
Bloodline Ascension

With a mere utterance, he brought ruin upon an entire sect. His sheer ambition alone had the potential to disrupt the delicate balance of the immortal realm. Even the most revered and powerful cultivators quivered in fear at his presence. Unburdened by social status and lacking abundant resources, who could possibly rival his might? "Humanity, Immortals, Demons, and Deities have all marred this once pristine world. In the past, I possessed nothing, and my life was plagued by relentless hardships. "I was compelled to flee and conceal myself like a mere mortal, evading monsters and their minions. But no longer. "I am weary of running, of perpetually glancing over my shoulder, and of being constrained by my circumstances. "With this newfound power, the immortal realm shall bear witness to my name and forever remember the extraordinary feats I shall achieve. "I am not merely an adversary; I am... The Enemy."

DragonKnov · Huyền huyễn
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133 Chs

Chap 80 - Young Master Is Waiting…

The sky rumbled, its echoes blending with the bickering voices of the panicked crowd. As the distant cultivators realized their inevitable fate, a sense of dread washed over them, much like the shadow of a prowling panther descending upon them.

In a desperate bid for survival, they scattered in all directions, their hearts pierced by ethereal shadows lurking within the enveloping darkness. Meanwhile, on the other side, lightning crackled, casting blinding flashes that clashed against the nimble form of the newly transformed demon.

Amidst the chaos, the evil demon's laughter echoed through the air, a chilling sound that resonated across the entire area with every narrow escape from death. As blood trailed and a deep sinkhole formed, the hidden legacy of these ruins crumbled and vanished, rendering even the former main character inconsequential. The Patriarchs, engrossed in channeling their Qi, directed their attacks towards the possessed Xue Fu.