
Hunter or Hunted


Vanessa raised her hips and threw him off kilter. She got to her feet and punched him in the face, the hit actually made his nose bleed. “Stop being such a d*ck.” She said and ran back upstairs. It didn’t matter that it was night-time. She couldn’t be in that house another second. Vanessa grabbed a jacket and ran outside. She ran and she ran until her lungs felt like exploding. She’d made it a couple blocks before having to stop to breathe.

Damn that lag in her cardio. She collapsed against a building and coughed. Her lungs fought for air, her thighs and calves felt as though they could incinerate the entire upper Manhattan area. Vanessa took a long moment to catch her breath and when it evened out, she looked around her surrounding areas. She was in some deserted area, only lit by city lights. At first she felt relieved, like she had gotten some alone time that she needed. No Rylie, no Byron, no freaking Malik.