
Blooming Emotions

"I asked him for it. For the blood, the rust, for the sin. I didn't want the pearls other girls talked about, or the fine marble of palaces, or even the roses in the mouth of servants. I wanted pomegranates-- I wanted darkness I want him. So I grabbed my king and ran away to the land of death, where I reigned, and people whispered that I'd been dragged. I'll tell you I've changed. I'll tell you, the red on my lips isn't wine. I hope you've heard of horns, but that isn't half of it. Out of an entire kingdom, he kneels only to me, calls me Queen, calls me Mercy. Mama, Mama, I hope you get this. Know the bed is warm and our hearts are cold, know never have I been better than when I am here. Do not send flowers, we'll throw in the river. 'Flowers are for the dead' --'least that's what the mortals say. I'll come back when he bores me, but Mama, not today." --Daniella Michallen, "Persephone Speaks." The kidnapping of Persephone retold in which Hades didn't kidnap Persephone, but she fell into the Underworld and became Hades' queen.

Ms_Klarah · Kỳ huyễn
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22 Chs


"Who did this?" I asked, stunned, the next day. Hades' closet that once held only his clothes, now was split in half—one half being his, while the other held various shirts, pants, dresses, skirts, and shoes.

"I did, miss," Sudie small voice came from behind me.

"Are-are all of these clothes mine?"

"Yes, miss."

"Does it look like I have another lady in my life?" Hades teased.

I rolled my eyes at him and ventured into the closet. There was everything from a casual sweater to a stunning evening gown—I don't think I had this many outfits at my place. There was even jewelry!

"Now that you have some proper clothes, we can question Hekate. As much as I love you donning my clothes, I love to admire you in your clothes."

I nodded, ignoring his last statement. "Yeah. But what should I wear?"

He leaned in and put his lips on my ear. "Preferably nothing."

I squeaked, and the blood rushed to my cheeks. "Hades! Sudie is right there!"

"That is why I did not shout it."

"Get out, you jerk!" I shoved him playfully out of the room and closed the door. He laughed before sending Sudie away.

I rifled through the racks before settling on a sweater and some jeans. Hades escorted me outside. Morris—Hades' stallion—stood with a stable boy.

Hades patted the horse's nose before facing me. "Come on, magnolia. I thought that instead of teleporting, we could travel by horseback."

"I don't know how to ride, though."

"I am aware, but I am going to teach you."

I hesitantly stepped forward, still unsure of the demon-horse. "You remember me, right, Morris?"

"Put your left foot in this stirrup," Hades instructed. "Grab the saddle horn and hoist yourself up into the saddle."

I stuck my foot where he told me to and gripped the knob that he called the saddle horn. As I boosted myself up, a hand appeared on my lower back, helping me onto the hard leather. I glanced down to see Hades retract his hand. I blushed as warm tingles shot through me.

In one fluid motion, he swept himself up and straddled the animal behind me. He wrapped his arms around my waist, and I rested against him. "Grab the reins and flick them. I will tell you where to go."

I did as Hades directed, and the animal shot forward. At first, having nothing to keep me from falling, terrified me. But Hades resting his hands over mine in my lap gave me a subtle boost of encouragement. This ride was my first honest view of the Underworld, and it pretty much looked the same—identical green hills and white asphodels.

I didn't see a single person, either.

After a while, I grew to enjoy the rhythmic pounding of the horse's hooves. We headed north, but at a western angle. Nothing surrounded us except green and white—until I spotted a house in the distance. Upon closer inspection, I realized it was a mansion—not a house. Behind the estate, a river flowed.

We slowed from a gallop to a walk. Then we dismounted; Hades stroked Morris' ears and mane. Hades let go of the reins and let them hang there. "Won't Morris leave if you let him roam?" I questioned.

"No, I trained my horses not to move around too much when the reins drag like that."

"That's pretty cool."

He smiled and wrapped an arm around my hips. We knocked on the door, and a woman answered. Her eyes bugged, and she dropped into a curtsy. "Your Majesty, I will fetch my lady immediately. Please, come inside and sit."

The maid—I'm assuming that's who she is—led us inside the mansion. We stopped at a room with a fireplace and armchairs plus a couch facing each other. Hades and I chose the couch. A different maid came in and served us British biscuits.

The door opened for the second time, and the woman from the forest stepped into the parlor. She wore a scarlet tank top with an ebony maxi skirt. "Hades, it has been many years since you visited me here. Of what do I owe the honor?"

"Cut the act, Hekate," Hades responded. "You and I both are aware of the reason. I am not angry in the least, but I do want to know how you are conscious of this woman, and why you took matters into your hands. If Zeus finds Calantha here, his fury will be unmatched."

