
Bloodlust Harem: Apocalypse Chronicles

In a nightmarish parallel world called "The Chessboard of Souls," Arthur, an ordinary young man, finds himself thrust through a dimensional rift. Amidst remnants of a futuristic civilization and desolate zones infested with ferocious beasts, undead, and demonic creatures, he discovers a unique system: the "Bloody Harem." Compelled to seduce and conquer a certain number of women within a specified time frame, under penalty of death, Arthur is plunged into a world of dangers and forbidden desires. But he's not alone; other factions wielding powerful abilities and alternative systems stand in his way. Get ready for a mature tale where adventure and eroticism intertwine. ______________________________________ I'm also writing another novel called "Lord of Necromancy - Starting from a cave" on the platform. It's free of romance and subjective scenes but packed with violence. Check out my music too! I've released a single called "Soul Spark - Faded Nomad".

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14 Chs

The two zombies

As the zombies spotted him, their rotting limbs flailing wildly, they began to sprint in his direction with surprising speed.

Arthur made a split-second decision not to head towards the skyscraper for shelter. Its shadowy surroundings made it a risky choice, especially since he had planned to approach cautiously, not in a sprint. Instead, he opted to flee in a direction where he didn't detect any alarming movements or hear any strange noises. His heart pounded with fear as he turned and ran, his breath coming in ragged gasps.

As he raced onward, the jagged rocks threatened to trip him, and the crumbling structures loomed ominously, casting long shadows across his path.

Despite the treacherous terrain, Arthur pushed himself to his limits, his muscles burning with exertion as he dodged debris and leaped over obstacles in his path.

The relentless pursuit of the undead drove him forward, every step fueled by fear and adrenaline.

The relentless pounding of footsteps grew louder behind him, echoing like a grim harbinger of death.

Panic gnawed at his insides as he desperately sought a way to escape the relentless advance of the zombies, the realization sinking in that he might not make it out alive.

Arthur glanced over his shoulder repeatedly, but the relentless zombies showed no signs of fatigue. He couldn't shake the unsettling thought that they might not feel exhaustion like he did.

His eyes scanned the desolate landscape for any sign of refuge, and his heart leaped with hope as he spotted a partially intact bus carcass ahead.

Arthur sprinted towards the bus and reached the rear doors, which were firmly shut. Spotting a hole in one of the dusty windows, he quickly peered through it. Satisfied that it was empty, he dashed towards the front of the bus, where the door stood slightly ajar. He clambered through the open doorway and into the dimly lit interior of the bus.

He left the door slightly open as he positioned himself behind, aiming one end of the iron bar towards the opening at head height. He knew he couldn't keep running forever; if these zombies had greater endurance than him, they would eventually catch him. He had to face them while he still had the energy to fight.

Arthur took a deep breath, his mind racing with strategies gleaned from countless movies.

If it was anything like in the movies, he couldn't let them bite him, and the head was their weak point.

Arthur adjusted his grip on the iron bar, ensuring that it was positioned to strike swiftly and decisively.

Suddenly, a plaintive moan echoed through the air, a painful-sounding "Uuuuuggghhh". Arthur understood the zombies were here.

The groans abruptly ceased, replaced by an eerie silence that sent shivers down Arthur's spine.

Then, without warning, a zombie thrust its decaying arm through the gap, followed by its mangled head, its vacant eyes fixed on Arthur with an insatiable hunger.

Reacting swiftly, Arthur thrust the metal tip of his makeshift weapon into the zombie's eye socket with all his might. However, the resistance of the eye proved too strong; he couldn't penetrate it.

Arthur muttered, "Bullshit from television."

Arthur swung his bar at the left elbow joint of the zombie, striking it with a powerful blow. He struck a second time, and the joint snapped, causing the zombie's arm to dangle limply at its side. Despite the injury, the zombie continued to advance.

Meanwhile, the second zombie, positioned just behind the first, gripped the door, attempting to push it open wider.

With all his strength, Arthur repeatedly struck at the zombie's head as it reached out with its only functional arm, relentlessly pursuing him into the bus. The second zombie had also managed to climb into the bus, intensifying the danger.

Undeterred, Arthur continued to deliver powerful blows and retreated, each strike resonating with a sickening crack. After several strikes, he felt the resistance give way, and the zombie collapsed to the floor, motionless.

