

SYNOPSIS     ~~~~~~~~~~~ At the very early age of 21, what will you do with your life when you found out you are terminal ill, and have only 5 months to live.. Will you choose to give up on the life or will you choose to create some meaningful memories with the little time you have.. This is exactly what is going in Amberley life, a young girl who was diagnosed of been terminal ill and had only 5 months to live.. Her life became dark the moments she knew, her parents who had only her as their child feel completely down... She had a brain Tumor which is very dangerous to do surgery for... She might ended up not walk up again after the surgery.. The survival rate of the surgery was on 5.6%. Which is coming hopeless.. But Amberley chose to be a fighter, still having a little time to live with her parents, she decides to found love, she's just 21, even if it just for 5 months.. She wanted to live in someone heart.. At that very moment, she came across a man who had lived for centuries, a man whose identity is far from been human... But living as a human.. He appeared to be the only son of a rich family whose family want him to get married by force.. As the richest family in the kingdom of Imperil.. They sent out a invitation to invite all young ladies who is interested in getting marry to Ryan Velveeta.. With no interest in getting married, just want to satisfy his silly human parents desire, Ryan chose the girl who seem to be the most beautiful one among the girls that was presents.. And they fate got entangled...

Crescent10 · Kỳ huyễn
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45 Chs

VOL 2 Episodes 17 & 18


The sky had turned orangish-black in the Reghar's Mansion and ravens turned back to their house in the trees of Reghar's mansion. Sounds of rustling from the wind as it brushed the trees filled the people's ears and two people galloped to the entrance before they both pulled the leash to their horse as it neighed to stop at the spot. A beautiful woman with silky bright brown hair and piercing silverish eyes jumped down from the horse nimbly to see a maid walking over them. "Have the Lord arrive yet?" She asked the maid in a melodious tone.

"He hasn't, milady." The maid replied and moved aside for a man with shoulder-length blonde hair, called Austin to come. "That's good we will wait here for him then, I think he will arrive soon, the black fires must have told him that we've arrived." He glanced up at the ravens that gathered around the trees.

"I agree." The woman replied to place both palms across her lips giving her warmth breathes to it as she rubbed both hands to warm up her cheeks. Austin leaned on the wall beside him while jamming his other hand on his trouser pocket. He gave a long yawn and glanced over his shoulder to the woman with a smirk.

"Being half-human must be hard, Cynthia." Austin saw the woman smiled in return with a non-laughing eye.

"I guess it is much more enjoyable than being a werecat who have to talk in meows with the other cats, just thinking about it makes me want to hide in a hole." Cynthia retorted as she glanced over to the maid who was currently bringing a lantern for them to warm up.

Austin rolled his eyes, "You do know that a werecat is much better than a human, don't you?"

"I don't." She passed the other lantern to him and took one for herself. "They can't eat anything unless it is cold due to their easily burned tongue. Must be hard because you can't enjoy it like other people."

"That's not true." He defended to which Cynthia was fast to retort back. "Then would you like a cup of hot tea to see whether it's true?"

"That wouldn't be needed." Austin resigned from the bickering immediately from the thought of burning his tongue that could disable him from eating. "What do you think the Lord would bring today?" he steered the conversation and Cynthia gave a long hum to weave her thoughts.

"He had never brought anything alive to the mansion before. Unless it is something very unusual and rare I can't see him bringing it..."

"My thought, exactly. Perhaps a salamander? He did say that they look fascinating before." Austin rubbed his chin and glanced at the gawking raven that came as though it was warning Ian's coming to the mansion.

"Don't jest, he said that it looks very fascinating for him to eat. He said that he had never taste them before and was looking forward to try."

Austin tilted his head and further commented. "Even though he doesn't need to eat?"

"Well, he's the lord without any whimsicality, there must be something wrong with him." Austin responded with a nod in agreements.

Cynthia's eyes traveled to the sound of neighing horses and loud footsteps coming close to the entrance. The two immediately straightened their back and walked over to the carriage followed by the other maids who had formed two lines to greet Zaniel's homecoming.

