

SYNOPSIS     ~~~~~~~~~~~ At the very early age of 21, what will you do with your life when you found out you are terminal ill, and have only 5 months to live.. Will you choose to give up on the life or will you choose to create some meaningful memories with the little time you have.. This is exactly what is going in Amberley life, a young girl who was diagnosed of been terminal ill and had only 5 months to live.. Her life became dark the moments she knew, her parents who had only her as their child feel completely down... She had a brain Tumor which is very dangerous to do surgery for... She might ended up not walk up again after the surgery.. The survival rate of the surgery was on 5.6%. Which is coming hopeless.. But Amberley chose to be a fighter, still having a little time to live with her parents, she decides to found love, she's just 21, even if it just for 5 months.. She wanted to live in someone heart.. At that very moment, she came across a man who had lived for centuries, a man whose identity is far from been human... But living as a human.. He appeared to be the only son of a rich family whose family want him to get married by force.. As the richest family in the kingdom of Imperil.. They sent out a invitation to invite all young ladies who is interested in getting marry to Ryan Velveeta.. With no interest in getting married, just want to satisfy his silly human parents desire, Ryan chose the girl who seem to be the most beautiful one among the girls that was presents.. And they fate got entangled...

Crescent10 · Kỳ huyễn
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45 Chs

VOL 2 EPISODES 31 & 32

After the wedding in the church, everyone then went to Reghar mansion, to celebrate the wedding in the ballroom.

 Kimberly was dancing with Mazdean. When she was done dancing, she decided to visit the powder room accompanied by maids behind her. On her way, she met the guests who congratulated and bowed their heads at her. When she reached the room, the smile dropped, and she realized how tiring it was to keep smiling. 

After sharing their vows, Kimberly had changed herself into a sunny coloured gown that was not heavy like the wedding gown. She had let down most of her hair, that now cascaded down her back. Taking a towel that was kept folded nearby, she dabbed it against her temples. 

"Congratulations on getting married, my lady ," Kimberly turned around to see it was Mila who entered the powder room. The maids stood outside as if on standby if Kimberly would need something. 

She smiled and happy went out of the powder room with Mila. 

Kimberly wasn't familiar with a lot of guests who had shown up today to attend the wedding. Before she could reach the ballroom, she saw the priest step out of the room. with a polite smile on his face. 

Later after the ballroom party, Kimberly was taken to her room to get ready for the wedding night..

Biting her bottom lip, Kimberly made her way to Mazdean's room, that is now hers too. On her way, she couldn't help but feel nervous at the thought of how the night might transpire.

With the snow that covered the grounds of the mansion. Kimberly walked in the quiet corridor, and when air blew in her direction, she tucked the piece of her hair behind her ear. Away from the guest's presence and intruding eyes, she could hear her heart beat against her chest. Reaching the room that was previously just Mazdean's, and now also hers, Kimberly stood in front of the closed doors. She wondered if he was inside or he was still in the guest's company who were staying back in the mansion. 

Slightly nervous, she took more seconds than she had intended to, and before she could push it, the door opened. She met Mazdean standing in front of her. Gone was the neatly combed hair, replaced to his tousled hair that looked slightly wet as if he had taken a bath. He had even changed his wedding clothes to a black silk robe that was long and had long sleeves. The robe was tied with a lace belt around his waist and because of the V shape of the robe at the front, she could see his smooth chest. 

"Planning to stay outside?" asked Mazdean, his expression serious, and it only made her heart stutter. Kimberly shook her head, and when he moved to the side, giving her way, she stepped inside the room. 

When she heard the door close, Kimberly didn't turn to look, and instead, she took three more steps into the room. 

With the coat gone, Madeline rubbed her hands together. She turned to see Mazdean go to the stand and hang the coat there. Even though the fireplace in the room was emitting enough warmth, she felt her nerves wreck with just a single gaze of his when he looked at her. 

 Unable to hold her gaze for too long as Mazdean looked seductive, she broke her gaze away from him. 

When Mazdean started to walk back to her, his feet quiet against the room's floor, Kimberly looked at the bath that wasn't far away and asked, "I should go take a bath," her voice quivered at the end. She knew the inevitable was going to happen, but then, why did it feel like everything was happening for the first time? 

When she took a glance at Mazdean , he had already reached where she stood, "Unless you rolled in mud which I doubt you did, I don't know why you would want to dip in cold water at this hour of the night." 

Kimberly closed her eyes when Mazdean brought his hand up to caress her cheek. Mazdean said, "Don't make me wait longer. I have reached my limit." 

Hearing the words from Mazdean, Kimberly's heart started to beat faster in her chest. She stood in her place like a prisoner who had been captivated by him, and he had conquered her today with the little gestures that he had been thoughtful about. 

The windows of the room were closed, and the door had been locked, leaving both of them alone in each other's company. 