"Hades, I have no clue what you speak of at the moment. I have never seen your wife before in my numerous years."

I blushed at the wife comment, and Hades narrowed his eyes. "Hekate, it is unwise to lie to me. And she is not my wife yet."

"Hades, I swear to you it is the truth!"

Why would Hekate lie like this? It's not as if we would jail her for it or something. Is there a higher power interfering with her honesty? Are the Fates behind her words?

Hades sighed. "Since you refuse to give up your secrets, Calantha and I shall leave. If you decide to be truthful at any moment, do not hesitate to tell me."

He rose and took my hand, pulling me up with him. "Wait, one minute, Hades," Hekate spoke, stopping us. "I wish to speak with your wife—privately."

What is with these gods and their stubbornness? I am not his wife!

Hades gave her a challenging look. "Oh? And what shall you discuss?"

"Have you never heard the word 'privately?' Don't fret, dear Hades, I won't harm her."

Hades opened his mouth again, but I cut into the conversation, "It's all right. I'm sure we'll be quick."

"Like a wink," she reassured, winking.

Hades scowled, before kissing my cheek and sitting down once more. Hekate beckoned me out of the room. She grabbed my hand and pulled me up a flight of stairs and into another room.

A woman sat at the table, playing cards. She stood and curtsied. "Evening, ma'am."

"Good evening, Dilys."

Hekate threw open a door—her closet. Like mine, she had rows and rows of clothing. But she had many more dresses than me. "I want to befriend Hades' wife—as we will see a lot of each other. As a wedding present to you, you may choose one of my crowns."

"No," I gasped. "I couldn't! Those are yours!"

"Yes, but I am offering you one. I won't let you leave until you select one."

I took a tentative step towards the glittering rack, scanning over the bits of sapphires, rubies, and diamonds. They were all so beautiful; I couldn't choose!

She had ten silver tiaras—all equally stunning. They sat on black velvet stands. Some were a simple design—a center stone with little stones surrounding it—and some were in the shapes of flowers or wreaths. And one even resembled more of a headdress than a crown.

But one caught my eyes. It had sparkling white opals in the shape of asphodels. I carefully lifted it, the metal cold against my fingertips. Its weight surprised me; I feared it would slip right off of my head!

"That's a wonderful piece," Hekate spoke. She turned to the closet entrance. "Dilys, would you get the box for the asphodel crown?"

Hekate's maid appeared a minute later with a black box. Dilys flipped open the top, and I nestled the crown on the soft velvet.

"Will it be okay to bring it back on horseback?" I asked.

"Oh, of course. If you wish, I could lend you my carriage."

I grinned. "That's so cool! I've never been in a carriage; can we use it?"

"Yes. I will gather the carriage and horses. I assume you would like your stallion to return with you?"

"Yes, please."

"Brilliant. Dilys, please show Calantha to where her husband awaits. Oh, and refrain from telling Hades; it is much more fun to see his jaw drop when he sees you wearing it. As a matter of fact, I shall just send it to you."

Hades stood at the fireplace—watching the flames crackle—when I walked into the room. He didn't react, so I assumed he didn't hear me appear. I joined him at the mantle, placing an arm on his back.

He jumped a little. "Oh, hello. You know, magnolia, it is not nice to sneak up on people."

I grimaced. "Sorry, I didn't think that I would startle you. Hekate is preparing us a carriage."

"All right. I hope Hekate included Morris in the group of horses?"


"What did Hekate want with you?"

"Nothing. Hekate mostly said that she wants to be a friend of mine."

"And she had to pull you away from me in order to tell you?"

I shrugged. "Maybe Hekate has a flair for the dramatics."


"Why have you called us here, Hekate?"

"Because, Morpheus, Hades is aware that it was me that let Calantha fall into the Underworld."

"Why didn't you cloak yourself?" Thanatos questioned, his tone rising to anger.

"Because I didn't think she would spot me!"

"Hekate, you—"

Charon cut me off mid-insult, "You better hope Hades drops it because of his bliss."

We all nodded. "Oh, I am. But when Hades interrogated me about it, he didn't threaten me, so I take it he is not pushing as hard as he could."

"Good, maybe Calantha has a positive effect on him."

"I think she does. You should see how Hades looks at her. It's a look that says he would give her his kingdom if she asked. And when I called Calantha his wife, he only corrected me by saying 'yet.'"

"Amazing," Thanatos smiled. "Perhaps I should drop wedding hints."

"Yes, do so. Thank you, Hekate, for reporting—despite your mistake," Hypnos spoke.

