Cassie Black, the daughter of Lord Voldemort and Bellatrix Lestrange, has wanted nothing more than to become an Auror. During her seventh year at Hogwarts, she must deal not only with Minister Fudge's mistrust of her true intentions, but Dumbledore's unending manipulation to get what he wants. Her blossoming attraction to lifetime friend Professor Snape, who she assumes will be horrified if he finds out her true feelings, threatens to ruin everything she holds dear. (Starts during Sorceror's Stone. Severus x Original Female Character).
Despite everything that had happened and the resulting frustration that followed, Cassie was grateful. Having Severus with her in the rainforest was something she hadn't expected, and it was was a surreal feeling. Machado had declared that any training for the day was canceled, even after all of the students returned from their trips home.
The couple spent the majority of the afternoon meandering through the trees, foraging for rare potion ingredients that Severus would have a hard time finding elsewhere. She had accompanied him on similar trips over the years, except it was usually on the outskirts of the Forbidden Forest or in some other natural terrain in Britain. Being in the Amazon was a completely different experience, as Severus was in constant awe of the abundance that this environment had to offer. His black eyes looked around them in wonder, and he was so excited to find a specific plant or insect at times that he couldn't help but spout off the entire recipe he had in mind. Cassie rarely saw her lover in this enthusiastic state. She did her best not to laugh at him in case he would realize how different this demeanor was for him and become embarrassed.
It was early evening by the time they made it back to camp with an enchanted pouch full of ingredients. They were planning on spending a brief amount of time with the other pupils for dinner, and then spend the rest of the night alone in Cassie's hut before Severus had to take a Portkey back to Hogsmeade. Their plans were dashed as soon as they were told what was to take place that night.
"The Ministry is hosting a celebration at Casteloruxo that we are all invited to," Machado announced as soon as everyone had gathered. "They are expecting us within the hour."
"Even if we were not at the battle?" Bwanbale asked. He and the other students that had been away were filled in about what had happened only hours ago.
"All of us are going," Machado repeated warmly. "If you had been here, there is no doubt that you would have participated with us." Cassie glanced at Severus, who looked about as thrilled as she felt right then, which was not at all.
"What kind of celebration?" Yui asked.
"I've only been told that we are to dress formally and that we are the guests of honor," Machado told the group. "So please don't delay in getting ready, I don't want to keep Minister da Gama waiting."
Everyone went back to their huts, and Cassie spoke before Severus had a chance to make an excuse. "There's no way you're going back to Hogwarts and I have to do this alone," she told him sharply, having a hunch what he was thinking.
"It is getting late, Cassie, and I have papers to grade," he started, then cracked a small grin when Cassie glared at him. "I'm only teasing, Cassie. I'll suffer through this festivity at your side if that is what you require of me."
Cassie grabbed a set of her plain back robes and wiggled her wand, transfiguring it into turquoise dress robes. Not satisfied with them, she changed the satiny material to lavender, then shook her head in frustration. "I just don't understand why the Ministry is wasting time and effort throwing some stupid party when they should be focusing on making sure Sombria is taken care of," she grumbled.
"Politicians are frivolous. I don't think I need to explain that to you," Severus replied. He started to change from the clothing that Alex had lent him into his normal black ensemble.
"So they're stroking their egos." Cassie changed the lavender robes to a shade of dark green with silvery trim. When Severus' eyes fell upon them, she noticed a gleam of approval, and she decided that would be good enough. She didn't care what Da Gama and the other baby-kissers thought of her but at least she could make her lover a bit happier about having to be there.
"Precisely," he said. "They've got to congratulate one another on the marvelous job they did taking Sombria down."
"They shouldn't be allowed to congratulate anyone until she's disposed of." Cassie sighed loudly. Having just pulled on her dress robes, she walked up to him and waved her wand. The buttons on his frock coat changed from black to silver, and his cloak sprouted an elaborate, swirled design. She was merely replicating the look that he routinely wore to lavish get-togethers at Malfoy Manor. It was a style she hadn't seen on him in a long time, not since before they started their romantic relationship. In a matter of seconds, the sight of him wearing it made her want to put her hands and lips all over him.
