
Blooming Emotions

"I asked him for it. For the blood, the rust, for the sin. I didn't want the pearls other girls talked about, or the fine marble of palaces, or even the roses in the mouth of servants. I wanted pomegranates-- I wanted darkness I want him. So I grabbed my king and ran away to the land of death, where I reigned, and people whispered that I'd been dragged. I'll tell you I've changed. I'll tell you, the red on my lips isn't wine. I hope you've heard of horns, but that isn't half of it. Out of an entire kingdom, he kneels only to me, calls me Queen, calls me Mercy. Mama, Mama, I hope you get this. Know the bed is warm and our hearts are cold, know never have I been better than when I am here. Do not send flowers, we'll throw in the river. 'Flowers are for the dead' --'least that's what the mortals say. I'll come back when he bores me, but Mama, not today." --Daniella Michallen, "Persephone Speaks." The kidnapping of Persephone retold in which Hades didn't kidnap Persephone, but she fell into the Underworld and became Hades' queen.

Ms_Klarah · Kỳ huyễn
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22 Chs


~Two Years Later

I love waking up in the middle of the night to my husband's arms around me. I love feeling the passion, the craving, as we kiss. I love having my husband run his fingers through my hair. I love making him coffee, breakfast, and even simple things like a sandwich.

I love that he loves me.

A pair of lips found my neck, pecking down it. I opened my eyes with a smile to see Hades' arctic-blue eyes. "My wife? Are you awake?"

I found his hips under the blanket and brought them to me. I wrapped my legs around his torso. "I am now."

My hands traced his chest—his shoulders and stomach—before heading lower. He laughed lowly, catching my hands. Hades interlocked our fingers. I let out a sound of disappointment.

"As much as I would love for you to continue," he murmured, "we have breakfast with Hekate, Charon, and Thanatos."

"Hmm. We'll make it a brunch then."

Hades laughed once more as I tried to free my hands. "That would be very un-queenly-like of you to make them wait."

I gave a theatrical sigh. "Fine."

He planted a kiss on my forehead. "Σε αγαπώ. Do you want me to run you a bath, magnolia?"

I gasped. "Oh! I would love that."

I hugged Hekate as we opened the doors to the Private Dining Room. "How have you been?" she whispered. "What is the big news for tonight?"

"What do you mean?" I tried to keep my voice as natural as possible.

"Why else would you throw a ball if there isn't any news?"

I laughed. "Hekate, it is the autumn equinox. It's when I fell into the Underworld via you three years ago. I have no news."

She narrowed her eyes in accusation, but I could see the humor behind it. "If you say so."

We all sat down to eat. A servant stepped forward—an envelope on a tray in her hand. Hades' expression turned darker as he read the sender. "Who does he think he is?" Hades said, his voice low and furious.

I put a hand on his arm. "Hades? Who is it?"

"My nephew, Hermes."

Hekate, beside me, gasped. "Where did he get the courage to do that?"

I squinted at the letter. "Hades, it's addressed to me. Let me read it."



"Oh, all right. But if it's a threat—"

"I'm sure that it's not."

Hades reluctantly handed over the letter. I broke the cherry-red wax seal. My eyes widened as I realized that it was not Hermes who sent it—but Sudie. "What does it say?" Hades demanded.

"It-it's not from Hermes," I said, looking up. "It's from Sudie."

"Your old lady's maid?" Thanatos asked.

"Yes. She-she apologizes for everything. Sudie claims she did it without ill-intent. It turns out someone had been slipping her love potions—to make it so that Sudie would follow Hermes through anything. Hermes convinced her that they were doing it for my mother's sake. Sudie says that she finally realized what was happening and left."

"Then why is it addressed from Hermes' manor?"

I kept reading. "Sudie says that she is to send the letter and flee. Artemis offered her shelter... now that she is pregnant."

"Oh, poor thing," Hekate muttered.

I sat back in my chair. Wow.

"What a wild breakfast, hmm?" Hekate asked as we walked back to my bedroom.

"Yes. I never expected to see or hear from Sudie ever again." I pushed open my bedroom door.

"Now, will you show me your dress for tonight?"

I gave her a grin. "Of course. How are you supposed to help me into it if you can't see it? But not just yet. I don't need to get ready for at least a few hours."

She rolled her eyes. "Fine, either show me the dress or spill your secret."

"Hekate, there is no secret."


How can she see right through me?

Finally, it was time for the ball. With much enthusiasm from Hekate, I brought out the garment bag. It was the color of red wine. The skirt had a layer of red lace over the satin. I believe it's called an over-the-shoulder neckline.

"Wow," Hekate breathed. "Your seamstresses outdid themselves. That gown is stunning."

"Now, show me yours."

Hekate unzipped the bag, revealing a navy-blue dress. It was strapless and made of flowing taffeta. It represented Hekate in a way—mysterious yet elegant.

"Which crown are you going to wear with it?"

"My magnolia crown." I unclasped the necklace that I wore.

That crown is in the shape of magnolias. It has a pink tourmaline flower in the middle with two opal flowers on its flank. It was a gift from Hades to me for our First Anniversary.

"Oh, I love that crown. Why are you removing your necklace?"

"I already have enough jewelry without it." I took the rose brooch that Hades gave me some two and a half years ago and pinned it to a scarlet ribbon. Now it was a bracelet.

"Oh. Are you excited to hold the ball in Olympus?"

Hera was the one to extend the olive branch. She and I remained on friendly terms, but her husband—not so much. Hera suggested holding this ball as a way to help mend the hostility between us—0r, at least nudge it in the right direction.

"I'm a bit nervous, actually. I've never been there."

"I went once, but that was three and a half millennia ago. It was because of the Titan War, and Zeus rewarded me for my involvement."