"I cannot tell if that is a slight or a compliment."



The next evening, I decided to head through the castle to the library. I quickly learned that I do not remember my way around as much as I thought I did. After walking for five or so minutes, I got myself turned around. Nothing looked familiar, either.

With relief, a maid appeared around the corner. "Excuse me," I called. "Can you tell me how to get to the library?"

She wrinkled her nose in disdain. "Oh, if it isn't the king's whore. No, I will not tell you how to get there, filthy harlot."

I recoiled in shock, my eyes watering. "Wha—?"

"Are you as stupid as you are easy? Get away from me. And stop trying for His Majesty's attention. You are nothing but something for him to use before throwing away."

"Where did you get a mouth like that, Kamryn?" a voice said, walking out from the same bend the maid came from previously—Hades.

Kamryn paled. "Your-Your Majesty, I-I—"

"Save it. I am dismissing you. I will not tolerate your blatant disrespect for Calantha. I expect you to leave by tomorrow evening."

"Y-yes, sir." She scurried off in the opposite direction.

Hades faced me. "Are you okay, magnolia? Those were harsh words."

I sniffed. "I-I didn't think the staff thought of me like that."

He cupped my cheek. "They do not, I assure you. It is only Kamryn. She has tried for many years to get me in her bed. She has become a nuisance, and today she crossed the line."

"Are-are you sure?"

"Positive." He kissed my nose. "Why are you wandering about my palace?"

"I didn't try to do so; I got lost."

"What was your planned destination?"

"The library."

"Well, follow me."

Once in the room filled to the brim with books, he asked a question, "Would you like it if I claimed you as mine to my employees?"

"I would like that very much. But I thought your workers already knew?"

"They make assumptions, but I have not officially proclaimed it."

"Well, go ahead."

"Can I give you a gift?"

"Sure." I wrinkled my eyebrows in confusion. Usually, you don't ask before gifting something to someone.

"Give me your arm." I stuck my arm out, and Hades grasped my elbow. He softly traced a design on my shoulder, and warmth spilled from his fingertips. The heat swathed me from the roots of my hair to my toenails. I shut my eyes, savoring the feeling.

When I opened my eyes once more, a gasp tumbled from my lips. Where Hades touched on my shoulder, a tattoo formed. There was a border of black dots and a solid line in a rhombus shape. Within the rhombus, there was a single asphodel.

"It's stunning," I breathed.

"I gave you a mark declaring you as mine. The asphodel is the symbol of death and the Underworld, as you know. Would you like to see my tattoo?"

I met his gaze, shock once again, sweeping over me. "You have a tattoo?"

"I do. I got it some fifteen years ago—back when Kerberos and I took some time off from the Underworld."

"Yes, I'd love to see it."

Hades turned from me, lifting his shirt. I scanned his back, watching his muscles ripple from his arms going above his head. The tattoo was of a skull lying on a bed of cypress branches. Asphodels and daffodils surrounded the skull.

It was hauntingly beautiful.

Without thinking, I reached out and traced the petals of the asphodels. Hades sucked in a sharp breath, and I realized how inappropriate that action seemed. I snatched my hand back to my chest. "I-I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that—"

Hades slammed his lips onto mine, effectively silencing my apology. He shoved me down against the couch and trapped me there. Goosebumps formed on every inch of skin I had. I ran my hands up and down his chest, trying to memorize every dip and curve. Beneath my fingers, his heart raced.

Hades shifted between my legs, and I wrapped mine around him. Our heavy breathing filled my ears and stoked the building passion. God, it felt so right to kiss this man—like I shouldn't do anything else besides this.

We paused, catching our breaths. Hades rested all of his weight on his elbows that caged me against the cushions. I stared, and Hades stared back at me. He placed another slow, tender kiss on my swollen lips. "Be my wife," he whispered. "Marry me."

"Hades, I—"

He smoothed back my hair. "When Hekate referred to you as my wife, that made me understand how badly I yearn to spend my life with you—to have a future, here, with you. Be my wife."

"I want to, as well—"

"What hinders you, then? What inhibitions do you encounter?" his tone was frustrated, but I knew he didn't point it at me—but at all of the things that went wrong in his life.

"My father will kill you if he finds out about us."

"Do you truly believe that I care about that? I would willingly hand my kingdom over to Zeus if it meant that you would marry me. I do not care."

"You-you would do that for me?" my voice cracked.

"Of course."

I hesitated. No one has ever loved me to the degree that Hades does—not even my mother would say something like that.

"Please... marry me."

I threw caution to the wind.

I defied my mother.

I ignored my father's looming threat.

"I'll marry you."