
Bloodied Hell's Demon King

Across the Nine Heavens, using the supreme method, the Nine Hells Blood Prison was established, imprisoning gods and demons. In the Vermilion Continent, young Ye Dong, due to a drop of blood falling from the sky, not only obtained an unparalleled technique but also gained the ability to unlock the Blood Prison. He became the Lord of the Blood Prison, leading billions of prisoners on a path against the heavens!

longyang_li · Kỳ huyễn
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28 Chs

Iron-Armed Azure Ape

Although the Lin and Luo families entered the forest one after another, they went in two different directions. After all, the Tianduan Forest is vast, and dispersing increases the chances of encountering monsters.

Turning back to the four from the Ye family, Ye Yuntian said, "Let's go in as well. But before we do, let me remind you once more: once we enter the forest, do not act alone. You must listen to me. Except for Ye Ming, all of you are inexperienced in real combat. Caution is paramount!"

Except for Ye Dong, who had something on his mind, even Ye Ming, who had previous combat experience, showed excitement. They were full of anticipation for this hunting trip. Upon hearing this, they all nodded eagerly.

Seeing their expressions, Ye Yuntian couldn't help but smile and shake his head. Having been young once himself, he understood their feelings. So he stopped talking and took the lead into the forest.

The five chose completely different directions from the other two families. Along the way, Ye Yuntian patiently explained various tracking techniques to the four, especially how to infer dangers and the presence of monsters from inconspicuous signs in the surroundings.

These were things that couldn't be learned from books, so the four listened attentively. Unknowingly, they were about to cross the outer edge of the Tianduan Forest, and yet they hadn't found any trace of the Iron-Armed Azure Ape.

Looking at the real Tianduan Forest not far ahead, Ye Yuntian furrowed his brow slightly. That area was a forbidden zone. Even with his Nine-Fold Spiritual Seal, he didn't dare to enter casually. So the search had to stop here.

He didn't know if the other two families had encountered the Iron-Armed Azure Ape, but it seemed they had come here in vain.

Just as Ye Yuntian was about to lead the four back, a distant angry roar suddenly echoed. Startled, they all turned their heads in the direction of the sound, realizing it came from within the Tianduan Forest.

Ye Long immediately exclaimed excitedly, "Uncle, could that be the roar of the Iron-Armed Azure Ape? It sounds like it's not far ahead!"

Ye Long, only at the Five-Fold Spiritual Seal level, wasn't supposed to come. But he had a Ling Pill Bow, and after relentless pestering, Ye Yuntian reluctantly allowed him to come.

Ye Yuntian listened carefully for a moment. After a while, several consecutive roars came, confirming that they were indeed from the Iron-Armed Azure Ape.

Although it was confirmed that this was indeed the Iron-Armed Azure Ape's roar, it was located deep within the Tianduan Forest, leaving Ye Yuntian in a dilemma.

Spotting the target but not going to kill it was unacceptable, but going to kill it meant entering the forbidden area, the inner circle of the Tianduan Forest.

Ye Long didn't care about all this. Excitedly, he said, "Uncle, what are we waiting for? If the people from the Luo and Lin families hear about this, we won't get a chance."

Even the eldest, Ye Ming, chimed in, "Dad, let's go and take a look!"

Although Ye Dong and Ye Ling didn't speak, their faces were full of eagerness.

After pondering for a moment, Ye Yuntian thought, The most powerful monsters are always hidden deep in the forest. We've only entered a little deeper; it shouldn't be too dangerous!

After a while, Ye Yuntian finally nodded and said, "Okay, let's go and take a look. But once we enter the forbidden area, no one is allowed to leave me by more than three meters, or you'll face family discipline!"

Even Ye Ming, who was twenty years old, couldn't help but shiver at the mention of family discipline. Not to mention Ye Dong and the others, who all nodded vigorously, promising not to stray more than three meters from Ye Yuntian.

With that settled, Ye Yuntian led the four cautiously towards the inner circle of the Tianduan Forest.

The roars of the Iron-Armed Azure Ape continued intermittently, and as they went further, the roars became clearer, indicating that they were getting closer to the apes.

However, there was also a faint smell of blood in the air, carried by the wind. Combined with the scarce sunlight in the forest and its eerie atmosphere, those with timid hearts would feel terrified just standing at the edge of the forest.

Now, Ye Yuntian regretted a bit for bringing the four children into the inner circle of the forest. If anything happened to them, he wouldn't be able to forgive himself.

Unfortunately, it was too late for regrets. Five pairs of eyes almost simultaneously saw, about fifty meters away, a black ape over two meters tall, with an extremely burly figure and a pair of blood-red eyes staring fiercely at them.

This was the Iron-Armed Azure Ape, a fourth-rank monster!

Finally seeing their target, Ye Yuntian calmed down and began to organize their actions: "Ye Long, you and Ye Ling will stop one; Ye Dong, Ye Ming, you take one each; leave the other two to me. Until I finish my battle, just find a way to entangle them. Do not engage in direct combat. Understood?"

"Yes!" the four replied in unison. They all understood that this wasn't the usual sparring within the family but a real fight to the death. One wrong move could cost them their lives.

"Good, I'll go first!"

With that, Ye Yuntian let out a long howl, like an arrow leaving the string, and charged towards the five Iron-Armed Azure Apes ahead.