

In the year 2040, on the planet Gaia, also known as Earth, humans discovered that the fictitious stories about magic were real. In a place in the Philippines, somewhere in Luzon, they discovered never-before-seen ruins. The ruins were extraordinary, very different from the usual ruins. Images of sorcery adorned the walls, and native languages were inscribed there as well. The International Bureau of Historical Association (IBHA) was created to study the ruins they found. After years of conducting studies and experiments, they achieved what they had sought. They called themselves Esper.

Satoshi_Moe · Kỳ huyễn
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10 Chs


Classes ended quickly today because Mr. Suarez discussed something.

"Shione, let's go to the canteen," Alysson called me over along with our friends.

"Wait, let me introduce you to them."

There's Alysson Tracy, a sixteen-year-old ice and sound esper—beautiful, both inside and out, with fair skin and a stunning figure.

Then there's Jason Derili, a seventeen-year-old speed-steel esper who can run as fast as sound waves and turn his body into metal. He has a fit, slim body, tan skin, big black eyes, and bushy eyebrows—a perfect nose too! Yeah, he's handsome, but I don't care. Hahaha, ha!

Next is Andrea Brillanto, like, wow! She's the daughter of one of the investors here at school. Beautiful, fair-skinned, and kind-hearted. She's an air-fire hybrid esper.

Lastly, there's Kuroba Taisou, half-Japanese, a seventeen-year-old anti-matter and light hybrid esper. He's incredibly handsome and macho. Seriously, guys, he's so good-looking!

"Sure, let's go," I replied, getting my bag ready.

We headed straight to the canteen. Many students were lined up there. -_-

"So, who's in charge today?" Alysson asked.

"It's Jason," I said.

"Oh, that makes sense then. Jason, dating menu," we teased in unison. Jason quickly headed towards the line of people.

"By the way, Shione, why aren't you and your boyfriend talking?" Alysson asked.

"Huh? Well... he's just busy," I replied awkwardly.

"Ah, I see."

"It's been six minutes. Jason still hasn't arrived, so I decided to go find him."

"Guys, I'll just go get Jason. Maybe he's having a hard time," I said.

"Sure, make sure to hurry him up," Andrea said.

"Haha, okay," and I left our table.

It only took a minute to spot Jason struggling with the trays, so I quickly grabbed some for him.

"Let me help you, Jason," I said, taking the trays.

I noticed Jason blushing, so I just laughed.

"That's just Jason, he's really shy. I don't know why. Alysson told me... he wasn't like this before. But I'm not going to dig into his past, so it's okay."

"Jaso--" I didn't finish what I was about to say because something cold suddenly hit my face, and all my food spilled.

"How dare you! You're such a flirt, aren't you? First, you were eyeing my friend's boyfriend Ace, and now you're interested in my boyfriend!" the girl accused.

I could hear the whispers of the students. Some looked at me like I did something wrong, while others seemed sympathetic.

I didn't want to start trouble. I hadn't done anything wrong, so I shouldn't fight back. I could endure this. This is part of my life. I don't care what they say, as long as the truth is true.

"Janice!? What are you doing!?" Jason said with barely concealed anger.

"What!? Are you going to fight this gay guy? Maybe you're sick of this faggot, huh, like his gay father." My ears heated up at her last words.

"What did you say?" I tried to remain calm.

"Huh? Didn't you hear me? I said, 'You and your father are both faggots who love d***s!" she said loudly.

She had no right to judge my dad because she didn't know what we had been through. She didn't care because she wasn't the one who was supporting me, my dad, or us.

"Insult everyone else, just not my dad," I said, trembling with anger.

It felt like my body was about to explode. There was some kind of warmth coming from the left side of my chest.

"Hit him. Punish him," a voice whispered, too quiet for me to tell if it was a woman or a man.

She's right. I need to punish people who disrespect others.

Alysson's Point of View

The four of us stood up suddenly because a strong wind enveloped the cafeteria. We quickly went to where it was coming from.

We saw Shione standing there, glaring sharply at Janice.

"What happened!?" I asked Jason.

"S-Shione, I don't know, but she suddenly released the wind," he replied.

"Did Janice touch her?" I asked.

"No... I don't think so... But... Anyway," he said, looking at Shione.

"Insult everyone else, just not my dad," she said softly but with a coldness that unleashed a powerful wind.

"Is he an air-fire hybrid?" Andrea asked.

"What do you think?" Taisou replied.

"He is," Andrea said.

He walked slowly towards Janice. Like us, Janice didn't move an inch. It seemed like she was very afraid of him.

"Why did this happen?" I asked.

"Janice suddenly slapped Shione, and she said something that made Shione mad," Jason replied.

I knew it.

"D-d-d-do you think I'm afraid of that fag!?" Janice said, trembling.

"You're just like your dad, a fa--arghh!" Janice's last word was cut off when she suddenly floated in the air.

"Stop him!" I ordered.

"Shione, don't. You could kill her."

I quickly ran to Shione's back and hit him hard, causing him to lose consciousness.

Taisou caught him quickly.

"Take them both to the infirmary. Okay, guys! The show is over, so let's go." I ordered them, and they followed.

Andrea approached me. "What do you think, Alysson?" she asked.

"Yeah, that's true," I replied.

"We should monitor him closely," I commanded.

I swear, Shione, I'll protect you. I will.

Someone's point of view

"Yes, yes. Good job. Keep watching him.

It's been sixteen years. Shione, I swear I'll get you. I will.

You don't belong there. You should be here with me.

I can't wait to see you, my dear...