
Bloodlines Unveiled: Chronicles of Darkness

Nightshade26 · Kỳ huyễn
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52 Chs

Chapter 48: A Noble Encounter

As Victor approached the outskirts of the town, the first light of dawn casting long shadows across the landscape, he heard a commotion. The cries of distress were unmistakable. Quickening his pace, he made his way through the dense forest, the sound growing louder with each step.

Emerging from the trees, Victor saw a group of bandits surrounding a lone figure. The bandits were armed and jeering, their malicious intent clear. The figure they surrounded was on the ground, struggling to fend off their attackers. Victor's eyes narrowed, his cold, emotionless demeanor taking over as he assessed the situation.

Without hesitation, he drew his shadow-infused sword and the enchanted pistol. Moving with lethal precision, he descended upon the bandits like a shadowy wraith. The first bandit didn't even see him coming—Victor's sword slashed through the air, cutting him down with a single, clean strike. The remaining bandits barely had time to react before Victor fired the pistol, the dark energy-infused bullets finding their marks with unerring accuracy.

One by one, the bandits fell, their cries of pain and surprise echoing through the clearing. Victor moved with a grace and speed that left them no chance to defend themselves. He was a whirlwind of darkness and death, his cold, unfeeling eyes reflecting the terror in theirs.

Within moments, the last bandit lay dead, and the clearing fell silent. Victor turned his attention to the figure on the ground, who was slowly getting to their feet. As the person stood, Victor noticed the fine quality of their clothing, now torn and dirtied from the struggle. The realization dawned on him that this was no ordinary traveler but someone of noble birth.

"Thank you," the noble said, their voice shaky with a mix of relief and residual fear. "I don't know what I would have done if you hadn't come along."

Victor nodded, his expression remaining stoic. "Are you hurt?" he asked, his voice devoid of emotion.

The noble shook their head. "A few bruises, nothing serious. My name is Alistair. I come from a noble family in the capital. I was on my way to visit some relatives when these bandits attacked."

Victor's eyes briefly scanned the surroundings, ensuring no other threats lingered. "You should be more careful," he said. "Traveling alone in these parts is dangerous."

Alistair nodded, clearly still shaken. "I didn't expect to encounter bandits so close to the town. I thought the roads were safe."

Victor sheathed his sword and holstered the pistol. "Safety is an illusion," he said flatly. "Especially in times like these."

Alistair looked at Victor with a mix of curiosity and gratitude. "You're not like any other hunter I've met. What's your name?"

"Victor," he replied simply.

"Victor, you saved my life," Alistair said, a note of admiration in his voice. "I owe you a great debt. If there's anything I can do to repay you, please let me know."

Victor considered the offer for a moment. "Just stay out of trouble," he said finally. "That's repayment enough."

Alistair nodded, understanding that Victor was not one to seek rewards or accolades. "I will. Thank you again."

With that, Victor turned and began to walk away, his mission far from over. As he made his way back through the forest, he couldn't help but think about the encounter. The nobles, with all their power and wealth, were still vulnerable in this world of darkness and danger.

But Victor's path was clear. He was a hunter, a protector of those who could not protect themselves. And he would continue to walk this path, no matter how perilous, using his skills and newfound powers to keep the darkness at bay.