
Blooming Emotions

"I asked him for it. For the blood, the rust, for the sin. I didn't want the pearls other girls talked about, or the fine marble of palaces, or even the roses in the mouth of servants. I wanted pomegranates-- I wanted darkness I want him. So I grabbed my king and ran away to the land of death, where I reigned, and people whispered that I'd been dragged. I'll tell you I've changed. I'll tell you, the red on my lips isn't wine. I hope you've heard of horns, but that isn't half of it. Out of an entire kingdom, he kneels only to me, calls me Queen, calls me Mercy. Mama, Mama, I hope you get this. Know the bed is warm and our hearts are cold, know never have I been better than when I am here. Do not send flowers, we'll throw in the river. 'Flowers are for the dead' --'least that's what the mortals say. I'll come back when he bores me, but Mama, not today." --Daniella Michallen, "Persephone Speaks." The kidnapping of Persephone retold in which Hades didn't kidnap Persephone, but she fell into the Underworld and became Hades' queen.

Ms_Klarah · Kỳ huyễn
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22 Chs


As Aidon drove me home, I couldn't keep the smile off of my face—every time I forced my lips into a neutral position, a minute later, the smile came back. Every extremity of me was giddy. Halfway through the drive, Aidon reached over and clasped my hand that I rested on my thigh. It was such a simple gesture, but it meant the world to me.

But the exhilaration instantly died the moment my house came into view. My mother stood in my driveway with a livid expression and crossed arms.

"Oh, shit," Aidon muttered.

"You took the words out of my mouth," I responded, my eyes never leaving my mother.

After we got out of the car, my mother marched over. I, instinctively, stepped closer to Aidon. He wrapped an arm around me in reply. "Calantha, where did I go wrong?" she shrieked. "I tried so hard to raise you always to follow the rules and always to listen, but I see that my lessons did not affect you!

"Do you see how ungrateful you are being? I provided you with a nice childhood and worked my butt off to give you all the necessities: a roof over your head, food, clean clothes—and this is how you repay me? I can't believe it!"

Every word that flew out of my mother's mouth felt like white-hot venom. I hung my head in shame. She's right; my mother slaved night and day to grant me a happy childhood—she even bought a house for me—and I went behind her back and did the one thing she told me not to.

"I'm sorry," my voice cracked, and the tears threatened to fall.

"You're sorry? Well, I am, too! You are no longer permitted to see this man!" she huffed and stomped into her house.

I watched her depart then turned to Aidon. "I think it's time we stopped seeing each other," I whispered, not holding faith in my voice to function correctly.


"Please, Aidon. Just go."

He opened his mouth to say more but closed it in defeat. He finally nodded and took a step closer, placing a chaste kiss on my forehead. "I shall leave, but know, this is not me surrendering."

As he got back into his car, every fiber in me screamed at me to call him back, to go and apologize.

But I didn't.

As I climbed the stairs to my room, I couldn't breathe. My throat closed, and my heart beat like I just finished a marathon. I quickly shut my door and rushed to my bathroom, barely making it to the toilet to purge the remnants of tonight's perfect meal. After I couldn't vomit anymore, I leaned back as the tears ran down my cheeks and chin.

Why is my life like this? Why must I suffer every day?

When my tears ceased, I brushed my teeth, eager to get the revolting taste of bile out of my mouth. I stared into the mirror after spitting out the minty substance. A girl with clammy, ashen skin stared back. The happiness and animation from the past few days vanished, leaving her green eyes void of emotion and hallow. She looked like a ghost.

Is this girl me?

What have I become? I start dating one guy, and when it ends, I freak out. How pathetic am I?


I woke up on the cold, tile floor of my bathroom—my phone in my pocket was buzzing. A lump grew at the memory of the last time of this happening. It was my boss again. "Hello?" I answered, my voice hoarse and painful in my throat. This time, I didn't have to fake it.

"Oh, darlin', you sound worse than yestaday."

"I know. I'm sorry. It must be the forty-eight-hour flu."

"Oh, darlin' don't worry a thing about takin' days off, okay? You're my best employee, so take as many days as you need."

"Thank you, Blodwen."

"Of course, darlin'." Lying to her caused a ripple of guilt to run through me, but I couldn't face the world yet.

I changed out of my dress from last night. I tried flattening the wrinkles with my palm, but I got nowhere. I guess that's my comeuppance for sleeping in it. I put on a t-shirt and shorts and rubbed the back of my neck. A crick formed there from sleeping in such an awkward position. Then I smelled it—eggs. Did someone break into my house just to make breakfast? I grabbed the small knife I keep in my dresser—for instances like these—and crept downstairs.

