
Death By Blue Fire


Quickly, Boang recomposed himself and charged at Elric with an even more furious look.

Seeing that the ugly creature keeps coming to him while he is busy healing the princess, Elric decided to give the octopus man with a good slap.



Boang was sent diving again to the sand, but even deeper this time. It was thanks to his overwhelming power and extraordinary body, he would have been dead after that slap. The other shark subordinates of his did not even dare to step into the battle to help him. Knowing that they could only die a meaningless death under their leader's abnormal temper and the human's weird power. Slowly, they backed farther and farther, making sure they are safe from the two mad creatures.

Despite them being the apex predator of the ocean, under the mutant octopus and the weird human, they look like ants just waiting to be stomped accidentally.


"You. Human! How dare are you humiliate me!" Boang bellowed with his veins almost popping out of his head.

"Do you know who I am!? I will be the next Lord of this realm! Do you know what that means?" He said with utmost confidence. Seeing that the human is still doing his thing in the middle of the dark mist, he added: "Hand me that mermaid and I will spare your stupid life!"

"I know you are hungry, knowing that there is not a single fish in this place. But you should know that the creature you are trying to eat is the princess of the water realm. What are you going to do with her?" Elric asked. A little curious.

"She has the blood for the cure of my curse!" Boang shouted with increased agitation.

"Cure for your curse?" Elric replied.

"King Mahar cursed me to be locked in this side of the land. It is a long story, human. You will never understand. You are too inferior to ask about our affairs."

"I am willing to listen," Elric added.

"Why do you care!? The only thing you will listen to is the cries of the merfolks when I finally get my revenge! And you- you can still save yourself from my rampage if you hand over that mermaid to me!" Boang shouted with a condescending tone.

"I don't want to fight you without knowing you and giving you a chance," Elric said in a calm and steady voice. It was thanks to his new updated capacity that he can remain calm in the face of this otherworldly creature.

"Huh?! Are you trying to sympathize with me!? I don't need a human's stupid sympathy. Just hand that fish over and we are done here!"

"I told you, explain to me and I will listen."

"I see. You are a kind one. Just like that King Mahar. " with a scoff, Boang added..."

"You are just like him indeed. The kind and pathetic king who failed the water realm."

"I guess there is no way of talking to you then. We are leaving." Elric dismissed as he prepared to go. The enemy's words mean nothing to him, knowing that the late King Mahar did what he must do. Trying to talk and justify King Mahar before a senseless creature is just a good waste of time.

"Where do you think you are going!?" Boang dashed forward with another hostile attack but barely before even hitting Elric, the Spear of Fire suddenly appeared from the young man's hand. It burned in the blue fire that emanated unexplainable might.



Boang's body was immediately covered in agonizing blue fire. The Spear of Fire Elric used pierced through Boang's chest and sent him crashing down while screaming in pain.

"No! No! No! My body! My Powerfull body! Aaaah! What did you do to me!?" Boang screamed in agony as he glared at Elric's leaving parting body. Quickly, the blue fire incinerated parts of his body and his massive size returned to its normal state while slowly dissipating into dust.

"Noo! Don't go! My body! It's Aaaah! Burning!"

And just like that. The legend of the unholy Lord of the Water Realm died in the most anti-climactic way.

As Elric was about to leave the area, he reached into the pack of sharks as if they were waiting for an ambush. However, right after seeing the state of the supposed to be the strongest creature of the southern region of the water realm, they all backed down in surrender and respect.

Elric, on the other hand, paid no heed to them. With the princess on his left arm and Dolphy on the other still unconscious, he quickly made his way towards the Golden Castle, quite a long-distance away.

Special thanks to RichelPretty, Philip938, Miguel_Alvarez_8827, Ilaem, Ekon, Tree of Joy, XystOblivion, GODSAMARIO_97, lopezan my man and the rest who voted.

*Bows down.

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