

Demon King Alixuron Scalius is the ruling monarch over the Empire of Scornsije. He was cursed when he was but a child by the Hags of Conventrellis, a witch demon kingdom, to never be able to bear a son. However, this curse was placed upon him from his grandfather’s arrogance. His grandfather, King Lemorphin Scalius, was enraged by this but being upon his deathbed was unable to retaliate. King Sezura Scalius had died shortly after King Alixuron’s birth. All of this is to say that King Alixuron cared not about the curse as his daughters are strong, wise, and very capable dragon demons that shouldn’t be discounted. Though none share a mother, they all still held an unusually close bond with one another due to him treating them all equally as his children. However, the young females have become too relaxed in their lives, one could dare say even bored! What’s a father to do besides sending them off to govern individual holds within the kingdom? Exert: “Introduce yourselves to Prince Verocul Howlsend of the Kingdom of Thropanio.” King Alixuron nonchalantly orders his daughters. The werepanther prince looks each princess over with intrigue, lust and appraisal. The King keeps a small smile to himself, holding back a chuckle. “I’m the second eldest daughter, Princess Natalion Scalius.” The proudful demoness offers a slight smile as she eyes the prince and his procession after stepping forward. She places a hand on her hip with an arched brow as she does so. “I’m Katilis Scalius, it’s ever so nice to meet you!” The ever cheerful daughter came forth, her eyes gleaming with interest as she eyes the group with a playful expression. She holds a rather cute poppet that felt like it stared into one’s soul. “I’m Brightana Scalius, I hope you find your time here pleasant.” The next in age steps forth with a slight curtsy before she nonchalantly pulls out her journal once more and starts to write in it once more. She held the air of indifference as she spoke. “Oh! I’m Gripillia Scalius, please do feel free to share any stories with me.” The next daughter states with a blossoming smile after being prodded to attention by her sisters. She clasps her hands in front of her as her eyes sparkle with anticipation. “I’m Veriona Scalius, I’m glad to see the tales of how handsome the demons of Thropanio are is proven to be more than just tales.” The final daughter in line steps forth with sensuality running through her very movements, offering a wink and smirk as she brazenly looks the group over. The doors open, drawing the attention of the room to a smaller, daintier female surrounded by guards and attendants, her being helped to walk on both sides as she comes over. “Ah, this is my eldest daughter.” King Alixuron announces before turning to address her as she reaches the line. “I’m glad to see you’re feeling well enough to join us today my dear.” “Thank you father.” She replies, leaning against her sister Katilis before turning to the prince. “I am the eldest daughter to King Alixuron Scalius, Princess Doniverea Scalius. I apologize for my late arrival, but do hope we can be friends.” She looks at the prince with the calmest energy one can imagine, serenity coming off of her in waves. “It’s my pleasure to make the acquaintances of ones so famous and beloved as your majesties. I look forward to us strengthening relations of our empires!” Prince Verocul Howlsend offers a bow, followed by others of his party while all of both sides have smirks on their faces.

Skaoi_Nott · Kỳ huyễn
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5 Chs

Chapter 2

Gripilia hangs upside down in a tree, contemplating all that has happened so far that day. "It's strange, is it not…" She frowns, squinting at the moon in the sky as she does so.

"Your majesty, it appears you're bothered by something." An aloft voice carries up to her from a devil leaning against the tree sharpening his claws with his dagger.

"Cozzy, why do you think father has ordered this so suddenly?" She asks her long time friend and most trusted servant, turning to face him.

Cozmodiun pauses in his actions and considers his words before replying. "What other reason does a noble have to push their children to find partners? Stronger breeding brings a stronger family, and numbers is a game worth playing when one lives as we do." He replies as he waves his dagger around. "Not to mention that you demons have it worst, being high tier only really means you have more enemies than allies. Let's not forget that your mother's own death was at the hands of a collective effort between a few of your father's consorts and a few of her own family members." He sighs and plops onto the ground at this point.

"Hmmm…" She replies as she goes over the various prospects again. "He gave each of us twenty to view, but how am I to know which to narrow it down to?!" She exclaims, then allows herself to slide off of the branch, twisting effortlessly to land on her feet then sits beside Cozmodiun to give him a demand. "Help me choose."

Cozmodiun's reply is interrupted by another devil arriving, a neatly folded paper in hand. "Princess Gripilia, please accept this list of suggested prospects for you offered by Princess Doniverea. She wishes you the best in finding a decent match and hopes this will aid you in doing so." The female devil bows while holding out the paper to her.

"Oh, yay!" Gripilia replies, accepting the paper without a second thought. "Please relay my gratitude to big sis Doni! Thanks for delivering this Mirinada!" She replies, but is already looking over the suggestions. Each had their merits, and her suggestions helped to instantly knock out ten from her father's listed. She squints as she debates the last ten, barely noticing her sister's servant's leave. "Now we only have these ten to consider from, so let's get to it." She tells Cozmodiun as she spreads the files out.

"Your command is noted, my princess." He replies dully, but still dutifully lifts a file and starts to read over it. "Of course, it'll do me no good to have an unsuitable match be by your side."

