
Queen of Hearts Part 2

In a lapse of judgement Hisoka tried to jump over the net, only for his left foot to be cut off by the wire's sudden upwards movement.

"Awww, did somebody get hurt? Would they like a little kiss where it hurts?" Asked Bloody Mary while laughing hysterically.

She received her answer in the form of a tree branch being flung at her, breaking two of her ribs in the process. She jumped towards Hisoka with her makeshift knife aimed at Hisoka's neck, only for him to rip it out of her hand with a pink string-like nen protruding from his finger tip, and grab her neck with his other hand.

"This match was... very interesting little girl, but I am afraid I'll have to end it here as the examiner should already be approaching the second phase. And so I must bid you adieu." Hisoka had believed that his victory was assured as he had grabbed Bloody Mary's neck and began applying pressure to it.

"Snap" sounded Bloody Mary's neck as she gave him a gentle smile filled with rage. As more and more pressure was applied to her neck, Bloody Mary had begun to focus all of her remaining nen on her neck. And with this. Hisoka's right hand was pierced by a knife.

Earlier, when Bloody Mary had placed something in her mouth, it was the blade Leorio's knife she had placed in, and through the use of nen, she positioned the blade just over the opening to her throat made by the weapon she had thrown earlier.

Hisoka began talking with a look of happiness in his eyes. "Oh? So you still had one trick left? I commend you for your efforts, however it's still not enough. Perhaps if you had had more time and training you may have beaten me, but no matter. This is fare-" Before he could finish he was cut off by a bobber hitting his cheek.

"Mary!!!" Sounded a young voice.

[I knew it, no way he could just abandon his friends with the smell of my blood in the air.] thought Bloody Mary.

[H-He's here! Please swap back with me! He can't see me like this sister!] Mary begged to Bloody Mary.

[That was not our agreement, because this fight isn't over, not with your little friend here now.]

Gon had used his fishing rod to strike Hisoka's face as he followed up by kicking him in the stomach. In turn Hisoka grabbed Gon's neck as well.

"A friend huh? Well you seem to have some talent, boy. How about this? In exchange for two of your friend's lives you'll have to fight me after the exam."

"Two?" Asked Gon with confusion and a look of despair in his eyes.

Hisoka motioned over to Leorio and Kurapika who had begun to open their eyes once again.

"Swap." Sounded a barely audible voice.

The two turned to look at the girl who was dangling by her neck in Hisoka's hand.

With tears forming in her eyes Mary, with her platinum hair and blue eyes looked at Gon. "Gon, choose Kurapika and Leorio... A-after all, I'm already dead. I died a long time ago and that's why I look the way I do, I'm sorry I didn't tell any of you sooner, A-all I wanted was to be able to make some new friends." Mary cried as her voice broke with those final words.

"Mary." Whispered Gon, unable to control his own tears as they streamed down his face, wishing he could comfort his friend. "Don't give up Mary! I swear we'll all get out of this!" He yelled.

"Soon." Hisoka said as he dropped them both on the floor. "Make sure to train so we can have an entertaining time after the exam." He then turned to Kurapika and Leorio, picked them up along with his left foot and began running towards the second phase of the exam.

"Why did you come back for us? Gon?" Mary asked with a hoarse voice.

"Because you all are my friends." Responded Gon with a smile. "Now let's go!"

"Yeah let's go!" Mary smiled in response as she stood up, and collapsed, fainting in the process due to physical and mental exhaustion.

Gon shook his head slightly, picked up the still bleeding Mary, and ran after Killua's scent.


Inside Mary's mind.

In an area with waterfalls that ran red, littered with corpses strewn about and disfigured in horrendous ways, stood a lone girl, twirling a knife in her hand.

"You know, sister. I wasn't quite finished with my fun, Although it wasn't much fun in general. He was far too strong for even me. It was extremely frustrating, he ignored my insults and distractions. Not even really giving me the chance to immobilize him and truly begin my games." She turned around, facing a beautiful meadow with another little girl sitting with a golden stuffed animal. "I'll be real with you, even though I hate you with every fiber of my being. I'll give you some advice, you have no chance against that clown, if anything he'll destroy you faster than I've destroyed the lives of others. For the sake of myself, get stronger since you won't give me that chance." She the turned back towards her world of red, and walked through one of the waterfalls of blood, disappearing under them. [Remember, I'll eventually have my fun with them!] She laughed with a smile full of dagger-like teeth.

"I-I know I need to get stronger, but I won't do it for you, I'll do it for them." Replied the other little girl who also turned and walked away to her world of flowers and life. "Just because you once controlled my heart and body with your soul, doesn't mean it'll happen again, sister. On behalf of Gon, Kurapika, Leorio, and Killua I swear I'll defeat you."


"But how can we still be friends when she tried to kill us!" Yelled Leorio.

"I agree." Said Kurapika.

"She was dangerous from the very beginning." Killua chimed in.

"Quiet! What about all the times she helped us! Doesn't that mean anything to you all? Look at her! Look how badly shaped her body is now! Please..." Cried Gon.

"Gon..." said Kurapika.

"Fine, but when she wakes up she better give us an explanation." Said Leorio.

"G-Guys?" Muttered Mary still sleepily. "What's going on?"

This chapter was mainly to finish up the fight and give more insight as to how the characters think of each other when not impacted by their emotions and goals to their fullest extent. As always let me know as to how I can improve this chapter and future ones, as well as any mistakes I may have made.

A_Random_Personcreators' thoughts