Her thoughts must have translated plainly on her face because Severus suddenly looked pleased. "What are you thinking, you silly thing?"
Cassie smirked at him. "We don't have enough time for what I'm thinking."
"They can wait," he replied lowly, pulling her into his arms just as she was pointing her wand at her hair to curl it. He bent down to plant kisses on her neck as he pressed his hips into her.
"Well, maybe," she breathed, stuffing her wand into her pocket so she could shove both hands under his cloak and rub his back. As the seconds passed, she was caring less and less about Machado's schedule, her focus entirely on the wizard that was lovingly caressing her.
They were interrupted by a sharp knock on her door. "Damnit," Severus said into her mouth. It opened before either of them could clear their minds enough to magically lock the door. Alex and Romily stood in the doorway. The French witch looked startled, but Alex must have found it humorous that they had caught them red-handed.
"Whatcha guys doing?" he asked, grinning from ear to ear. Romily smacked him hard on the arm, but he only chuckled. Cassie pulled away from Severus but kept a firm grasp on his hand as she led him toward the door.
"You're a nuisance, Alex," Cassie declared as the four of them made their way down the wooden bridges.
"I think 'entertaining' is another way to put it," Alex replied. Severus snorted a little bit too loudly, but it didn't seem to dampen Alex's usual jovial mood. Cassie was impressed that he was keeping any snide comments to himself in an effort to stay cordial with her friend. She was glad the rude noise was the only obvious clue that he was feeling antagonized.
It seemed incredibly out of place to see her peers in fancy dress robes, as she was used to them being in clothing that was comfortable for physical activity and not much variation beyond that. The girls were especially interested in each other's choice in wardrobe as they made their way to the school, complimenting and comparing cultural differences in standard formalwear.
"You look gorgeous," Cassie told Romily warmly as they linked arms. Her friend was wearing flowing peach-colored material, her brown hair pulled back into a messy bun. Severus was ahead of them a few steps, having somehow gotten pulled into a conversation with Alex and Diego. It was hard to tell by the back of his head if he was irritated by his current company, but Cassie was grateful that he was at least trying with her friends. The thought gave her butterflies in her stomach.
"I do? Do you think Alex feels the same way?" Romily asked nervously. Cassie couldn't help but laugh a little.
"Of course he does! He's not blind."
Romily shook her head lightly. "I am not so sure, Cassie, 'e is so 'ard to read sometimes. All Alex does is make jokes." Cassie wanted to reassure her, but her friend had a valid point. Being in a relationship with Alex was probably similar to being in one with Fred or George. The sincere talks about complicated feelings were probably difficult to come by, especially this early in the budding romance.
"Give him time to grow up a little," Cassie told her. "I'm sure it's just hard for him to be serious."
"You know what 'e said to me when 'e saw me tonight? 'You look like a creamsicle.' What the 'ell does that even mean?"
"I'm not really sure," Cassie said truthfully.
"I see why you date a man and not a little boy," Romily replied, nodding her head at Severus' backside as the three wizards seemed to be in some heated debate. "Maybe I am wasting my time."
"Don't think like that. You two are good together, Mily." Cassie could tell that the witch was not so sure.
They reached the school grounds and the grand staircase that led up to the main doors, and Severus made a point to break away from Alex and Diego to come back to Cassie. He offered her his arm and she took it. Romily looked perturbed, as Alex was still talking to Diego and seemed to have forgotten that she was there.
"Alex!" Cassie called sharply as the entire group started to climb the stairs. He turned back to look at her, and she nodded toward Romily a few times before he seemed to understand what she was telling him. He finally went to walk next to Romily so he could escort her into the party.
"Having to tell your friend how to properly treat his significant other?" Severus asked her quietly, as the couple was behind them now.
"I'm just grateful that no one has to tell you how to be respectable," she quipped, smiling at him as they walked.
"It's refreshing to know that I am not taken for granted," was his reply as he raised a jesting eyebrow at her. Despite being around many people he didn't know well, his demeanor remained amicable.