Gripilia huffs with a roll of her eyes at this. "You can just say you're willing to help!"


Veriona sits back and looks at the files spread before her. They all seem like perfect matches for her. Too perfect! She places different perfume bottles on each file, what she feels would be best suited to wear for each as she contemplates this. She knows full well her father would have done his research, digging into their history and so on. However, she couldn't shake the feeling of there being a catch for each one. "How can there be twenty perfect prospects for me to choose from? Ugh, this feels weird."

"Perhaps they are as good as they seem, no harm in choosing the most pleasing for now." her female devil servant brushing her hair replies with a shrug as she glances at their photos.

"Beaninla, she has to consider more than just looks if she's tied to this demon for years." Her other devil female servant snaps as she shoots the other girl a glare. "Personality is so key, but they haven't offered as much as I would have liked about them."

"I have to agree with Cerivaon that it does feel that things are a little off. Could it be sabotage?" Her male devil servant speaks up next as he places down a tray with tea for each of them.

"They better not be trying that shit!" Beaninla growls, pausing in her brushing to glare and calm herself down. "I will cut a bitch, I swear-"

"Beaninla, down girl. Take some deep breaths and shake off the anger." Veriona admonishes her gently, then turns back to the task at hand as Beaninla complies. She couldn't help but to agree with her closest servants, they did appear oddly superficial with the information. That is something she's sure her father wasn't aware of.

"Princess Veriona, I apologize for my interruption of your evening." A sudden voice flits in from the doorway, instantly bringing a smile to her face as she turns. "Her majesty, Princess Doniverea, wishes for me to impart this information to you in regards to the matches your father has prepared for you." He offers a folded paper to them as he bows in respect.

"Thank you Rofinlor, please tell sis I much appreciate her efforts in this!" She eagerly accepts the information. She takes a moment to look over at him, then trails her finger down his chest. "Of course, this can wait until after we've had some fun." She smiles at him suggestively.

Rofinlor blushes at the suggestion, but gives her a wry smile. "If I had the time, I would gladly accompany your majesty to such indulgence. However, I must return to assist Princess Doniverea with her evening." He apologetically replies.

Veriona pouts at him and bats her lashes. "Oh alright, I shall look forward to our next time then." She turns after he bows and leaves, facing her trusty trio. "I suppose our jobs has just gotten easier." She announces with a sly grin, laying the detailed information down for them to read.


Katilis spins in a circle with a blindfold on, suddenly stopping with a tether before throwing a dagger with all of her force. She hears the silence echoing in the room around her as everyone waits. With a grin on her face, she lowers her blindfold only to laugh while her numerous poppets throughout the room cheer. The dagger was lodged into the wall to it's hilt, but somehow managed to miss the pictures of suitors all around it. "Again! Again! Again!" the poppets cheer and clap as they dance around with her.

"Yes! We shall try again!" Katilis agrees, starting to replace her blindfold as she raises another blade to the ready.

"Princess Katilis, mayhaps this will aid you? Princess Doniverea wishes that you have this and it helps you." A humble voice chimes in, causing her to uncover her eyes. She eyes the demon that followed one of her poppets in. He holds out a letter for her with a bow.

"Oh, sister always has her ways I see. Tee-hee" Katilis hums as she prances over and daintily takes the folded paper. "Come in Adomikias, let's have a cup of tea before you take your leave."

Adomikias hesitates, but then humbly enters. "I do believe I can make time for one cup with you, it has been a while dear Princess."

Katilis looks at him from over her shoulder, then giggles with glee. "It has been Domi! Sis has been keeping you rather busy lately." she pouts at this as she plops into a seat that's a swirled design covered in glitter. A poppet that has grown itself into a child sized doll brings a tray over with goodies and tea. "Thank you Yuji!" She says to it, making it squeal and giggle in reply.

"Thank you both, Princess Katilis and Yuji, for the tea and treats. Princess Doniverea's condition has been rather forceful as of late, but she's has many tasks to complete. It's our honor to help her, even if our own time is forgone." Adomikias replies with a grin as he takes a savouring sip of the herbal tea.

"Can't help us getting pouty when sis takes away our favorite guests suddenly! Not fun, not fun at all!" Katilis complains, then pokes one of her poppets in their tummy. "But, since she knew this was going to happen, I suppose she was trying to make sure she had these ready for us." She looks up at Adomikias and smiles. "Right, Domi?"

Adomikias grins back with a chuckle. "As astute as always, Princess Katilis."


Brightana is seated at one of her many desks within her personal library. She is surrounded by piles of reference papers on her various suitors, each organized by suitor. She frowns and sips from her cup of herbal tea.

"Does something bother you your highness?" a delicate demoness asks with concern evident on her features. She glances at the suitors' papers then back at her mistress.

"Xeryklio, it's concerning to think about the suitors we're given. Not that any of them appear bad, but I must wonder if father was fully appraised on all of the details. Mine aren't too worrisome, but considering some suggested to the others I am uneased." Brightana replies with a sigh and crinkled brow as she glances at all of the data.

