replied.

"The Underworld can't have Judgments without me," Charon answered.

"Father," I said, looking at Hypnos, "do you mind taking on a heavier load? If you take my job temporarily, I can help guard."

"I do not mind."

"Good. Then I will reinforce the Gates to the Underworld. If anyone asks where I am, tell them I found a mortal girl."

"Are we ever going to reveal to Calantha and Hades the meetings that we have had over the past year?" Hekate asked.

I shrugged. "Possibly down the line, sure. For now, it is still a secret."


When I woke up, the bed was empty. I sat up. For the first time in what felt like forever, I woke up refreshed. My muscles didn't ache as I moved, and I wasn't in the least bit drowsy. I felt amazing.

"Magnolia, you are awake."

I turned to see Hades sitting on his couch, a book in his hand. "What time is it?"

"A little after eleven."

My eyes widened. I never sleep this late! "You let me sleep for this long?"

Hades set his book down, climbing in with me. He placed a kiss on my forehead. "Well, clearly, you need it. I tried to wake you for breakfast, but you didn't even stir."

"Wow. Really?"

He nodded. "How do you feel?"

"Excellent, to be honest. I haven't felt this good in a while."

"Good. I told you it wasn't all in vain. I will go and fetch some food for you."

Once Hades came back with food, I asked a question, "How long do you think we have until my mother notices that I am not there? She didn't notice I was sick for a whole month, so I bet two weeks."

"Magnolia, I don't know. You said yourself that you hate the anxiety of not knowing, so let's not gamble. Let's just enjoy each other's company."

I kissed his cheek. "I couldn't agree more."

To celebrate my birthday, Hades invited Thanatos, Hekate, and Charon to dinner. I dressed in a lavender-colored dress, and Hades donned a black button-up. By the time the dinner rolled around, I felt like the person I was before I left. You wouldn't even know I was sick if it weren't for my weight loss.

We laughed and ate, creating a boisterous atmosphere. I loved that my closest friends were there with me, celebrating. I didn't know how long I would remain here, but I tried to stay true to Hades' advice. I don't know how long until my mother comes for blood, so now I will savor every moment.

After I donned a nightgown, Hades took my hand. "Come—dance with me."

He guided me to our balcony. "Hades, there isn't any music."

"Humor me."

Hades placed his arms on my waist, and I looped my arms around his neck. We swayed to the non-existent music, the warm night air between us. If I could pick one thing to do all night long—it would be this. Me and him dancing the night away.

It was the next day that we received the sensation of someone trying to enter the Underworld. We all sat at breakfast when chills ran down my spine. Hades and I shared a look.

"Did you feel that as well?" Hades asked.

"I did. What was that?"

"My brother is trying to enter the Underworld."

I froze, my blood turning to ice. "What do we do?"

He sighed. "I'm not sure. I know for a fact that Zeus will never see the logic behind your presence."

"Well, look at me. You said it yourself: I resembled the dead. Maybe that's convincing enough."

He took my hand in his. "Are you sure you want to face him?"

"Yes. And hiding from Zeus doesn't paint a flattering picture."

Hades brought my knuckles to his lips, pecking them softly. We both rose and headed to the foyer. Hades gave me a look, telling me this is my last chance to back down. But I nodded. With a grim expression on his face, Hades opened the Underworld Gates.

As we waited for Zeus to travel across the Underworld, my nerves rose higher and higher. What would Zeus do? He would be furious, but how would he react?

Would he rip Hades off of his throne? Take over the Underworld?

Or would he harm Hades? A morbid thought came to me: Can he kill Hades?

I moved closer to Hades, taking his arm. My heart almost beat out of my chest. Hades looked over at me, and I met his gaze. He leaned down, planting a kiss to my forehead.

"It's going to be all right," he murmured.

It's going to be all right.

A god that I didn't know came bustling in a second later, huffing and puffing. "Morpheus, what is it?" Hades asked.

Oh, God, please tell me that Zeus hasn't resorted to destroying things throughout the Underworld.

"It's Zeus, Your Majesty. He's in the Underworld. I'm not sure what happened, but the Gates opened for him. Kerberos and I tried to stop him, but—"

"It's all right, Morpheus. I let him in."


"It's about time that I faced him once and for all. Go and gather as many gods as you can—in case this gets violent."

Morpheus nodded and vanished into thin air.

Zeus stormed in, no pun intended, with anger rolling off of him. "What is the meaning of this?" Zeus growled. "I go to visit my daughter on her birthday, and she is missing?"

I checked for my mother's shadow, but she wasn't there. I frowned in confusion; where is she?

"Thanks to your selfish rescue mission, your daughter is gravely ill. Her soul belongs to the Underworld, and the Underworld punished her for leaving. I brought her here so that she may recover."

"My daughter has recuperated enough. Come along, Calantha." My father turned his gaze to me.

