
Bloodlines Unveiled: Chronicles of Darkness

Nightshade26 · Kỳ huyễn
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52 Chs

Chapter 23: Shadows and Secrets

Victor rode through the dense forest, the canopy overhead casting dappled shadows on the path. Midnight, his loyal black stallion, moved with a steady, confident gait. The lessons from the old alchemist, Horace, weighed on Victor's mind, and he couldn't help but wonder about the dangers that lay ahead.

Suddenly, the forest grew unnaturally silent. Victor's instincts screamed a warning. He pulled Midnight to a halt, his hand moving to the hilt of his sword. Without warning, a volley of arrows shot out from the shadows, narrowly missing him.

From the treeline, figures emerged—cloaked assassins, their faces obscured by dark hoods. Their movements were fluid, almost otherworldly, and Victor sensed they were more than mere mercenaries.

"Why do you attack me?" Victor demanded, his voice cold and steady.

The leader of the assassins, a tall figure with piercing eyes, stepped forward. "We seek information. Tell us where the witch Elara is, and we might let you live."

Victor's mind raced. Elara was a powerful witch he had encountered and helped in the past. She had become an ally, if a reluctant one, and her safety was paramount. He couldn't betray her location.

"I don't know where she is," Victor lied, his hand tightening on his sword.

The leader smirked, sensing the lie. "Wrong answer."

The assassins moved as one, their attacks coordinated and precise. Victor drew his sword, his movements a blur as he parried and countered. These assassins possessed magical abilities—one conjured flames in his hands, another moved with supernatural speed.

Despite their numbers and powers, Victor's combat skills and strategic mind gave him an edge. He fought with a calm ferocity, each strike deliberate. He managed to wound several of them, but their leader remained a formidable opponent.

In the midst of the chaos, Victor decided to change tactics. He focused his mind, tapping into his unique ability to read and influence thoughts. He reached out to the leader, probing his mind for answers.

The leader's thoughts were a whirlwind of darkness and determination, but Victor found what he was looking for. The assassins were part of a secretive order known as the Shadow Hand, hired to find Elara and bring her to a powerful sorcerer who sought to harness her magic.

With this information, Victor's resolve hardened. He couldn't let them succeed. Summoning his strength, he unleashed a flurry of attacks, his sword a blur of silver in the moonlight. He managed to disarm the leader, pinning him to the ground with his blade.

"Who sent you?" Victor demanded, his voice icy.

The leader spat, defiance in his eyes. "You'll never stop him. He will find her."

Victor pressed the blade closer to the leader's throat. "Who is he?"

The leader's expression twisted in pain and fear, but he said nothing. Realizing he wouldn't get more answers, Victor struck the leader unconscious. The remaining assassins, seeing their leader fall, retreated into the shadows, disappearing as swiftly as they had appeared.

Victor caught his breath, his mind racing with the implications of the attack. Elara was in grave danger, and he needed to warn her. But first, he had to ensure his own safety and plan his next move.

He searched the leader, finding a small, intricately carved medallion. It bore the mark of the Shadow Hand—a sinister emblem that would help him track down their order and their mysterious employer.

Mounting Midnight, Victor set off at a brisk pace, determined to find Elara before the assassins did. He had to navigate a treacherous path, filled with unknown dangers and powerful enemies. But he was resolved to protect his allies and uncover the truth behind the shadowy forces seeking to control the world of magic.

As he rode through the night, Victor's thoughts turned to Elara and the growing web of intrigue that surrounded them both. The journey ahead was fraught with peril, but Victor was no stranger to danger. He would face whatever came his way, armed with his newfound knowledge and unyielding determination.

The fate of his world hung in the balance, and Victor was prepared to fight for it, one battle at a time.