She saw Mazdean take a step forward to come and stand right in front of her, she welcomed Mazdean's presence without any resistance. It was strange how things had changed so much in four months.

He caught hold of her chin, tilting it so that he could look into her brown eyes that looked slightly dilated. Mazdean could tell that Kimberly was feeling the sexual tension between them, and it was one of the reasons why her heart was pounding. But he wanted to hear it from her. 

"My sweet puppy," he whispered in a way that tightened Kimberly's chest. His thumb slowly brushed across her pale smooth skin, caressing it, "Tell me this is what you want. That you have been anticipating it as much as I have for the last couple of days," his eyes trailed from where he held her chin before moving back up to her eyes. 

And when Kimberly parted those delicate lips of hers to speak, Mazdean's gaze on her hardened. He was holding back the urge of dragging her to the bed and breaking the bed right away. He wanted everything they shared between them to be memorable, and just for her, he was willing to take it slow in the beginning. It was only in the beginning, and he knew she would crave for it more later. 

"Will it be painful?" came the innocent question from Kimberly, and a faint smile appeared on his lips. 

He shook his head gently at her, "You will barely feel it. Pain and pleasure are like hate and love, where there is a thin difference between them, and I will take you there today," he let go of her chin, brushing her cheek languidly with the back of his fingers, "It will be more of pleasure and the pain hardly noticeable." 

Every touch he left on her skin, it left a spark of longing that started to spread across her body with a humming feeling in it. Right now, Kimberly felt like she could sink in Mazdean's eyes that were dark red, looking at her heatedly. Since she had stepped into the room, he hadn't smiled at her like he usually did and it kept her on pins and needles. 

"Yes," answered Kimberly , trying to be brave today, just like the other days they had spent in the bed, doing things they were not supposed to do before their marriage. But now that they were married, she didn't have to feel ashamed from asking things from her husband, "I…" she started as he patiently waited for her with a spark of fire in his eyes, "I want you to touch me, Maz," she said, dropping her inhibitions. 

If it was possible, Mazdean's eyes darkened even further, and he leaned forward to capture her lips with his. 

Kimberly felt every tug and suck of his lips on hers. Her lips trembled as she was still nervous and Mazdean's very aura was hard to handle, especially with the way he looked in the black robe that he wore. She felt him pull her closer to him, his hand moving down from her waist to her bottom to pull her snuggly towards him and her heart hitched when Mazdean's hand stayed there. 

Her toes started to curl, and she felt her head turn dizzy as they continued to kiss. She moved her lips against him, her hands unconsciously moved to place it on his chest before she glided them up to feel his hard chest against the silk robe before her hands wound around his neck. With Mazdean, who was tall, Kimberly had craned her neck to look up to meet his lips, and her back had arched like a bow that was getting ready to have the arrow. 

As their tongues danced with each other, Kimberly felt her body starting to feel slack because of the lack of intake of air. When Mazdean pulled away, he noticed her eyes looked further dilated, and he caught the girl's erotic expression who was in his arms. 

Mazdean supported Kimberly by his hand that held her waist and stopped her knees from giving away and dropping her on the ground, "Shall we take your clothes off?" he asked her and the redness returned to her cheeks. She gave him a nod. 

He didn't make an effort to turn her around to unzip the dress from her back, but he did let go of her waist when her eyes had turned a little clear. He took a step backwards from her, admiring her in the sunny coloured dress. 

Kimberly wondered what Mazdean was thinking as he continued to appreciate her in the dress. The crackling that came from the fireplace filled the silence of the room along with her breath and with the slight tremors of the windows because of the wind that touched it. 

"I got this dress stitched, the very next day I I bought you," said Mazdean to her, "I could barely get you out of my mind, and in a sense, I did turn obsessed with you. You plagued my dreams, my thoughts that I could hardly think about anything else." 

He remembered fucking the maid after he had bought Kimberly , but it was the last he had fucked a woman. He doubted he would be able to contain himself from dragging Kimberly to his hearth and have her as he wished, which she wasn't ready for. She's was still scared then, she hadn't get out of her slave mind. He knew it because he had seen the look in her eyes that had stared back at him, even though they looked scared. 

Kimberly raised his hand before snapping his fingers and the dress and other clothing that she wore turned to black feathers in the air before they dropped slowly on the ground. Not used to being stark naked in front of anybody, Kimberly covered her intimate parts with her dainty hands, where one hand was not enough to cover her bosom. The sight was enough to stir his inner beast, which would have been less effective if she had not tried to cover her modesty. 

"So shy," he stated, his voice falling on her ears to only turn her that much red. 

"I am the only one undressed," she said and saw Mazdean tilt his head. 

"That can be fixed right away," and his hands reached for the lace of the robe that was tied around his waist, pulling them free before the robe dropped down from his body and fell on the floor. 

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