

gobnob · Kỳ huyễn
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1 Chs

The Start

As the rain fell on the flames of a burning village, and as the abominations of the Eldritch King fought its residents,a sound was heard by one of the fighters, it was muffled by the sounds of battle, but it was the most terrifying of sounds to him that day,for it was not the sound of a life at its end,that he was accustomed too, it was something else.

He ran as fast as he could to its source, he knew that if he could hear it then the abominations could too, fighting his way to what remained of his house, he stopped and looked at a sight that was as heartwarming as it was horrifying, he saw his wife surrounded by two corpses of lesser beasts, she had miner injuries over her body, but what she was holding in her hands brought a single tear to drop from that warrior's eyes, it was a newborn covered by the black blood of the beasts and the red blood of its mother. He ran to his wife and newborn child, after inspecting them both for any life threatening injuries and found none, he thanked the pantheon and locked eyes with her and spoke: "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry I couldn't protect you, I'm so sorry I couldn't protect both of you, forgive me Aella."

Aella looked at the man that she promised to spend her life with,he looked miserable, covered in blood, both his and the abomination's, holding a half broken shield in one arm and in the other a broken sword, his armor, or what is left of it, is broken or bent, it was a miracle that he still lives.

Aella gathering all of her strength, slapped the man kneeling beside her and said:"Snap out of it Sigmund, there is a battle to be fought, I can protect our child, you go and fight.

Sigmund looked at Aella, the look in her eyes was that of fear, fear for the newborn, but she still wanted her husband to go and fight instead of staying and protecting her, so is the way of the farissin people,with all the strength he could muster Sigmund stood up and ran back to the fight, praying with every breath that he took, to every deity he could, for the safety of his beloved and for his newborn.

Hours have passed and the battle ended in a victory, if you could even call it that, the entire village was destroyed, more then half of its inhabitants were killed and those that survived were wounded, some more so then others, Sigmund had one of his legs broken, and one of his eyes injured near the end of the fight, using a stick he found on the ground to walk with, Sigmund rushed as fast as he could to his destroyed home, finding that there is five more corpses laying around his now more wounded and unconscious wife, Aella had a bight on her left shoulder taken out of her, and had three fingers bent in a way that they shouldn't,blood covered her body and face, Sigmund couldn't tell if her blood or the blood of the beasts covered her more,Sigmund yelled out for medics to come over and help save his wife's and his newborn's life, that is when he realized that he couldn't hear the baby, his hart stopped for a moment as his eye scanned across the broken remains of the room, that is when Sigmund so him ,his child on the floor next to one of the dead beasts, the newborn was covered with black blood, Sigmund couldn't tell if the newborn was dead or alive, Sigmund rushed to the baby's side hoping that the worst didn't happen, as he held the baby for the first time, Sigmund breathed in relief as the body of the baby was worm and his chest was moving up and down, signifying that he was breathing, Sigmund handed his newborn to the medics as they started to clean the newborn and cast diagnostic spells to see why he's not making a sound nor moving, they were puzzled when they found out that he was sleeping soundly as if he didn't care that there was a devastating battle just meer moments ago, the medic told Sigmund:"your boy is fine, but I think something is wrong with him, he should be crying, no newborn can stay so calm after all the fighting that took place, he will not pass the examination by the elder."

"You are not the one who gets to decide that"Sigmund said,"the elders shall examine him and then give their judgement."

The medic gave Sigmund a sad look they had many parents say the exact same thing about their child, yet every time, their productions came true, the newborn fails the examination then gets thrown down a cliff, drowned at sea, or burned in a fire, this one won't be any different, they thought.

Days after the destruction of the village, the elders came to the village to conduct their examination on the newborn boy, they found him in the arms of his mother interacting with her and his father the way any baby would do, as they approached them, Aella and Sigmund knew what they wanted, and they knew what will happen if they resisted, they gave them their baby, but when one of the elders took him, the baby started screaming, the screams weren't out of fear, but out of anger, the newborn flailled his arms around as a madman, grabbing the long beard of the elder that was holding him, a started polling at it, of course that didn't achieve anything other then to annoy the elder, but that act of defiance impressed the elders, they thought it is a good sign of a warrior yet to be, one of them spoke to Aella and Sigmund and said:"This newborn shall be examined by the present elders Infront of you, if he is deemed fit to live he shall be given back to you, if not he shall be killed, any mutation found on or in him will cause him to fail the examination and get him killed, do you understand."

"We do, elder." said Sigmund as he held Aella in his arms to calm her down,"we will be awaiting your judgement on our child."