The perpetrator stood in my kitchen, frying something. Wait a minute, is that... Aidon? I recognized the dark hair and his broad shoulders. I never realized how muscular his back is. No! Snap out of it! He is off-limits!

"Aidon?" I questioned, stepping into the kitchen. I folded up the knife and placed it in my pocket.

He faced me and grinned. A pang shot through my heart. "Hello, magnolia."

"What-what are you doing here?"

"I made you breakfast." He held up the pan; a vegetable omelet sizzled inside it.

"I-I thought I told you we were over." I held back the flinch as the words came out of my mouth.

"I am aware of that, magnolia. And I told you I would not be relenting as well. Drop it for a moment, magnolia. Come and eat."

I almost objected, but my stomach answered for me. I sat down at my island, and he situated the plate in front of me. "Thank you."

"Of course." He ran his knuckles up my neck as he walked around my stool. Sparks of pleasure jolted everywhere from his touch, and I repressed a shiver.

The thought of him never being able to touch me ever again had me promptly bursting into tears. I dropped the fork with a clatter as the sobs erupted from me.

"Magnolia? What is it?" The panic in his voice only caused me to cry harder. What is with me? Why am I such a wimp?

Aidon pulled me into his arms and propped me against his chest—something I did for him not too long ago. He rocked me back and forth with a tender gentleness—all while softly whispering that everything will be okay.

When my sobs turned to sniffles, Aidon tried it again. "What is it, magnolia?"

"It's just... it's that..." I trailed off, struggling to find a way to say it. "I want to be with you so, so much. But my mother... you heard what she said yesterday. I'm so ungrateful towards her and—"

"Magnolia," he interrupted me in a quiet tone. "Your mother is playing the guilt card. She detests the idea of you growing up and leaving, so she keeps you under her thumb. You need to grow out of your shell."

"But she'll be angry—"

"Magnolia, if I can promise to have your mother bless the relationship, then will you agree?"

I nodded. "Yes."

Aidon bent down and coaxed my lips into a slow and sweet kiss. He threaded his fingers into my hair, sending goosebumps throughout my body. He broke away. "Consider it done."

He got up and left, rendering me to wonder what he is going to say. No guy has ever broken the 'no dating' rule. I glanced down at the forgotten omelet and started eating it. Although some spots were cold, it was still tasty.


I headed over to Demeter's house in a rage. How dare she make Calantha believe she is a horrible daughter? It wasn't until I noticed the grass beneath my feet start to wilt, did I calm down. If I keep up my wrath, a mortal might witness.

I found Demeter sitting on her couch, reading some gardening magazine. "How dare you?" I seethed. "How dare you say such vile things to Calantha?"

She frowned. "Are you her mother? I don't think so. You have no right to chastise me over my parenting skills when you have none yourself."

"I may not be her mother, but you undoubtedly are not, either."

She gasped. "Get out, Hades! You are not welcome here or near my daughter ever again!"

"Sister, do you hear yourself? Calantha is not a toddler in which you need to help her walk; she is a grown woman who is utterly capable of taking care of herself! You need not coddle her anymore."

"You cannot tell me what to do, Hades. I will not listen, nor do I need to. Refrain from seeing my daughter, or I will get Zeus involved."

I sneered at her childishness. "Oh, running to brother, are we?"

"Leave at once, Hades! I am serious; I will call him!"

"I cannot fathom what you have become, Demeter. I knew you were selfish and vain, but this is different. You cannot guard her forever."


"What about when Calantha starts realizing that she never ages, hmm? Will you reveal her to the world of gods, or will you "protect" her further? Or if she sustains a life-threatening injury and comes out with but a scratch? What about then?" She opened her mouth, but no words came out. "Exactly—you say you shield her, but all you do is keep her in the dark. You may be her mother, but I am the one to give her love."

With that, I stormed out of her house and over to mine.

Later that day, I knew Calantha wanted me to report back, but I did not want her to see that I failed. My tactic before was to shame Demeter into yielding, but that backfired. I shall have to try another route. I am not giving in. I told Calantha of my failures. She was dejected, but I hurriedly assured her that it would not be the end of this endeavor.

For the next fortnight, I persistently bombarded Demeter to let me date Calantha, but; somewhere in the years we spent apart, she gained a backbone and refused. But I did not back down from taking Calantha places: dinners at luxurious restaurants, walks along with picnics in her favorite park, lounging around in her free time—watching movies or merely not doing anything at all. I even visited her at her work.