"Never," Cassie said sincerely. Having him here at this event willingly, especially one that she didn't even want to attend, reminded her again of his inconspicuous generosity.
The academy group was ushered to the temple's great hall, and Cassie gasped when they entered. It was elaborately decorated, the usual tables used for the students' meals moved to the sides to make room for a large dancing area. The Brazilian Ministry had chosen a Halloween-themed celebration since it was the end of October and so close to the holiday. The large room contained an endless amount of pumpkins, floating candles, and magically animated skeletons. The music was being played by an orchestra that was comprised entirely of ghosts, who were set up near the entrance of the hall. The intricate ambiance rivaled Hogwarts' during a Halloween feast.
The rest of the guests clapped when Machado and his students entered. Being on display was something that Cassie tended to avoid, so she was eager to get out of everyone's gaze. Unfortunately, it seemed like the entire point of this party was for them to be recognized, and strange wizards and witches started to shake their hands and give them well wishes as they made their way to the table that was designated for them. She felt a bit better once they were all seated, but she could still feel numerous eyes on them even as Ministry da Gama started to address the room. He spoke of bravery and immense skill and then led everyone in a moment of silence for his fallen employees. His daughter, the only Castelobruxo student in the hall, sat at his side, driving home the message of how dire the situation could have been. Headmaster Antunes spoke, telling everyone that hors d'oeuvres and drinks would be served throughout the room and that awards would be handed out later in the night.
"Awards," Cassie said under her breath. "Sounds awful."
"We don't have to stay," Severus told her matter-of-factly. Cassie sighed, looking over at Machado and her peers. Most of them looked so pleased, especially when the Minister made his way to their table.
"Look at how excited they are," she muttered. "If we leave it's only going to disappoint Martese." Severus grabbed her hand, giving it a firm squeeze, and he turned slightly in his seat so he could look her square in the eyes.
"I don't care what they want," he told her gruffly. "What do you want, Cassie?" Cassie returned his intense gaze for a few seconds.
"We'll stay for now," she said. "I'll let you know if I change my mind." Severus nodded, just as Minister da Gama reached them. He was gracious as he shook their hands and thanked them for their part in the battle. Cassie tried to her best to keep a smile plastered on her face when all she wanted to do was to insist that Sombria be executed. But she knew her demand would only be rejected, or it would have been done already. She kept her thoughts to herself.
Wine was served to their table, and Cassie drank hers a bit faster than she normally would have. She ended up sipping on Severus' as they watched people make their way to the dance floor. Machado had found a middle-aged Ministry witch to dance with, and some of the academy students were partnering up as well.
For a short time, Cassie and Severus sat in silence, observing the busy hall and all the jovial people around them. Then, Severus leaned close to her so he could speak quietly into her ear. "Would you like to dance, Cassie?"
She turned to look at him, wanting to see his expression. She didn't know if he was being sarcastic or not. To her surprise, his black eyes were full of sincerity. "Do you actually want to, Sev?"
"I asked if you wanted to."
"But you hate dancing!" she declared, earning a rigid stare from the Head of Slytherin.
"Must you always be so difficult? Answer my original question, Cass."
Cassie smiled, finding his irritation entertaining. "I would love to, Severus." He took her by the hand and guided her to the increasingly occupied dance floor, bowing slightly before putting a graceful hand on her waist. Even after all the time they had spent together in the last year, exchanging an innumerable amount of touches, it sent shivers throughout her body.
Her cheeks began to pinken as he led her in an elegant waltz, the ghost orchestra playing a beautiful number that added to the ambiance. Their movements were almost effortless, as both partners had been forced to learn the art of ballroom dancing in order to attend countless gatherings at Malfoy Manor. Cassie had even danced with him a few times when she was younger, back when their relationship had been purely platonic. But she had never experienced this with him since she had developed romantic feelings for him, and this time, it felt like an entirely different, intimate experience.