Zeus advanced toward me. I wanted to be afraid, to let Hades shield me, but something stirred inside of me. Anger—the sensation is anger. I straightened my shoulders and inhaled.

"You're a little too late," I hissed, letting my anger free.

A spark of irritation flitted across his face. "What?

"My birthday was two days ago—not yesterday."


"So, you care about nobody but yourself. If you had cared at all, you would've known that my birthday is on the first—not the second. You don't love me—you are merely doing all of this to spite Hades."

"Calantha is correct."

Zeus spun around, and my eyes widened in shock. There, my mother stood, another woman beside her. The second woman was stunning. She had honey-blonde hair, teal eyes, and porcelain-like skin. Models could never hold a candle to her.

"Demeter? Hera? What are you doing?"

"My daughter is correct, Zeus. You don't care for her. You ran the minute you discovered that I was pregnant." My mother moved forward, taking my hands. I didn't know whether to be wary or not. "I am so sorry, Calantha. I should have never taken you from this place."

His eyes darted between the woman and us. "Demeter, I don't understand. Why would you tell me that Calantha is missing, but then try to stop me?"

I knew it. Zeus didn't find me gone—my mother did.

"Yes. And I regret that." She met my eyes. "Once I told him, I remembered how sick you were and that Hekate had mentioned your soul belongs to the Underworld. I went to my sister, Hera, for help."

Hera spoke up, "Demeter wanted to know if Calantha and Hades' marriage was true or not. It is a true marriage—there is nothing between them but love. And you, Zeus, would know that if you spoke to me in the last year."

"I-I don't understand," Zeus said dumbly. "Demeter, do you want your daughter back or not?"

"I would like nothing more than for my daughter to return, yes. But her heart doesn't belong with me any longer. Calantha is to stay in the Underworld."

He shot my mother a smug smile. "Then I will bring up this, this nonsense to my other daughters, the Fates."

My mother laughed. I could practically see the chill in her voice. "You know damn well that they will shoot you down. Hades never kidnapped Calantha; I was just too blind to see it. You have no case."

Hera walked up to Zeus and smacked him across the face. "I knew you couldn't hold your own marriage, but you had to break up your brother's, too? There is one thing that you never considered, you bastard. I talked to the Fates during your first little rescue mission. The Moirai created Calantha for a reason, a purpose: to be Queen of the Underworld. So, go and try it—tattle to the Moirai that someone didn't grant your every wish. They will speak of the same thing that I just did."

I took a step forward. "You mean Hades and me didn't meet by coincidence?"

Hera's expression changed once she looked at me. She went from 'hell-hath-no-fury' to sweet as sugar. "No, dear. You are the rightful Queen of this place and have all the rights in the world to be with Hades."

I turned and ran into Hades' arms.

From behind me, I heard a succession of painful hisses. I watched as Hera dug her nails into Zeus's and dragged him out of my palace. As soon as the duo got a foot outside the palace, Morpheus and a few gods appeared, Thanatos with him. They all got into defensive positions, but stopped short. Confusion crossed their faces as they watched Hera and Zeus retreating.

"What—?" Thanatos asked. "Did, did we miss it? What happened?"

Hades gave him a grin. "You did. Morpheus, we appreciate your actions greatly, but, as it seems, they aren't needed."

Everyone nodded, still a bit bewildered, and put away their weapons. Hades explained what just happened before hesitating. "Wait a second. Morpheus, you said that you were with Kerberos at the Gates. Why? That is not your domain."

A sheepish look formed on his face. "Uh, about that. There are a few things that we should probably explain."

Charon, Hypnos, Thanatos, and Hekate all stepped forward. They told of a plan that they hatched before I fell into this realm. They told of their concern for Hades, frustration at Zeus, learning my identity, Hekate letting me into the Underworld, and their agreement to help in guarding the Gates.

I watched Hades' reaction to everything. He didn't react in the way that I thought he would. He seemed amused, and almost... proud. The gods all around me did the same as I did—study the feedback of their king. I could almost see the audible sigh of relief release from them as Hades burst out laughing at the end.

"You planned all of this—behind my back, even? For months?" he asked through fits of laughter.

"Uh, yes," Thanatos answered.

"That's brilliant! Oh, how I love each and every one of you all."

Hades immediately declared a feast. We all ate, drank, and laughed as we knew that Zeus would leave us alone now. It felt incredible to look around the table and know that I wouldn't have to worry about ever seeing them again. But as I took in their expressions of victory, something inside of me broke. The tears came flooding out. I can't believe that this is over—it's finally over.

No more anger.

No more fear.

No more 'what ifs?'.

I can love my husband.

Hades took my hand, "What? What is it?"

"I... I love you all so much. I-I can't believe it's over."

"You are the rightful Queen of this place and have all the rights in the world to be with me," Hades whispered in my ear, echoing Hera's words. "Welcome home."