
Bloodlust Harem: Apocalypse Chronicles

In a nightmarish parallel world called "The Chessboard of Souls," Arthur, an ordinary young man, finds himself thrust through a dimensional rift. Amidst remnants of a futuristic civilization and desolate zones infested with ferocious beasts, undead, and demonic creatures, he discovers a unique system: the "Bloody Harem." Compelled to seduce and conquer a certain number of women within a specified time frame, under penalty of death, Arthur is plunged into a world of dangers and forbidden desires. But he's not alone; other factions wielding powerful abilities and alternative systems stand in his way. Get ready for a mature tale where adventure and eroticism intertwine. ______________________________________ I'm also writing another novel called "Lord of Necromancy - Starting from a cave" on the platform. It's free of romance and subjective scenes but packed with violence. Check out my music too! I've released a single called "Soul Spark - Faded Nomad".

FadedNomad · Kỳ huyễn
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14 Chs

Everyday Desires

Arthur rose from his bed, the creaking of the old mattress seemed to punctuate the stillness of the room. The air was heavy with the scent of stale coffee and the faint aroma of last night's takeout lingering in the air. Sunlight struggled to penetrate through the thick curtains, casting a dim, subdued glow over the cluttered space.

Arthur's bed, pushed against one wall, was a haven of rumpled sheets and worn pillows. A solitary desk sat opposite, cluttered with textbooks and notebooks, its surface marred by coffee stains and ink smudges. A small window offered a glimpse of the outside world, its view obscured by the rusted bars that crisscrossed the glass.

Stretching his numb limbs, he prepared himself for yet another day at university.

After a quick shower and a lackluster breakfast, Arthur decided to offer his assistance to the old librarian who ran the quaint bookstore near campus.

Stepping into the cozy bookstore, he was greeted by the familiar scent of aging paper and the soft glow of lamplight that illuminated rows of shelves laden with books.

Approaching the counter, Arthur found the old librarian, Mr. Jenkins, poring over a stack of dusty tomes with a furrowed brow. "Good morning, Mr. Jenkins," Arthur greeted him warmly. "Is there anything I can help you with today?"Mr. Jenkins looked up, his eyes twinkling with appreciation. "Ah, Arthur, my boy! How kind of you to offer your assistance," he said, his voice crackling with age. "I could certainly use a hand with these boxes of books. They need to be transported to the library across campus."Nodding eagerly, Arthur set to work, hoisting the heavy boxes onto his shoulders. Together, he and Mr. Jenkins navigated the narrow aisles of the bookstore, their conversation punctuated by the creaking of floorboards and the rustling of pages.As they worked, Mr. Jenkins regaled Arthur with tales of literary adventures and forgotten tales, his passion for books evident in every word he spoke. Arthur listened intently, hanging on his every word as he absorbed the wisdom of the old librarian.


After his time at the bookstore, Arthur took a detour on his way to class to tend to the stray cats that roamed the nearby streets. He carried a bag of cat food with him, enjoying the simple act of kindness as he watched the grateful felines enjoy their meal.

With a sense of contentment from his morning activities, Arthur finally made his way to class, his heart a little lighter and his spirits lifted.

He carefully avoided the gaze of his fellow students, feeling like an outsider in an environment where confidence and sociability seemed to be essential qualities.

During lectures, his mind often strayed, his eyes drifting to the pages of his notebook as he struggled to focus on the professor's notes. But it was difficult, especially when his gaze involuntarily wandered to the ample bosom of his female professor. Occasionally, she would lean forward slightly to reach for a book or write on the board, revealing the delicately pink flesh of her breasts with their inviting softness.

However, his reverie was abruptly interrupted when the professor sternly reprimanded him, her voice cutting through the haze of his thoughts. "Arthur," she said sharply, her tone laced with disapproval. "I expect you to pay attention and take proper notes. This material is important for your studies, and I will not tolerate distractions in my class."

With a flush of embarrassment, Arthur quickly averted his gaze and scrambled to take notes, chastised for his lack of attentiveness.

At lunchtime, Arthur found himself sitting alone at a secluded table in the corner of the classroom-turned-cafeteria. As he unpacked his lunch, he couldn't help but feel a pang of loneliness wash over him as he watched the other students mingle and chat animatedly with their friends.

Their laughter echoed off the walls, mingling with the clatter of trays and the hum of conversation. Groups of students huddled together, their voices rising and falling in a lively cadence as they shared stories and jokes.

Arthur observed them discreetly from his solitary perch, feeling like an outsider peering in on a world to which he didn't quite belong. He longed to be a part of their camaraderie, to share in their laughter and banter, but something held him back, an invisible barrier that seemed insurmountable.

Instead, he remained on the sidelines, a silent observer in a sea of noise and activity. His gaze flickered from one group to another, studying their interactions with a mixture of curiosity and longing, yearning for the sense of belonging that seemed to elude him at every turn.

His attention was drawn to the entrance by the soft click of heels on the linoleum floor. He glanced up just in time to catch sight of her - Hela, the girl from his class who never failed to captivate his attention.

As she moved with a graceful confidence, her slender frame seemed to amplify the allure of her curves.