After dancing through several songs, the phantom ensemble stopped for a break. Cassie was ready for another drink and Severus offered to get her one without prompting. She made her way back to their table as her lover went to find her more wine. Alex and Romily were still sitting, much to Cassie's dismay. Romily looked dejected.
"Why didn't you dance?" Cassie asked them as she sat next to Alex.
"'e didn't want to," Romily snapped.
"Really, Alex? How often will you get an opportunity like this in the middle of the rainforest?" said Cassie, starting in on him without hesitation.
"I don't know how," the young wizard replied quickly.
"So learn," Cassie countered. "Look how beautiful this room is, and how gorgeous your date is - "
"Don't bother," Romily interjected, getting up in a hurry. "'e won't listen to me. Why would 'e listen to you?" She stormed off, heading toward Miremba and Yui, who were standing by a tray of food. Romily reached them, and then all three witches turned to glare at Alex for a few moments before launching into a heated discussion.
"Oh boy," Alex muttered. "I'm in the doghouse, huh?"
"You definitely are."
"Why is this fancy-schmancy stuff so important to you girls?" he asked Cassie earnestly. "I don't know what I'm doing, I'd just make us both look stupid out there!"
"Who cares? What's more important is that you make an effort." She glanced over to where Severus was. He was standing by a gaggle of house-elves armed with trays of drinks, conversing with a wizard with long platinum blond hair. Not thinking anything of it, she turned her attention back to her exasperated friend.
"That sounds so cliche!" Alex argued.
"Alex. Come on. It's not rocket science. Have you even told Romily how pretty she looks tonight?" Cassie asked him.
"I don't think - I mean, she knows how much she means to me. Do I have to tell her that stuff constantly?"
"Obviously! Go talk to her, Alex. Now." She stood up, grabbing Alex by the arm and making him get up from his chair. She lightly shoved him toward the three witches, and he started to go reluctantly. Cassie watched him for a few seconds, and once she was convinced that he was going to listen to her command, she turned to find Severus. He still appeared to be deep in conversation, and as she took a few steps, she was caught off guard by the familiarity of the back of his companion's head. The light hair, the poised stance, and even the exorbitant black dress robes were setting off an alarm in her head.
Her thoughts were disrupted when two wizards stepped into her path. Minister da Gama had found her, shaking her hand enthusiastically once again, and then her startled eyes focused on the second man. It was Cornelius Fudge.
Unable to hide her sudden shift in feelings, Cassie's eyes narrowed in anger as soon as they focused on the portly older wizard. She wasn't even hearing what Da Gama was saying to her as she absorbed the fact that the Minister of Magic was here, of all places, ruining the contented mood she had only just acquired.
Da Gama let go of her hand, and Fudge extended his to her. She took it with reluctance, not wanting to cause a scene, although she wondered why she even cared. "Miss Black," Fudge greeted her. His voice sounded warm, but she detected the slightest tremor in it. It was gratifying. "How glad I am to congratulate you on your victory."
"Sure," she muttered as she pulled her hand away from him. "What are you doing here?" The question came out before she could help herself.
"When I heard what happened, I couldn't stay away! Especially knowing that my friend Luis was throwing a celebration!" Fudge said jovially. Da Gama was beaming as he stood next to him.
"She is an exceptional witch!" Da Gama asserted. "My family and the entire school are lucky that she has been training here in Amazonas. I am forever in her debt."
"Well, Luis, when you asked me for Aurors earlier in the year and I told you I just couldn't spare any, it was because I knew you had the next best thing coming to you! I just didn't let you in on the secret!" Fudge guffawed. Cassie's blood was boiling.
"If you'll excuse me," she murmured lowly. "I need to find my date."
"Ah yes, Professor Snape," Fudge said. "I'll have to make sure I speak to him, as well. But Luis, don't start thinking you can keep him here, too. Dumbledore and I need him back at Hogwarts!"
Cassie tore herself away from them as they laughed again. If it was considered rude to leave abruptly, she really didn't care. She focused on finding Severus when her path was blocked yet again. This time, only one wizard stood in her way.
"Uncle," she greeted through gritted teeth.