The servants who at first had a relaxed face saw the Lord's carriage and turned their face in the color of nervousness. Whenever the Lord absent from the house, the servants felt as though finally could breathe in relief. He was a very peculiar man and everyone even the people outside the land regard him as so. People called him the Lord of Wales sometimes as the most renowned sorcerer of the world, but there's a far frightening truth that as the servant's of Zaniel Reghar they could never tell to anyone.

To note on this day, no one except for the Church to know what being he was. In a world full of mythical beings, it was normal for other mythical beings who have a longer life than humans. But as for what kind of mythical beings Zaniel Reghar was, not many who know.

Inside the carriage who finally stopped after their ride for two days, Zaniel glanced at the girl who slept out of tiredness. No wonder she's sleeping deeply now, he thought. The girl had been too curious about the things she had seen. 

 Zaniel reached out his hand, picking the girl in his arms carefully so that she wouldn't wake up from her wonderland. Nicholas sensed his master exiting the carriage to help him to open the door from the front and placed the stool for the first time forever. After their realization that the girl's legs were too short for her to climb or go down the carriage, Ian ordered Nicholas to bring one when they were about to exit the carriage.

This, of course, didn't pass the Cynthia, Austin, and the servant's eyes. They looked at the stool which was rarely used and looked at each other, wondering that perhaps the lord is coming with someone else today.

He stepped out leisurely bringing the girl on his arm which Cynthia and Austin both gasped in consonance with goggled eyes. On the Lord's right arm, a little warm being which was none other than a human being rested on his arms . Not only that the Lord brought a living being to the mansion, but he also brought a human, and a young girl to top.

It was far more surprising than the stool Nicholas brought out a moment ago.

"Th- This..." Austin index finger raised mid-air not knowing where he should point his finger at. He inspected with his eyes in skepticism and hesitantly queried. "Is... this girl alive...?"

 Zaniel lifted his brow from his words. "Of course she is." The lord confirmed.

"Is it really a human?" Cynthia mumbled and Austin sniffed to examine Kimberly's scent before snapping his head back to his friend. "It is really a human! Oh my God!" He covered his mouth to see zaniel scrunching his brow at his following words.

 "My lord, please do not take this to heart and apologies for my rude words but I suggest you bring back the girl to her house in case you kidnapped her. I know she's cute and beautiful, have a very sweet smile that I doubt you know how sweet it is because your nose isn't good. However by the laws of the Church kidnapping is a great offense, she must be missing her dear family greatly. You see, my lord to humans family is the utmost important thing, some times even far more important to their life that they didn't care about sacrificing their lives of others for the sake of their loved one. So, my lord please reconsider your option. I'm sure you are compassionate enough that you wouldn't want to separate such a beautiful girl with her family, wouldn't you, my Lord?!" He spoke long yet fast, but the content of his words was only to persuade Zaniel who he thought had done a great sin of kidnapping a guadian angel from her family. Cynthia who also had the same guess as Austin nodded vigorously in agreement.

 Zaniel signed and smirked coldly at his two aides. "Do you two have such a low opinion to me?"his golden eyes narrowed down and they both shook their heads.

They realized they had run out their mouth in exaggeration and the two quickly spoke in sync. "We wouldn't dare."

Gawking raven flew toward him resting next to his unoccupied shoulder with the same golden eyes at him. "She's a girl that I brought from the slave auction. I called you two here for no other reason than her. She's more than just a slave I bought to me.." 

Cynthia and Austin looked at each other and then to Zaniel . "Her?"

 Zaniel trode off from his place and languidly ordered. "For now, your works are to be her Companion, her friends."

"Friends... With human?" Cynthia asked with her eyes widened..

"Yes. Learn how to make her feel more secure here.. Call me Mila.." Zaniel said and walked in the mansion.

He walked straight to upstairs, Austin who followed him look more surprice when he see Zaniel stopped in front of the door that was next to his room..

He was shocked and surprised because Zaniel once said the room only belongs to his bride... His mate..

Austin helped him open the door and Zaniel walked in..

Zaniel lay her down on the bed slowly and walked out of the room w it h Austin behind him.