"I don't mean to overstep any bounds, but I don't think we need to worry much. Princess Doniverea is surely already at work with dealing with this, right?" a demon that looks identacle to Xeryklio suggests as he comes in with a cart of books. "Oh, and Shionjuku is here for you." He adds as an after thought as another demon follows him.

"Hello Princess Brightana, Princess Doniverea has sent this for you in hopes to aid with your current ordeal regarding finding a consort amongst your suitors." Shionjuku announces as he hands her the letter with a bow.

"Xerydiun, Shionjuku, it's been a while since I've seen you two together. Thank you for delivering sister's letter." Brightana replies as she opens the letter and starts to read it.

"Her Highness is correct, it has been quite some time Shionjuku. It's nice to see you again." Xeryklio remarks as she awaits her mistress' requests.

"Sister always seems to be a step ahead of everyone, please give her my thanks for handling our concerns Shionjuku." Brightana adds with a smile and much more relaxed demeanor. "This does help to simplify things, we only need to choose suitors out of these." She proceeds to remove half of the suitors from the desk.

"Certainly does help, shall we investigate the new information then, our Princess?" Xerydiun questions with a smirk as he eyes the remaining ones.

"Shall we?" Brightana asks with slight excitement glinting in her eyes at the prospect of reading more thoroughly about each of them.

"As you wish, our Princess!" The twins reply with grins and enthusiasm, both picking up files and reorganising the desk for her.

"I shall take my leave then, please do remember to take care of yourself though, Princess Brightana, Xeryklio, Xerydiun." Shionjuku states, giving a half bow to each as he states their names. They return their farewells as he leaves.


Natalion stares out of her windows, listening to the tick of time as she contemplates her options. She had already burned the lack luster half. She looks towards the door when it opens, her demon servant Rigorue enters with a gown hanging on his arm. A slight growl rumbles from her in annoyance as she turns away.

"Your highness, shall we get you ready for your supper?" Two female devils ask as they enter.

"Fine, Rigorue tidy up in here please." She gives in before stalking out of the room.

"Oooo, mistress isn't in a good mood today, is she Fliora?" One devil states with a surprised look on her face as she watches after her.

"Not at all, not at all Heliana!" Fliora replies before laughing as they dash after her.

"Make sure to take care in attending to our mistress tonight, today has been rather straining for her." Rigorue warns them lowly, causing the pair to pause at the door before giving him a smile and continuing on. He sighs deeply, feeling a headache starting at just thinking of the trouble ahead. "My Princess, we shall make sure these suitors are worthy of someone so great!"

"Princess Natalion, you look terrific in that gown!" Fliora exclaims as they all look over her appearance in the mirror.

"Let's make sure everything else is done well too. I hear King Alixuron has an important guest tonight, a lycan royal!" Heliana adds in as she busies herself with doing Natalion's hair.

Natalion frowns at this though, wondering why he would have invited one to accompany their evening on this night after such an announcement. "What importance is this royal?" She asks them tersely.

"He's the third son of the Kingdom of Thropanio, Prince Verocul Howlsend and his attendees." Fliora replies eagerly as she finishes Natalion's makeup.

"His mother is one of the lower concubines of his father, King Ziiques Howlsend, whom was elevated to a top tier position after her successful birth." Heliana explains further. "She's the fourth princess of Neohlm, the kingdom of Pixies. Her name's Leniva Rokiun."

"And of course Doniverea would already know." Natalion mutters to herself, then smooths her gown and stares out of the window again. "Have Flowrig and Dindger look into them a bit more."

"Yes, I'll tell them right away your highness." Heliana immediately replies with a bow before fetching the two devils to do their new task.

"Come, we'll visit the royal tea room and see if any of my sisters are there." Natalion orders Fliora, who eagerly follows after her as she leaves the room.

"Of course, your majesty! Right away!" Fliora prances in step with Natalion.


Doniverea contemplates joining her sisters for tea. None were excused from having the pre-dinner tea, except for her. "Bavorias, please inform my sisters I won't be joining them for tea this evening." She tells one of her demon servants.

"At once, your Highness." Bavorias immediately replies with a bow before leaving to do as she asks of him. He was one of her most trusted and does as she needs with perfection.

"Madonella, ready my attendees to join me tonight, I feel dinner will be most exhausting." Doniverea asks of another of her trusted servants, the demon jumping to her request.

"Yes your highness, it would be my honor!" Madonella eagerly starts on her task.

Alone, Doniverea sighs as she reclines in her seat, her strength waning before she takes her medicine. She glances over her perspective suitors, already aware of the five she will be bringing to her. She hopes that her sisters would heed her advice, but she couldn't help being anxious still. However, even if they didn't choose who she would like for them, she could introduce them later. That was her only solace in noticing what the conniving elders had done with the choices for her and her sisters. She noticed the sly, spiteful creatures purposefully not give them sufficient information on the suitors, as well as trying to build up the less desirable ones for them.

All of the ones suggested for her however, were top catches. Natalion wasn't lying when she said that she was the "favored" daughter, partly because she's the eldest and partly because of her mother. Doniverea clenches her fists, then slowly releases them and calms herself. Her sisters, the sweet children that they were, she raised since they were born. She looked after them for all their lives, and will always continue to do so.

Because, in the end, it was them against all...