<You have compelled obedience from a mindless zombie.>

+ 1 Charisma.

Arthur paid no attention to the notification, his eyes fixed on the remaining undead.

As the second zombie stepped over the fallen body of the first, Arthur saw his chance. With swift determination, he closed the distance between them, wielding his metal bar with precision. Taking advantage of his weapon's reach, he aimed a powerful strike at the zombie's chest, driving the metal tip into its decaying flesh with all his might.

The force of the blow caught the zombie off guard, knocking it off balance.

Without hesitation, Arthur lunged forward, seizing the opportunity before the creature could regain its footing.

With all his weight behind him, he planted his foot firmly on the base of the zombie's chest, pinning it to the ground.

As the zombie struggled beneath him, its arms flailing wildly in an attempt to dislodge him, Arthur unleashed a relentless barrage of strikes upon its skull.

Blow after blow rained down, the metal bar connecting with bone with a sickening crunch. With each impact, the creature's movements grew weaker, its limbs twitching spasmodically as life drained from its undead form. Determined to end the threat once and for all, Arthur continued his assault, driving the metal bar deeper and deeper into the zombie's skull until at last, with a final, decisive blow, he felt the bone give way beneath his weapon.

The creature's head caved in, its limbs falling limp as death claimed it once and for all.

Breathless and exhausted, Arthur stood over the fallen zombie, his chest heaving with exertion. The adrenaline that had fueled his battle now began to ebb, leaving behind a sense of grim satisfaction.

<You have compelled obedience from a mindless zombie.>

+ 1 Charisma.

Arthur chuckled while gazing at the zombie carcasses, "I'm quite adept at commanding obedience from the creatures of this place. A true diplomat."

Arthur felt more confident than he had ever been. With his newfound charisma and self-assurance, he couldn't help but feel that he exceeded the average.

He summoned his attribute panel.

[Name: Arthur

- Strength: 10.5

- Agility: 10.2

- Endurance: 12.2

- Intelligence: 8.2

- Charisma: 5.0]

[Special Bonus:

- Seal of Eloquence: Allows Arthur to gain attribute points in charisma by persuading and charming other creatures.]

Arthur chuckled once more as he read over his special bonus. The system had quite an open interpretation of persuasion and charm, he thought to himself with a grin.

Arthur wasn't disappointed to have only five charisma points for now; he already felt much better about himself than before.

He glanced at his metal bar, now slightly bent from use. He could always earn more points by interacting with the creatures around him.

Arthur set the bar aside and inspected his palms, now red and sore from the exertion. Blowing on them gently, he rubbed them together to soothe the discomfort. After a moment, he spotted a piece of fabric on one of the seats and quickly retrieved it. Wrapping it around the bar, he secured it tightly, ensuring a better grip.

Arthur surveyed the interior of the bus, scanning every corner in search of useful items. Seeing nothing of immediate interest, he exited cautiously.

As he stepped out into the open, a rustling sound caught his attention. He looked up just in time to see a sleek, black-feathered bird of prey diving towards him, its talons poised to strike.

Reacting swiftly, Arthur sidestepped the deadly claws, narrowly avoiding the attack. With lightning-fast reflexes, he swung his iron bar at the bird's left wing, delivering a devastating blow that shattered the bone. The bird screeched in agony as it fell, its once majestic wing now rendered useless.

But Arthur wasn't finished. With determination etched on his face, he delivered a brutal strike to the bird's neck, ending its suffering with a crunch.

<You have compelled obedience from a black-feathered eagle.>

+ 0.5 Charisma.

With the immediate threat neutralized, Arthur listened intently as footsteps drew closer from a short distance in front of the bus. His instincts kicked in, urging him to find cover.

He darted behind the bus, using it as a shield against whatever or whoever was approaching. Fatigue weighed heavily on him, and he doubted his ability to outrun any creature in his current state.

Huddled behind the bus, Arthur pressed himself against its metal frame, his senses on high alert. The footsteps grew louder, echoing through the desolate landscape.

Arthur strained his ears, listening for any clue as to who – or what – was approaching. Then, he heard it: a raspy female voice calling out.

"I don't know where my eagle went. Rorg, come here!" the woman's voice exclaimed, tinged with urgency.

"He can't be far. He must have caught something," the male voice replied, its tone gruff and authoritative.