
Bloodlines Unveiled: Chronicles of Darkness

Nightshade26 · Kỳ huyễn
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52 Chs

Chapter 14: Shadows of Stonebridge

Victor stood in the moonlit yard of the orphanage, his expression unreadable as he watched the children. Their innocent faces were a stark contrast to the horrors they had endured under Father Gideon's twisted experiments. He knew he couldn't stay to protect them indefinitely; his mission called him elsewhere. But he also knew he couldn't leave them unguarded.

The decision was made swiftly. Victor escorted the children to the tavern, where the manager greeted him with a mixture of surprise and concern.

"Victor, what's going on?" the manager asked, his eyes shifting from Victor to the children.

"These children need protection," Victor replied, his voice steady and devoid of emotion. "Father Gideon was using them for dark experiments. He's been dealt with, but they need a safe place to stay. You will look after them."

The manager nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. "Of course. We'll take care of them. Thank you, Victor."

Victor gave a curt nod, his mind already shifting to his next task. "I need to investigate what's happening in this town. There are deeper shadows here, and I intend to uncover them."

The manager watched as Victor turned to leave, the children clustering around him with a mix of admiration and fear. He knew Victor was a man on a mission, driven by a relentless pursuit of justice. The children would be safe under the tavern's roof, and Victor would continue his solitary path.

As Victor walked through the streets of Stonebridge, the perpetual twilight of their world cast long, eerie shadows. In this realm, darkness dominated, with only brief interludes of dim light breaking through the gloom. The city seemed to thrive in this eternal night, its inhabitants adapted to the near-constant darkness.

Victor's senses were heightened, every sound and movement scrutinized as he moved silently through the city. He knew the surface of Stonebridge hid many secrets, and he was determined to uncover them. The town's underbelly was rife with corruption, and Victor felt a familiar sense of purpose driving him forward.

He stopped at a secluded corner, observing the comings and goings of the townsfolk. Despite the darkness, life continued in Stonebridge, but there was an undercurrent of fear and mistrust. People moved quickly, avoiding eye contact, and Victor sensed that something—or someone—was keeping them in a state of constant unease.

As he continued his investigation, Victor's path led him to the marketplace. By day, it was a bustling hub of activity, but now it lay in eerie silence, the stalls and shops shuttered against the encroaching night. Victor's eyes caught sight of a figure moving stealthily between the shadows. He followed, his movements silent and calculated.

The figure led him to a hidden alley, where a group of men were gathered, speaking in hushed tones. Victor strained to hear their conversation, catching snippets that spoke of forbidden dealings and clandestine operations. The men were clearly involved in something sinister, and Victor's resolve hardened.

He stepped from the shadows, his presence immediately commanding attention. The men turned, their eyes widening in surprise and fear.

"Who are you?" one of them demanded, his voice shaking.

"Victor Darkthorn," Victor replied, his voice as cold and unyielding as steel. "And I want answers."

The men hesitated, their hands inching towards hidden weapons. But Victor was faster. In a blur of motion, he disarmed them, his blade gleaming in the dim light. The leader of the group, a burly man with a scar across his face, stepped forward, his eyes narrowed.

"You think you can come here and threaten us?" he growled.

Victor's expression remained impassive. "I don't threaten. I eliminate. Tell me what you know about the darkness plaguing this town."

The man's defiance faltered under Victor's unwavering gaze. "Alright, alright," he muttered. "There's been strange happenings. People disappearing, creatures lurking in the shadows. It's been getting worse."

Victor nodded, his suspicions confirmed. "Who's behind it?"

The man shook his head. "I don't know. No one does. But there's a place... an old mansion on the outskirts of town. People say it's cursed. Maybe you'll find your answers there."

Victor turned away, his mind already working on a plan. The mansion would be his next destination. As he moved through the streets, he felt the weight of the town's fear pressing down on him. The perpetual darkness was more than just a physical absence of light; it was a manifestation of the corruption and malevolence festering within Stonebridge.

For Victor, emotions were a distant memory, dulled by years of relentless hunting and survival. He was a weapon, honed and tempered for one purpose: to vanquish the darkness. Yet, somewhere deep within him, the faintest flicker of hope remained—a hope that, perhaps, one day, he might find peace.

But that day was not today. Today, he was Victor Darkthorn, the solitary hunter, and his mission was far from over. The shadows of Stonebridge awaited, and he would not rest until he had purged every last one.