
Bloodlines Unveiled: Chronicles of Darkness

Nightshade26 · Kỳ huyễn
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52 Chs

Chapter 21: The Ruins of Knowledge

Victor rode through the dense forest, the ancient trees towering above him. The path had grown increasingly narrow and overgrown, the air thick with the scent of moss and earth. Midnight, his loyal black stallion, navigated the terrain with ease, their bond unspoken but strong.

As the sun began to set, casting long shadows across the landscape, Victor spotted the ruins of an old tower in the distance. The crumbling stone structure stood as a silent sentinel, its once-magnificent spire now a jagged remnant of its former glory. Victor's curiosity was piqued; he had heard whispers of these ruins during his travels.

Dismounting, Victor led Midnight to a nearby clearing where the horse could graze. He approached the ruins cautiously, his senses alert for any signs of danger. The air was eerily still, the only sound the rustle of leaves underfoot.

The tower had clearly seen better days. Vines and moss clung to the weathered stone, and large sections of the walls had collapsed. Victor stepped through what remained of the entrance, the interior shrouded in shadows. His eyes adjusted quickly, revealing remnants of ancient magic etched into the walls.

Victor knew the history of such towers well. They were once outposts for powerful wizards, scattered throughout the land to serve as centers of knowledge and magical research. The principal tower, however, was located in the capital city—a place Victor had yet to visit but had heard much about.

As he explored the ruins, Victor's keen eyes caught sight of claw marks and scorch marks on the stone. The destruction was fresh, and the signs were unmistakable: a griffon had attacked this place. Griffons were fierce and territorial creatures, known for their speed and ferocity.

In the heart of the tower, Victor discovered a partially intact library. Many of the books had been reduced to ashes, but a few remained untouched by the flames. He carefully picked up one of the surviving tomes, its cover adorned with intricate alchemical symbols.

The book was an alchemical text, filled with complex diagrams and esoteric language. Victor scanned the pages, recognizing some of the basic principles but unable to decipher the more advanced concepts. He knew that alchemists were a specialized class of wizards, dedicated to the study of magical substances, potion-making, and the analysis of monstrous creatures.

Alchemists were meticulous researchers, often working in isolation to uncover the secrets of the natural and supernatural world. Their potions could heal, harm, or transform, and their knowledge of monsters made them invaluable in the eternal struggle against the dark forces that plagued the land.

Victor realized that this book could be invaluable, but only if he could find someone with the expertise to translate its contents. He needed an alchemist.

As he tucked the book into his satchel, Victor heard a faint sound from above. He looked up to see the silhouette of a griffon perched on the remains of the tower's spire. Its golden eyes glowed in the twilight, watching him intently. Victor knew better than to engage the creature directly; he had what he came for, and there was no need for unnecessary conflict.

He backed away slowly, leaving the ruins and returning to Midnight. The griffon remained perched, a silent guardian of the shattered tower. Victor mounted his horse and rode away, his mind already turning to the next step of his journey.

He needed to find an alchemist who could decipher the book. The capital city was the most logical destination, with its vast resources and numerous scholars. Victor knew the journey would be long and fraught with danger, but he was determined.

As he rode through the night, the moon casting a silvery glow on the path ahead, Victor reflected on the knowledge he had gained about wizards and their classifications. There were many different types of wizards, each specializing in a particular branch of magic. Elementalists controlled the forces of nature, illusionists bent light and shadow to their will, necromancers delved into the mysteries of life and death, and alchemists, like the one he sought, pursued the science of magic and transformation.

Victor's path was clear: he needed to reach the capital, find an alchemist, and unlock the secrets contained within the book. His quest was far from over, and the road ahead promised new challenges and discoveries.

With Midnight's steady pace beneath him and the alchemical book safely in his possession, Victor rode on, ever closer to the heart of his journey and the answers he sought.