"My darling niece," Lucius hissed, his silver eyes looking down his nose at her. How she hadn't realized he was here the moment she had laid eyes on the back of his head, she didn't know. "How surprised I was to learn of your endeavors here in Brazil."
"Playing the part of Fudge's lapdog?" she spouted. "I'm surprised you're not schmoozing with Minister da Gama."
"In due time, Niece."
Cassie started to walk around him, but he placed the head of his cane on her chest, stopping her. "Where did you leave Severus?" she asked him irritably, pushing it away.
"And how surprised I was to hear of your coupling with Severus," he drawled. "Continuing to go out of your way to avoid a suitable pureblood, aren't you? Although if you must dirty yourself with a half-blood, I must say that I approve of you being with one aligned with your family's viewpoints."
She was nearly at her breaking point, ready to throw a punch or a hex or perhaps spew an unending line of swear words. Just as she opened her mouth to speak, Severus was at her side, instantly gripping her hand and giving it a warning squeeze. Her rage must have been displayed clearly on her face.
"Lucius," he said with fake languor. "If you will forgive me for interrupting your conversation. Master Machado is requesting Cassie's presence."
"Of course, Severus. We wouldn't want to keep her renowned master waiting," Lucius replied. "Perhaps I will seek you out after the awards are given out. Fudge is eager to present them to the two of you. He insisted since you are from his jurisdiction."
"Indeed," Severus replied dryly, pulling Cassie away from her uncle. He knew she was past the point of no return, that another word uttered by this man would set her off. They were silent as he guided her out of the hall and to the front doors of the temple. "Do you want to leave?" he asked her as soon as they were outside and alone.
"God, yes!" she growled. They started to descend the stairs.
"Fudge will be disappointed, not being able to take credit for us publicly," he mused.
"Good. The more difficult we can make his life, the better!" They made their way through the forest, Cassie not caring that her dress robes were being ripped on branches.
"Malfoy said that it's all over the Prophet," her lover told her.
Cassie let out a moan of exasperation. "Of course it is."
"As much as it annoys you, Cassie, it might be a good thing. The public perception of you at home may turn positive because of it."
"I don't care." Her words were sincere. Fudge acting like he was suddenly responsible for Cassie's accomplishments, Lucius showing his face around her now that she had done something commendable; it made her livid. She didn't want any part of it.
They made it back to camp and went into her hut. "You aren't disappointed that you're missing out on your award, are you Sev?" she asked. The thought had just hit her that this wasn't just about her. It made her feel downright selfish.
"I am not."
"Are you sure?" She searched his face, worried that he was hiding his true feelings.
"The whole thing is frivolous and unnecessary. Do you think that I would care about Fudge handing me some certificate in front of a herd of politicians?" Severus asked her.
"I suppose not."
"Silly thing," he murmured lowly, pulling her in his arms. "How sensitive you can be."
Perhaps he was right, that she was sensitive. But how could she not be, with the array of emotions that were going through her right then? She was still ecstatic that Sombria was in custody, but irate that she was being treated like some political pawn instead of being executed. She was happy that she had experienced a romantic night with her love, but those feelings had swiftly been replaced annoyance, knowing that Fudge was suddenly switching his stance on her. The Minister was now trying to act like he was responsible for her achievements, like it had all been his idea. And Lucius, the fact that he had even dared to show his face around her solely because it might make him look good. It made her despise him even more.
And now she was dreading the moment that Severus had to leave her. He was due back at Hogwarts soon, as he would have to go back to his normal routine the next day. Cassie tried to focus only on him, and the fact that he was still there. It helped that he had his arms wrapped around her and was kissing her passionately. For the time being, his attention drove all her other worries away.
The rest of the academy students returned from Da Gama's party late, as Cassie didn't see any of them until the next morning. When she went into the main hut for breakfast, she was bombarded with questions about where she had gone, why she and Severus hadn't stayed. She calmly stated that she was tired and wasn't feeling up for such a festivity, and she was accused of canoodling with her lover back at the camp. Machado was the only one to call her rude for leaving before the ceremony, and it was the first time that Cassie felt the need to properly explain herself. Before training started for the day, she asked to see her master in private, and she told him everything that Fudge had put her through in her last year. By the time she told Machado what he and her uncle had said to her the night before, he was apologizing to her profusely.
