

In the year 2040, on the planet Gaia, also known as Earth, humans discovered that the fictitious stories about magic were real. In a place in the Philippines, somewhere in Luzon, they discovered never-before-seen ruins. The ruins were extraordinary, very different from the usual ruins. Images of sorcery adorned the walls, and native languages were inscribed there as well. The International Bureau of Historical Association (IBHA) was created to study the ruins they found. After years of conducting studies and experiments, they achieved what they had sought. They called themselves Esper.

Satoshi_Moe · Kỳ huyễn
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10 Chs


"Good evening, everyone. Before we start our welcoming party for the transfers and freshmen, I would like to ask all of you to please enjoy!" shouted the man at the front of the stage.

The crowd inside erupted in cheers, their faces beaming with happiness.

"Now! To start our program, please choose a partner," the man announced.

"Shione, let's be partners since we're the only ones who know each other," Ace said with a smile.


I held my chest. Geez! Why do I feel this way?

"S-sure," I replied. But why do we need to choose a partner?

"Since you've all chosen your partners, let's start! And a reminder, everyone, there's no turning back! The reason you need a partner is because you have to dance with them!" he explained.

Oh, hell no. I don't know if I can do it. I'm too shy to dance. What if I turn back?

"You can't turn back now, Shione. Even if you want to, you can't because that's what the emcee said," Ace said, surprising me.

Can he read my mind? Is that his power?

"No, I didn't read your mind," he said with a smile on his face.

What the hell?

"You're like an open book. You're so easy to read. And I like that," he added.

I mentally slapped my forehead.

Damn, Shione! You're so obvious! You should compose yourself.

"Now, the theme of the song is Love Songs!" the emcee announced with a bright smile!

What the! I don't want to dance to a love song with Ace or anyone! I won't do it. I have to turn back now.

"Guys, reminder. There's no turning back now. If you're thinking of turning back, then you won't like what will happen to you," the emcee said seriously.

They were right. Once the rule is decided, you shouldn't break it, or else you'll face the consequences.

"May I?" Ace asked, extending his hand.

I took it. As soon as our hands touched, everything around me seemed to stop. I could hear my heart beating so fast as if I'd just finished a long run.

Ace led me to the center. I can't bear it. I'm so embarrassed. All eyes were on us—or should I say 'all eyes were on me.' They were staring at me like I was someone unusual. The girls looked at me like I did something horrible, while the guys' gazes seemed like they would drown me.

I lowered my head to avoid their stares.

"Don't mind them, just enjoy it," Ace said, placing my hands on his shoulders.

I knew my face was as red as a ripe tomato now.

He suddenly placed his hands on my waist.

I didn't expect this. I could feel my heart pounding like crazy.

"You're too sexy to be a guy," he whispered.

I stiffened for a second. I could smell his minty breath.

I felt even more embarrassed by his comment. I don't like that kind of compliment. It sounds inappropriate. I mean, I'm a guy, not a girl, you know.

"Thanks," I said.

I don't want him to be mad at me. Even though I don't like being complimented that way, he's my first friend, so I should consider it.

We continued dancing until the song 'Perfect' by Ed Sheeran ended. I know that song is really old, like twenty-three years old? I saw it was published in 2017, back in the 21st century.

I quickly let go of Ace and went to our seats. The seating was also by pairs, just like the partners. But the other side had six chairs.

"Now that the dance has ended, you should have time for your loved ones! You might be wondering why the seats are paired because all of you sitting there are lovers. Oh, I don't need to say that because you already know it, of course. Silly me," the emcee said.

My eyes widened. I slowly turned my head to Ace.

"Sorry, I didn't know either," he said.

"I-it's okay," I replied.

I can't bear it anymore. First, we danced to a love song, and now we're in a place full of lovers!?

"Just enjoy your time with your boyfriend or girlfriend, guys. There's no need to rush," the emcee said again.

"By the way, Shione, where do you live?" Ace asked me.

"In QC. How about you?" I replied.

"Just outside the school. I own an apartment there," he said.


"Guys! Since most of you are done eating, let's start the KhiXkUam," the emcee suddenly announced.

Huh? What? Khixkuam? What is that?

"Ace, what is he talking about?"

"I don't know," he said, shrugging his shoulders.

"Let's start!... Guys, please join us, okay? No killjoys allowed," the emcee said again.

"The last ones are Ace Gale and Shione Andrew!" he announced.

I looked at Ace with a very shocked expression. He was shocked too.

"Now the two of you. Kiss!" the emcee said again.

What!? Did he just say kiss? We barely know each other! And of course, we are not lovers to kiss each other.

"Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" the crowd chanted.

No. I don't want to kiss him. We're both guys, and we only met recently.

What if I turn back? No, that's not possible. If I run? No, not that either. What should I do?

I looked at Ace. His face was so serious. He was getting nearer and nearer.

"Ace..." I said.

"Don't worry, Shione. I-it's my f-first kiss, and it's just a friendly kiss," he said.

I could smell his breath.

I closed my eyes. Remember, Shione, this is just a friendly kiss, so no need to panic, okay?

Suddenly, I felt his lips...