
Bloody Queen

Luna thought she was normal. Nothing was special about her. That is, until her everyday tormentor abducts her and tries to claim the power, that even she didn't know she had. Now comes the unraveling of everything Luna thought she knew, as she involuntarily steps into a world of wolves and war. In a world where she is now the bloody queen. Hello! Ok that's the gist of it really. I hope you all like it, because I'm planning on writing more than 1 part for this. So, I encourage you all to please PLEASE leave comments telling me how I'm doing. I'll try to update every 3 days so the story doesn't get dry.

Ashley_McKnight · Kỳ huyễn
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4 Chs

Death by Submission

At that point it was like an out of body experience. I could feel a smile stretch on my face as words, that I never thought I would speak, poured out my mouth. "I would be more than happy to help you, my love." He grinned seeing that his trick worked. With a twist of a finger he pulled the chain apart, breaking the entrapment. I stood up and looked into his eyes lovingly, even though a small part of me was feeling disgusted on the inside. "When do we start?" I said sweetly as I wrapped my arms around his neck. Before he could utter a word from his wicked mouth, a voice from the doorway shouted, "WAIT JUST A FUCKING MINUTE." Nate and I turn to see a very furious looking girl in a miniskirt. "Stacy," Nate turned to the girl with a look of intrigue in his eyes, "I thought you were gonna wait for me." Stacy sneered at him before turning her heated glare to me, "Did you actually think I was going to leave you with this slut?!" I stared at her, emotionless for a moment, before turning to Nate and holding him around his waist and looking at him from under my lashes. "She's bothering me," I said with a small pout. "Make her leave." I heard a growl from behind me and turned just in time, to see Stacy's eyes turn blood red. Then I noticed her teeth and my eyes widened in horror. Her canines were getting longer and sharper, but what she said next was what really frightened me. "You think you're the only one with special blood? Well then I guess I deserve a taste!" She lunged at me, and was a hairs length away when The force of Nate's fist slammed her into the wall next to us. "You will not touch her!" He growled, as his eyes too turned a dark shade of red. Suddenly it was like all of my strength and consciousness came back to me all at once. I stumbled back against the bed post, trembling at the thought that I'd been held captive in such a way. "Darling, it's ok" he said as he reached out for me. "She won't touch you-" I slapped his hands away from me with a disgusted look. It was only when I raised my head to look at him in horror, did he realize what was going on. Nate's spell was broken, and he was not happy about that. His worry quickly turned into anger and he pulled me by my wrists towards him to look into my eyes. "How?" he said in a deep, almost growling tone, "how did you break my curse?!" This was it. I was going to die.

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