It has been years for Mila to ever seen a human much less a young human girl. She had actually assigned to the kitchen but heard Cynthia asking her to take care of the girl as her personal maid that would take care of her needs. She hadn't seen the girl and thought that it was only her hallucination to hear Cynthia saying that the girl was a human that was brought by the lord.

Mila glanced at the beautiful girl who was currently looking at the mirror which was covered with white haze to make a drawing from the haze. Unlike her, who had both ink eyes and hair, the girl had blue eyes and sunset hair. A combination of a very rare colored eye and hair that was unusual for a normal human.

"You're good to go now, My lady! Are you hungry? The lord is now in the dining room." Mila said

She just helped Kimberly with her bath when she wakeup, and also helped her to put on a beautiful white gown.

. "Yes."

Hearing the girl had braven herself to speak, Mila's smile turned gentler. "Alright then."

When Kimberly walked down the spiral stare and turned to the left side to meet another long corridor with only a few lights. The dining room had been opened light brightly, giving the dimmed-corridor a far brighter look. When Mila came inside with Kimberly, Zaniel's eyes spotted the girl who had been fresh from the bath, her cheeks were still pink. After the mud and grim that stained her beautiful skin had been cleaned off, her adorable face revealed. Austin glanced at the girl from the laced she stood in and praised her adorableness aloud.

"What's this creature, she's so cute and beautiful!"

 Kimberly glanced up at the stranger with an uneasy face before trotting beside Zaniel who was in the middle of working his knife across the meat. Cynthia shook her head and chided to her fellow friend. "Great, you have just scared her off."

"I was just speaking my thoughts out! She's adorable and also smelled good." Saying those words aloud, Austin the werecat sniffed with his long nose to follow Kimberly's fragrance. "Wait... This smell. I know she smelled very good from before. But! She smelled very similar to the guardian angel!"

"The guardian angel?" Cynthia's eyes grew wide from Austin's words. The guardian angel appeared only every once of a thousand years. They were not only rare but regarded as a very high-esteemed being due to the mythical beings' favor on her. She had been wondering why the Lord brought a young human girl to the mansion, but if she is the gaudian angel, it all finally made sense to her.

 Zaniel glanced down at Kimberly and placed down his fork and knife to tell the girl to sit on the high chair and spoke. "Have you just find out?" He smiled at the girl and poured her a glass of milk while cutting the meat on her plate. "I thought you would do a better job at sniffing scents, and don't you dare sniff her like that again."

The lord's sarcasm was quickly retorted back by Austin's in his heart. He broke away his glance to the girl and continued. "Eat slowly and these two would be your friend." Zaniel pointed his finger to the two subordinates and the girl received it with a timid nod.

"I'm Cynthia, you can call me Cy." Cynthia said with smile in order not to scare weary girl.

"And I'm Austin. Nice to meet you, young lady." Austin smiled widely, showing his long canine teeth.

 Kimberly blinked down in embarrassment from the two eyes that looked at her and replied. "Nice to met you too. I'm Kimberly."

"Aww, she can talk!" Austin commented on the over-beautifulness that waft off from the girl.

"Of course she is, she isn't a fool after all." Cynthia replied with a still-smiling face to hear the lord clearing his throat that took the three people's attention.

"You should eat, puppy. It's late and you need to sleep." Zaniel glanced over the porcelain plate to her, but it was rather hard for her to reach the table. In a great hurdle and hard work of straightening her back, Kimberly took her fork to hold the cube cut meat and placed it over her mouth.

Delicacy filled her mouth as she chewed to the well-seasoned meat. Her cheeks puffed as she put more meat that tasted divinely to her mouth. It was far different than the carrots or turnip that she usually ate raw. The meat was tender and easy to bite into, the flavor of the herbs and gravy also suited her child palate which was slightly sweeter. It was a bliss for the girl who had to either starve herself or eat the rotten vegetable to live in the past.

 Zaniel glanced at the girl who began to eat in a hurry and patted her head once. "You could eat slowly. No one would steal your food so no need to be in a hurry."

 Kimberly felt the skip of her heart when he patted her head, this always happened when he made a body contact with her.. She then slowed down her pace instantly.


Happy new month Amore...