Life at Academia de Luta returned to normal over the next few weeks, or at least as normal as it was before Sombria's threat to Fernanda da Gama. Her days were filled with exercise and dueling practice, her nights occupied by hanging out with her peers. She continued to play relationship counselor for Alex and Romily, and slowly they seemed to grow closer, Alex needing less and less coaching to make his girlfriend feel cherished.
Armed with Bellatrix's wand, Cassie and Machado continued on their endeavor to master her destructive power. She went into the lessons thinking she would be able to call it forth more easily since she had done it accidentally so recently, but it was like starting fresh. They spent hours in the training arena with Cassie meditating and Machado coaching her. She had been able to bring it forward once near the end of November, and it resulted in the same disaster as it had the last time. It exploded out of her in a light show, nearly cracking the protective spells around the arena. She was lucky it didn't destroy the rainforest around them. This time, she had been able to stop it after a few desperate minutes, so Machado didn't have to knock her unconscious again. Machado was elated that she had been able to exercise some control over it. She was just glad that she hadn't accidentally hit him.
Her next trip home was fast approaching, and Alex had somehow convinced Cassie to ask Severus if he and Romily could come with this time. He had agreed, and Cassie couldn't tell by his letter if he was reluctant to host guests in their home. She assumed that he was not thrilled with the idea, but had complied only to please her.
It felt strange to take a Portkey to Cokeworth with her two companions. Despite the small town's gloomy atmosphere, Alex was thrilled to be in Great Britain, asking her endless questions about its magical culture. He seemed to deflate a bit when she told him that their neighborhood was comprised of only Muggles, but was still happy to be there.
The three friends waited in the house until Severus arrived from Hogwarts. He was cordial enough when he greeted Alex and Romily, but Cassie could tell that something was amiss as they sat down to eat dinner. He seemed distracted, his black eyes shrewd every time he looked at her. She was glad that Romily was planning to take Alex into London for the evening for a bit of sightseeing. She knew she and Severus needed to talk.
"You are sure that you don't want to come along?" Romily asked as she and Alex approached the front door.
"No, you two have fun," Cassie assured her. "Severus and I could use some alone time, just like you guys." The couple left, and Cassie returned to the room where the Potions Master was seated.
"Okay," she said, taking a deep breath as she sat down on the couch next to him. "What is it, Sev?"
He tore his eyes away from the book he had been pretending to read, clapping it shut. He looked at her with the same mysterious, calculating gaze before speaking. "There is something going on at Hogwarts," he started slowly. Cassie's focus was only on him as he explained what had happened the night of Halloween, how Mrs. Norris had been found petrified, and the message that had been written on the wall near her. He described in detail of the rogue bludger that had gone after Harry Potter in Draco's first Quidditch match, and how Colin Creevey, a young Gryffindor, had been found petrified later that night.
"The Chamber of Secrets?" Cassie asked quietly. "What does that mean?"
"We don't have any concrete information," Severus told her. "The only knowledge we have is from legend." He told her what he knew of Salazar Slytherin's promise to rid the school of Muggle-borns a thousand years ago, and the supposed monster that was hidden somewhere in the castle.
Cassie felt sick. "But Severus," she whispered. "I'm Slytherin's heir - "
"I know," he responded curtly. "Dumbledore suspects that your father has something to do with it."
"But how?"
"If he knew, he would have gotten to the bottom of it already."
They were silent for several minutes, lost in thought. "Maybe I should go to Hogwarts, Severus. See if I'm naturally drawn to anything, maybe Salazar's chamber would reveal itself to me somehow."
"I suggested the exact scenario to the Headmaster. He is fearful that if the Dark Lord is behind the attacks, he might be intentionally trying to lure you back to Hogwarts so he can attempt possession again." Severus looked disturbed as he said it, and she knew that he was worrying over her well-being all over again, like when Sombria had been an imminent threat.