I both loved and hated how beautiful and radiant Calantha was. She lit up my world, and everything around it—Kerberos loves her almost as much as I do—but I loathed the glances men shot her when they knew she was not aware. I scolded myself often on how possessive I grew. I need to halt that thinking before Calantha gets cross with me. She is allowed to be independent. Although she and I are together, she is not a thing to own.

Precisely fifteen days after I started my quest for Demeter's blessing, I invited Calantha to go to a stargazing picnic with me. She readily agreed and kissed me. I warmed all over, glad to have made her joyful. Our date items, I had already placed in the trunk of my car. I led her to it.

Once I drove to the spot that I picked out previously, I draped out the blanket over the ground and welcomed Calantha to join me on it. For the next few minutes, we ate the food I bought: grapes, fudge, popcorn, and various candies. She looked dazzling in the low lighting of lanterns. The desire for her to be my wife increased tenfold, and I restrained myself from leaping over the blanket and kissing her ceaselessly. I have known her but a month, and I never wish for something to separate us. Oh, the effect she has on me!

"What are you staring at?" her sweet voice brought me out of my daze.

"Something incredibly stunning," I responded with a smile.

She frowned in confusion and turned around. "What? I don't see anything—"

I gently pushed her over and crawled over her. Her eyes lit up with surprise, and I hastily captured her mouth with mine. Her sweet, floral scent infiltrated my nose. Then I left her lips and trailed kisses down her throat and neck, heat pulsing between us. I stopped at her collarbone, mindful that she is not prepared for anything farther.

When I paused, a pretty blush crept onto her cheeks, and a dazed look settled in her emerald irises. "You are the stunning thing, magnolia," I murmured.

Her blush deepened, and I laughed softly. I climbed off of her, allowing her to catch her breath. Then I laid down and nestled her between my legs with her head on my chest. She and I stared up at the stars for a couple of minutes in silence—for we both were merely enjoying one another's presence.

"I'm afraid," she suddenly admitted.

"Of me?" Has Demeter told her who I am in order to deter her from me?

"No! Never! I'm scared that my mother will separate us somehow."

"Well, you could always... leave with me."

She froze. "What?"

"We could run away—you know, hop in my car and never return."

"No-no. I could never do that. I could never..." It seemed more like she was trying to convince herself more than satisfy me.

"Magnolia, it is an idea. We do not have to do it."

She nodded. "R-right, yeah."

I ran my hand up and down her bare arms, bringing my lips so that they almost touched her ear. "But know this," I whispered. "I will wait millennia for you if something does come between us. I promise."

She pecked my jaw. "Thank you."

It was then that I was sure of it—I loved her.

I do not know how I could not see it before, but this girl had me head over heels in love with her. I just wish it could have lasted longer.


The one thing I love about Aidon is his persistence. Yes, I'll admit it. I love Aidon.

I love Aidon.

I had a suspicion after a lovely dinner date that the feeling I had was love, but I didn't honestly come to terms with it until Aidon defended me from a man's harassment. We walked by a man, and the man grabbed my butt. Aidon noticed my discomfort immediately and promptly punched him in the nose.

I love Aidon.

I also love how he picks up on things about me without me telling him: not to mess with my garden; that I'm not ready for anything more than kissing, and that I am new to most things involving dating. I am in complete bliss when I am with him; the world I live in doesn't exist when he's by my side. Spot is also an added perk.

When Aidon invited me to have a midnight picnic with him, I eagerly agreed. Laying there, gazing up at the stars, I couldn't help but blurt out my insecurities to him: "I'm afraid."

"Of me?" Why would I be fearful of him?

"No! Never! I'm scared that my mother will separate us somehow."

"Well, you could always... leave with me."

...Leave with him? I couldn't do that. Right? Maybe I misheard. "What?"

"We could run away—you know, hop in my car and never return."

"No-no. I could never do that. I could never..." I could never be away from my mother—she would most likely have a heart attack.

"Magnolia, it is an idea. We do not have to do it."

"R-right, yeah." Duh, I knew that.

He traced up and down my forearms, prompting goosebumps. His warm breath stirred the strands of my hair near my ear, and I repressed a shiver. "But know this: I will wait millennia for you if something does come between us. I promise."

I turned my head and placed a short kiss on his jaw. I smiled—his stubble tickles. "Thank you."

"Of course, magnolia. Anything for you."

"Anything? You'd even give up Spot?"

He tightened his hold around my waist—I assume that's supposed to be a hug. "Well, magnolia; now that I ponder it, I would not give you everything."

"Wow. I can't believe you would lie to me." He pinched my side in response. "Hey!"

He laughed. "You asked for it, magnolia."