
Bloodlines Unveiled: Chronicles of Darkness

Nightshade26 · Kỳ huyễn
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52 Chs

Chapter 2: A Hunter's Past

The abandoned building provided a brief respite from the horrors outside. The flickering light of a single candle cast long shadows on the walls, creating an atmosphere of uneasy calm. Raina sat on a wooden crate, her eyes following Victor as he moved around the room, checking for hidden dangers. Despite the dire circumstances, she felt a sense of safety in his presence.

Victor finally settled across from her, his red eyes reflecting the candlelight. "We should be safe here for now," he said, his voice low but reassuring. "Rest while you can."

Raina nodded, but sleep was the furthest thing from her mind. "Victor," she began hesitantly, "who are you really? And why did you become a hunter?"

Victor's gaze turned distant, and for a moment, Raina thought he might not answer. But then he sighed, the weight of his past evident in his expression. "It's a long story," he said, leaning back against the wall.

"I have time," Raina replied softly. "And I want to understand."

Victor nodded, as if coming to a decision. "Very well," he said. "I was born in a small village far from here. My parents were farmers, and life was simple, peaceful. Until one night, when everything changed."

He paused, his jaw tightening. "Monsters attacked our village. Creatures of the night, much like the ones we've seen here. They came without warning, slaughtering everyone in their path. My parents... they were among the first to fall."

Raina's heart ached at the pain in his voice. "I'm so sorry," she whispered.

Victor continued, his voice steadier now. "I was saved by a man named Aidan. He was a hunter, one of the best. He took me in, trained me, and taught me everything he knew about fighting the darkness. For years, I traveled with him, hunting monsters and protecting the innocent. Aidan became like a father to me."

His eyes darkened as he spoke of his mentor. "But our greatest challenge came in the form of Malachar, a sorcerer who delved into dark magic to control the creatures of the night. Aidan and I confronted him, but we underestimated his power. Aidan was killed, and Malachar escaped, vowing to unleash his vengeance upon the world."

Raina listened intently, understanding now the depth of Victor's resolve. "So, you've been hunting Malachar ever since?"

Victor nodded. "Yes. Every lead, every trace of dark magic, I follow it, hoping to find him and end his reign of terror. I've made it my life's mission to protect others from suffering the same fate I did."

Silence settled between them, the weight of Victor's past hanging in the air. Raina felt a newfound respect for the man before her, understanding the burden he carried. "You're incredibly brave," she said softly. "To keep fighting despite everything."

Victor shook his head. "It's not bravery. It's necessity. Someone has to stand against the darkness, and if not me, then who?"

Raina reached out, placing a hand on his arm. "You're not alone, Victor. I'll help you in any way I can."

A rare smile touched Victor's lips. "Thank you, Raina. Your courage is admirable. Together, we might just stand a chance."

The sound of distant screams shattered the moment, a stark reminder of the peril that still loomed over Drakestone. Victor stood, his expression turning serious once more. "We need to find the other survivors and rally them. Malachar's forces are growing bolder, and we can't face them alone."

Raina nodded, rising to her feet. "Where do we start?"

Victor glanced out the window, his eyes scanning the darkened streets. "There's a blacksmith not far from here. He's a good man, and his forge might provide us with weapons. We'll start there."

They moved cautiously through the city, sticking to the shadows to avoid detection. As they approached the blacksmith's forge, the sound of clanging metal echoed through the night. Victor motioned for Raina to stay back as he approached the door, his hand resting on the hilt of his sword.

He knocked softly, and after a tense moment, the door creaked open, revealing a burly man with soot-streaked arms and a wary expression. "Who is there?" asked the blacksmith, his eyes narrowing.

"Victor Darkthorn," Victor replied. "We're here to seek your aid. The city is under siege, and we need weapons."

The blacksmith studied Victor for a moment before stepping aside. "Come in, then. Quickly."

Inside, the forge was warm, the air filled with the smell of burning coal and hot metal. The blacksmith introduced himself as Garrick, and despite his gruff exterior, he welcomed them with surprising warmth. "I've heard of you, hunter," he said, handing Victor a newly forged sword. "And I'll help in any way I can."

As Victor and Garrick discussed their plans, Raina couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope. They were not alone in this fight. With each new ally they found, the chances of saving Drakestone grew stronger.

The night was far from over, but with Victor leading them, Raina felt a renewed sense of determination. They would face the darkness together, and no matter what horrors awaited them, they would not back down.