Hades waited for Hekate and me in the hall. He wore my favorite crown of his. It was in the shape of cypress branches with diamonds and onyx gems decorating it.

Hades stepped forward, laying his hands on my biceps. "My wife," he murmured, "I have never seen a thing more graceful and magnificent than you."

I blushed as his love washed over me. Nothing in the world could beat this feeling of happiness and security.

"I love you, too, Hades," Hekate said with a wink, sarcasm dripping from her tone.

He brushed off her flirt with an eye-roll. Behind Hades, Thanatos stood. "Wow, Thanatos," I said, moving toward him. "You let your wings out—you mean business."

Thanatos embraced me with a laugh, his silky, coal-dark feathers brushing my back. "A ball to celebrate my King and Queen—of course, I am bringing them out. And who doesn't love a little intimidation?"

"Thanatos, don't scare them too much—I want a bit of peace and friendly relations."

"Okay, fine. I'll leave the scythe here."

Everything in Olympus is so... bright. Everything is so shiny and inviting. Whites and golds surround me with the smell of flowers in the air. Everywhere I looked, a beautiful person stared. I believe Hades told me nymphs also live here.

Hera greeted us as we approached the palace. She wore a beautiful gold and ivory dress. She softly kissed my cheek. "My dear, Calantha. I am so glad that you all could come."

And I am so glad that your husband isn't present to greet us.

Hekate looked like she wanted to remind her that this was my ball. I shot her a look, telling her to hold her tongue.

"You all look exceedingly regal," Hera continued. She kissed Hades on the cheek. "Hades, we haven't spoken in a long time."

The ballroom was a flurry of gold, ivory, and white and black marble. Orchestral music swirled around me. Above my head, a brilliant chandelier shimmered. It cast twinkling lights against the grand walls. Everything was so royal and majestic.

There were people spread throughout the room—I recognized a few gods. They turned their attention to us. Their jewels and flowing gowns made me feel underdressed by a mile. I spotted my father in the back of the room, watching me. As soon as our eyes locked, his darted away. Sigh.

Someone took my arm. I glanced over to see Hades smiling down on me. "Come. I want you to meet my other brother, Poseidon."

Hades steered me to a vaguely familiar man. He was one of the men that came to take me away the first time. "Are you sure?" I whispered. "Wasn't Poseidon one of the men on Zeus' first rescue mission?"

"Yes, but Zeus is a notorious liar. He told everyone that I kidnapped you—therefore, igniting false anger in everybody."

Poseidon wore a silver crown with loops and curves resembling waves. In the middle of the waves were sapphires. Poseidon had deep, teal eyes with jet-black hair. His skin was the color of burnt umber.

"Poseidon," Hades greeted.

"Hades," Poseidon said, beaming. He turned to me. "Calantha, you look as radiant as ever."

"Thank you."

"My wife is around here somewhere..." he beckoned someone behind me to come closer.

A woman appeared. She had obsidian-black hair, pine-colored eyes, and olive skin. Combs of both salt and freshwater pearls gathered up her dark tresses. She wore a stunning cerulean and silver dress. Small pearls decorated the collar.

I recognized the eyes that Poseidon gave the woman. "Hades, Calantha, this is my wife, Amphitrite."

"It's wonderful to meet you," she said with a small curtsy. Her voice was raspy and low—like the salt of the ocean scratched it.

"And you, as well."

Hekate came up to me. "Calantha, your mother is here."

"Take me to her."

I promised to be back in a minute before departing with Hekate. My mother wore a ballgown the color of shortbread. She wore no jewelry except for a gold clip in her hair. Although, I am no stranger to her simple and straightforward views.

"Calantha," she cried, spotting me.

I hugged my mother, the faint smell of apples swirling around her. "Hi, mom. How are you doing?"

"I am lovely. I count down the days until I can see you again."

I made a deal with my mother: I would visit her one week out of the month, each month. That way, she doesn't view it as Hades ripped me away from her.

"Yes. I will visit in two weeks."

"How have you been?"

I searched my surroundings for eavesdroppers. I leaned in close, my excitement building. "I have good news—"

"Demeter, Calantha," a voice said. I turned and noticed a woman that I didn't recognize moving toward us.

"Artemis," my mother said with a small head bow.

The woman had ebony black hair with eyes to match. The only exception to her black iris was a ring of silver around her pupils. Her dress was dark indigo. A layer over the skirt shimmered with tiny crystals—stars. A crescent moon diadem shined from her hair.

Artemis took my hands into hers. "I have a message from Sudie. She told me that you would recognize that name."

I nodded. "I do. Sudie was a maid of mine in the past. What is the message?"

"Sudie wants you to know she names the baby after you. Before the person slipped her the potion, you were her only faithful and constant friend; she is extremely grateful for your kindness. She is naming the baby, Diantha."

"Divine flower," I breathed.

I have never had someone name their baby after me. I don't know what to do.

I squeezed Artemis' hands. "Tell her that I love her, and I forgive her for every wrongdoing."

"I will."

Before I could continue the conversation with my mother, Hades gestured me over with his hand. He put his lips to my ear. "I want to do it now."

"Are you sure? We planned to do it at the end of the night."

"I am entirely sure. I cannot wait a single moment more."

I grinned up at him. "Okay. Let's do it."

Hades guided me into the middle of the ballroom. He grabbed a champagne flute and tapped it. I listened as the chatter and music died down around us. "Calantha and I have something to admit. Not only is this ball to celebrate an anniversary, but there is something else."

Hekate shot me a glare.

Hades pulled me in for a kiss. I met the crowd of faces—some as familiar as waking up next to Hades, and some as unknown as me flying. And one, I have come to love more than anything in the world.

Love is a beautiful entity—one that I am glad to experience.

I put a hand on my stomach. "I am pregnant."