"But if I anticipate it, I can be sure that I'll keep him out," she started to argue, but he cut her off.
"No. Dumbledore has insisted that you stay away, and after many debates, I have come to the same conclusion. Even if we were sure that he wouldn't be able to overtake your mind, you can't risk going there now. If anyone finds out about your ancestry and that you have been anywhere near the castle, they will blame you for the attacks. You will not risk it."
"But - "
"Cassie!" Severus said sharply. "You can't."
The realization of what was happening at Hogwarts put a damper on the evening. They tried to relax and enjoy each other's company after the troublesome conversation had drawn to a close, but both of them were on edge. They were in bed when Alex and Romily came back from London, and the next morning, they got to hear about every detail of the trip. Cassie tried her best to pretend like everything was fine as she listened to her friends. She didn't know how she would even begin to explain what was bothering her, especially without revealing her ties to Lord Voldemort and Salazar Slytherin.
Cassie had intended to bring Alex and Romily to Diagon Alley, but Severus warned her about her name being plastered all over the Daily Prophet since Sombria had been arrested. Her friends didn't fully understand why she didn't want to be in the magical public's eye but went along with the change of plans anyway. The four of them went to dinner and then to a pub, finding the experience enjoyable nonetheless.
She was worried about Severus going back to Hogwarts. If her father truly was responsible for petrifying Filch's cat and one of the students, what would stop him from going after a Death Eater that was now working for Albus Dumbledore? The Head of Slytherin reassured her that he would be fine, that it was the students he was worried about. But it didn't make her feel any better about the situation.
The end of the weekend came quickly, and Cassie was grateful to have Alex and Romily at her side as they made their way back to Amazonas, even if she couldn't truly divulge what was going on. Nonetheless, she was just as eager to get back to her hut and have a bit of alone time so she could contemplate the Chamber of Secrets all over again. She foolishly thought that this would be her main concern for the foreseeable future, now that she was back at Academia de Luta. How very wrong she was.
Her next inconvenience came in the form of a knock at her door later that night. She waved her hand lazily to open it as she sat cross-legged on her mattress, absent-mindedly paging through a Hogwarts: A History. To say she was surprised to see Vitaly Pavlischev there was an understatement.
"What do you want?" she asked him with a loud sigh.
"Hogwarts, it would be in your best interest to be nice to me, for once," the young wizard drawled as he slowly walked into her hut. Cassie looked up at him with a cocked eyebrow, as he hadn't dared to call her 'Hogwarts' in a very long time. She had made it clear that she detested the students referring to each other by their respective magical schools, as it was dehumanizing.
"Vitaly," she hissed, "Why the fuck would I be nice to you when you're an ass all the time?"
He chuckled darkly. "I went home for a visit this weekend," he started, looking around her hut with an air of distaste. "As you know it was my first trip to Russia since term started."
"Okay? Why would I care?"
Vitaly picked up her photo album and haphazardly started to page through it. Cassie wanted to punch him in the nose. "I had an interesting conversation with my father. As you know, he works for Russia's Minister for Magic."
"Yes, you've told all of us that many times, Vitaly."
"Ah, keep your temper in check, Hogwarts," he said smoothly, and Cassie stood up, her temper anything but under control at the moment. She shoved her hand into her pocket and drew her wand. "I wouldn't do that if I were you," he continued, eyeing her wand.
"As I was saying," Vitaly said, his demeanor calm even though she was sneering at him. His cold eyes went from eyeing her wand to her face, obvious triumph etched on his sharp features. "I spoke with my father, and the topic of the battle with Sombria came up. I told him of your ability to talk to snakes, and then he asked me for your surname, which I gave him obligingly. It seems you have been keeping a rather dark secret from us, Cassiopeia Black."
"Oh yeah? And what would that be?" she hissed lowly, taking a step forward, her face now inches from his as she dared him to say it.
"I know about your parents," Vitaly said gleefully. "I know that you are the daughter of the infamous Dark Lord. And if you don't do as I say, I will tell everyone."