
Bloodied Hell's Demon King

Across the Nine Heavens, using the supreme method, the Nine Hells Blood Prison was established, imprisoning gods and demons. In the Vermilion Continent, young Ye Dong, due to a drop of blood falling from the sky, not only obtained an unparalleled technique but also gained the ability to unlock the Blood Prison. He became the Lord of the Blood Prison, leading billions of prisoners on a path against the heavens!

longyang_li · Kỳ huyễn
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28 Chs

Index finger yangming

A month's time quickly passed in Ye Dong's diligent practice every night, and tomorrow was the day of the big competition between the three major families for the three-year qualification to reside in the Autumn Leaf Street of Yifeng City.

On the mountainside behind the house, Ye Dong stood with his hands behind his back, his eyes closed tightly, as countless sounds around him crowded into his ears.

The benefits of diligently practicing the "Blood Sea Battle Sky Dao" were becoming increasingly evident. Every day, the refinement of the spiritual energy in various parts of his body allowed Ye Dong to possess increasingly powerful abilities in various aspects.

Within a hundred meters, the slightest sounds of falling leaves, flying flowers, and rustling grass could not escape his ears.

Even in the darkness without any light, he could accurately grasp the fly passing by his ear, observe objects in the dark without any hindrance.

If he gathered the spiritual energy under his feet, then his feet would be like having two giant springs attached to them. With a gentle touch, he could leap three to five meters.

But what pleased him most was his right index finger, which was not only as hard as iron but also...

Suddenly, a rustling sound came from the dense forest in the distance. Ye Dong still kept his eyes closed, but he judged from the movement of his ears that it was a hungry wolf that had lost its way. Its four claws stepped on the fallen leaves, emerging from the dense forest, and its two eyes full of beastliness stared at him intently.

The hungry wolf remained still, and so did Ye Dong, as they competed with each other's patience. Finally, unable to resist the hunger in its belly, the wolf suddenly leaped high, opened its mouth wide, its sharp fangs glinting under the moonlight, and pounced towards Ye Dong.

Ye Dong remained motionless with his eyes closed until the wolf's foul breath reached his nose. Then, he suddenly raised his hand, extending the index finger of his right hand with extreme casualness.


The hungry wolf didn't even have time to howl in agony. Its body froze in mid-air, its blood-red eyes staring to the extreme. It couldn't believe that the human in front of it, who was at least three meters away, could hit it with his index finger.

On the tip of Ye Dong's right index finger, a strange burst of spiritual energy stretched out more than three meters away, like a steel whip, piercing through the wolf's head. Under the moonlight, it gleamed brightly!

After a month of hard practice, Ye Dong found that the refinement of various acupoints in his body seemed very simple but was actually able to gradually tap into the potential of each part of his body.

For example, after opening the Yangming acupoint on his index finger, when spiritual energy shot out from it, it not only became extremely hard but could also leave the body, maintain contact with the body, and even extend and retract in length like a whip.

From the initial half meter to the current three meters, Ye Dong didn't know the ultimate limit of how far the spiritual energy emitted from his fingertip could reach, but he was looking forward to it.

He raised his hand, and the spiritual energy on his index finger suddenly retracted, making his finger extremely soft, flexible, and strong yet pliable.

Ye Dong had no interest in opening his eyes to see the dead wolf with its eyes still open. He still stood with his hands behind his back, muttering to himself, "I've been practicing the Seventh Spiritual Seal for half a month now, and no side effects have occurred. It seems that using the 'Blood Sea Battle Sky Dao' technique to condense spiritual seals is feasible. Anyway, today I'll condense another seal. The Eighth Spiritual Seal should be enough to deal with tomorrow's big competition!"

Early in the morning, just as the sky was getting light, the entire Ye Family began to stir. The servants were busy preparing breakfast, while the third-generation descendants of the Ye Family were busy with their final cultivation, preparing for today's big competition.

Each time before the big competition began, representatives from the three major families would discuss the specific content and format of the competition.

In the previous competition, the second-generation descendants of the family participated, so Ye Yunfei led the Ye Family to victory. However, this time, the competition was open to those under eighteen years old, and of course, this proposal was also made by the Ye Family because Ye Dong had already shown his talent.

However, no one expected that Ye Dong would encounter such a disaster. Ye Yunfei's life or death was unknown, and Ye Dong had become a waste. Therefore, in this competition, the Lin Family and the Luo Family were determined to win.

Ye Dong also got up early, although in the eyes of the Ye Family, he had no qualifications to participate in this competition, but no one could stop him from observing.

During breakfast, Ye Yuanjin also came to the dining hall. After all, the result of this competition was of great significance to the Ye Family, so he was preparing to lead the team personally, also giving encouragement to his grandchildren.

The Ye Family had six third-generation descendants in total. Except for Ye Yunfei, who had only one son, Ye Dong, the eldest son Ye Yuntian had two children, a boy and a girl. The eldest son Ye Ming, as the eldest grandson, currently had the Seventh Spiritual Seal, but at the age of twenty, he was too old to participate in the competition.

The girl, Ye Ling, was eighteen years old and had the Sixth Spiritual Seal, making her the highest-ranking practitioner in the Ye Family in this competition.

The third son, Ye Yunteng, had three children, two boys and a girl. However, he only planned to let his two sons, Ye Long and Ye Hu, participate. Ye Long was fifteen years old with the Fifth Spiritual Seal, and his aptitude was considered good, while Ye Hu was fourteen years old with the Fourth Spiritual Seal.

Therefore, only three people from the Ye Family were actually participating in the competition this time.

The competition was conducted in the form of a challenge on a platform, where the winner would stay and defend the platform while the Lin Family and the Luo Family attacked. The three families would take turns sending people onto the stage until no one was left to send. The last one standing on the platform would be the winner.

As soon as breakfast was over, although Ye Yuanjin was smiling and encouraging Ye Long and the others, everyone could see that his smile was forced, indicating that he didn't believe that the Ye Family had any hope of winning this time.

On the other hand, Ye Long seemed confident, with a self-satisfied smile on his face. However, over the past month, he had also strictly closed his doors under his father's arrangement, and no one knew what achievements he had made.

However, the Ye Family still had some hope. Although Ye Ling's talent was mediocre, her cultivation was steady and solid. Compared to Ye Dong at the beginning, she was only slightly inferior. However, placing the hope of an entire family on an eighteen-year-old woman couldn't help but make Ye Yuanjin smile bitterly.

A group of more than ten people left the Ye Family and headed to the town center of Autumn Leaf Town, where there was a specially designated platform.

Ye Yuanjin rode at the front on a big horse, occasionally