Arthur's gaze lingered on the subtle curve of her waist, tracing the line down to her ample posterior, which bounced with every step, stretching the fabric of her skirt enticingly. The sight of her soft, rounded curves pressed against the fabric sent a jolt of desire coursing through Arthur, his imagination running wild with thoughts of what lay hidden beneath. He couldn't tear his eyes away, mesmerized by the sensual sway of her hips as she moved.

As she passed by his desk, their eyes briefly met, and Arthur felt a rush of heat flood his cheeks under her scrutinizing gaze. There was a mocking glint in her eyes.

"Hey there, Arthur," she said with a smirk. "Enjoying the view?"

Arthur cleared his throat nervously, his cheeks still flushed. "Uh, yeah, just, um, you know."

Hela chuckled softly, leaning in closer. "Well, don't strain yourself," she teased, her tone playful. "Wouldn't want you to get too distracted."

Arthur could feel his face growing even hotter as he struggled to come up with a witty retort. Instead, he mumbled something incoherent and turned his attention back to his books, feeling her laughter echoing in his ears as she walked away.

The rest of the day dragged on slowly, each minute feeling like an eternity.

After classes, Arthur sought solace in a cozy café tucked away in a quiet corner of the city. He pushed open the door and was greeted by the comforting aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the faint hum of conversation.

Finding a table by the window, Arthur settled in and perused the menu, his stomach rumbling in anticipation. He decided to treat himself to a hearty meal.

He ordered a steaming bowl of hearty vegetable soup, accompanied by thick slices of crusty bread. As he spooned the warm broth into his mouth, he savored the rich flavors of the vegetables, each bite filling him with comfort and contentment.

To accompany his meal, Arthur indulged in a creamy latte, the velvety foam swirling atop the smooth espresso. He took slow sips, allowing the warmth of the coffee to chase away the lingering chill of the day.

Lost in the simple pleasures of good food and drink, Arthur felt a sense of peace wash over him. In this moment, surrounded by the comforting ambiance of the café, he found respite from the chaos of the outside world.

Upon returning to his dorm in the evening, Arthur found himself once again alone in his dimly lit room. He collapsed onto his bed, the vision of the girl's voluptuous posterior still haunting his thoughts. Troubling and erotic images danced in his mind, fueling the repressed desires that burned within him. He thought of his professor, the curve of her hips, the softness of her skin... The forbidden thoughts mingled in a whirlwind of desire and frustration, leaving Arthur dizzy and exhausted.

Arthur decided to step out for some fresh air, hoping to clear his head. As he stepped into the hallway, the sound of passionate moans echoed from the room next door, instantly capturing his attention. His imagination ran wild as he envisioned the scene unfolding behind the closed door.

In his mind's eye, he saw his roommate, with his lean and muscular physique, dominating his curvaceous girlfriend. She was on all fours, her body arched provocatively, as his roommate took her violently from behind. The sound of their bodies colliding filled the air, punctuated by her sultry gasps of pleasure and his primal grunts of desire.

With each thrust, her soft curves pressed against his hard muscles, creating a tantalizing contrast that sent shivers down Arthur's spine. He could almost feel the heat radiating from their entwined bodies, the intensity of their passion electrifying the air around them.

As Arthur listened to the symphony of their lovemaking, a pang of longing mixed with jealousy pierced through his arousal. He couldn't help but feel a twinge of envy towards his roommate's confidence and experience in the realm of intimacy. He longed to experience such raw and primal pleasure.

Unlike him, his roommate seemed to possess an innate ease with women, effortlessly navigating the intricate dance of seduction.

Memories of his own timid interactions flooded Arthur's mind, reminding him of his status as a virgin who had never dared to approach a stranger. The thought of initiating even the simplest of interactions with a woman filled him with anxiety and self-doubt.

As he stood in the hallway, consumed by conflicting emotions, Arthur couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to experience the kind of passion and connection he had just witnessed. But deep down, he knew that his fear of rejection and lack of confidence stood as formidable barriers between him and his desires.

Arthur walked with purpose, each step a deliberate effort to clear his mind and find solace in the quiet of the night. The rhythmic motion of his legs propelled him forward, while the crisp night air filled his lungs, invigorating him with each breath.

He strolled through the campus, he took in the tranquil night scene with a sense of calm detachment. The moon cast its gentle glow over the familiar surroundings, and the soft rustle of leaves in the breeze provided a soothing backdrop to his thoughts.

Approaching a lamppost along the pathway, he noticed a weathered poster pinned to it, detailing a series of mysterious disappearances.

Arthur's reaction was not one of surprise, but rather a resigned acknowledgment of the harsh realities of the world.

Such occurrences seemed all too common in recent times.


I'm currently working on two books, and as you know, this novel is a mature-themed one with a harem aspect. I aim to avoid any cringe or awkward scenes in the narrative. While I'm not typically a fan of 18+ oriented novels, if that's something you enjoy, I'll dedicate more time to this novel in the future. I'm also working on another novel on the platform without any romance or subjective scenes but with a good dose of violence, the title is "Lord of Necromancy - Starting from a cave". Feel free to check out my music as well. I've only released one single so far titled "Soul Spark - Faded Nomad," available on all streaming platforms.

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