Cassie Black, the daughter of Lord Voldemort and Bellatrix Lestrange, has wanted nothing more than to become an Auror. During her seventh year at Hogwarts, she must deal not only with Minister Fudge's mistrust of her true intentions, but Dumbledore's unending manipulation to get what he wants. Her blossoming attraction to lifetime friend Professor Snape, who she assumes will be horrified if he finds out her true feelings, threatens to ruin everything she holds dear. (Starts during Sorceror's Stone. Severus x Original Female Character).
Cassie took in her surroundings with a sense of awe. She, Severus, and Romily were being led through the Hermitage by a quartet of wizards dressed in teal robes. The massive art museum was closed for the night, negating the need for charms to avoid detection from the ne-magiya population. She wished the Russian Aurors would walk a bit slower so she could get a closer look at The Return of the Prodigal Son. Something about it intrigued her.
"We must not keep the minister waiting," one surly-looking Auror scolded her as she stopped to examine the painting.
"He can spare a few moments," she responded nonchalantly. "How often do we get a chance to see these pieces?"
"Miss Black, I must insist," another Auror said, reaching to grasp Cassie's upper arm. Before his hand could make contact, Romily stepped between them.
"If your minister is in such a hurry, he can meet us here," she sneered, nearly standing on her tiptoes to glare into the massive wizard's face. "Cassie only agreed to meet because his rude behavior is causing Fudge to harass her, so perhaps he can afford a bit of patience. And do not think you can just touch her!"
The Auror took a few steps backward. Severus watched the entire interaction with disguised amusement. He had insisted on accompanying his girlfriend to St. Petersburg to ensure her safety, but it seemed that the feisty French witch had it covered.
Cassie turned away from the painting to place a hand on her friend's back. "It's fine, Mily, I would hate to cause any damage in here. Let's keep moving." Romily silently stared down the Russian wizard.
Gryzlov's Aurors exchanged knowing looks but continued on, ushering the small group forward. In minutes, they were under the museum and in the colorful bowels of the Magical Duma. Their path was illuminated by candlelight only, and most of the staff were at home and asleep in their beds. After Crouch had dared to corner Severus in Diagon Alley, Cassie had been extremely eager to settle things with Gryzlov and get the Ministry of Magic of their backs. The Russian minister had wasted no time in setting up transport. Severus only hoped that Cassie's decision hadn't been too rash. If they were walking into a trap, three wands were hardly enough to take on the entire magical Russian Federation.
The Aurors brought them to a small chamber, leading Cassie through the door first. From the corridor, Severus heard a familiar, snide voice greet her with, "If it isn't the Hogwarts princess. Why don't you take a seat on my lap?"
Romily, looking as angry as Severus felt at the moment, tried to shove her way into the room before him. He was having none of it. For a few silent moments, the two of them struggled as they tried to shove past one another. Finally, Severus won out by only a millisecond and he nearly stumbled into the chamber. Romily caught her balance by grabbing onto his robes as she burst in behind him.
Vitaly seemed to choke on his words as the two of them suddenly exploded across the threshold, regardless of their clumsy entrance. His beady eyes went wide as he looked from Romily and then to the Potions Master.
"What is this?" Severus asked silkily as he came to stand beside Cassie. "Are you looking to be manually gelded, Pavlischev?"
The startled younger wizard looked at him, mouth agape. His father, who was seated next to him, let out an irritated huff.
"I told you to keep quiet, Vitaly," Yuri grumbled at his son. "Perhaps next time you will heed my warning?"
"But Father, he just threatened me - " Vitaly started to whine.
"He's not the only one!" Romily snapped.
"Now, now," interjected Gryzlov's gravelly voice. He was seated in an elaborately decorated, over-sized emerald green chair. He looked far too bland to be in something so magnificent. "I sense unnecessary tension in this room. Cassiopeia, I would appreciate it immensely if you reign in your staff."
"They are not my staff," Cassie said, crossing her arms over her chest. "I'm certain you remember Miss Boucher."
"Ah yes," Gryzlov said, his dark, cold eyes piercing the brunette witch. "Now that I take a closer look, how could I forget? The girl that tossed Yuri's son aside after the seminar like rotten fish. Tell me, have you found a suitable replacement to warm your bed?" Severus was disliking the Russian minister more and more, but he refused to show his mounting disgust. He stood tall with his hands folded neatly behind his back as he felt the two witches next to him tense with irritation. "Perhaps you have taken this older man as your lover, Miss Boucher?"
The question was followed by Vitaly's loud snort. "He is Cassiopeia's fuck boy."
The minister's eyes fell on Severus at Vitaly's crude statement. "Ah," he said, using the jewel-encrusted armrests to push himself to a standing position. "Lucius Malfoy told me all about you. Albus Dumbledore's Master of Potions, are you not?"
"I am."
"And how is that Miss Black found you suitable as a lover, Severus Snape?" Gryzlov asked. He circled Severus, making his authority known as he inched closer and closer with every step. As he stopped to stand in front of him, Severus could make out the beads of sweat on the older wizard's forehead and smell of rot on his breath. "We both know how selective this girl is of her devotion...I could have offered her my entire vault of gold and still she would have been unwilling to stand by my side."
Severus refused to back down from Gryzlov's piercing stare. This man had feigned strength hidden behind a thin veil and nothing else, he was certain. If he reached out and touched his heaving chest, Severus imagined he would crumble into nothingness. "Perhaps she does not find value in arbitrary ascendancy," he replied coolly.
Gryzlov mulled over his words for a few moments. "You think highly of her. I can see that. One can hardly blame a man such as yourself, with all of her magnificence." He returned to his throne-like seat, looking rather amused with himself. "Would it surprise you to learn then, my friend, that she was seen seducing Ludis Molotov the night that he was killed?"
Hardly. Severus knew every detail of that night, including the fact that she had flirted with the ill-fated wizard and let him fondle her before performing Legillimency. The pang of jealousy he had felt about the distraction technique was long since past. Now, he was left with the decision on how to react to the supposed news. Should he be surprised? Appalled? Devastated? He was certain that his practiced mask of indifference would serve him as well as it usually did, and so his gaze didn't waver. Gryzlov's, however, did.
The tension was broken as Cassie scoffed. She sat down in one of the chairs that had been empty and waiting, and gestured for Severus and Romily to do the same. "Who I fuck is Severus's business and hardly any of yours, Gryzlov," she said in a bored tone. Severus had to hide the chuckle that was forming in his chest.
"He knows?" the minister asked ludicrously.
"I suppose you wouldn't understand the spike in libido one would have after a duel like that," she continued. "Maybe you should stop delegating and fight for yourself next time."
The angry look on Vitaly's face was icing on the cake. Severus could only imagine how enraged the younger wizard was that Cassie was hypothetically willing to screw Molotov and not him. The ridiculousness of this entire situation was astounding. That this boy felt entitled to feel any sort of possessiveness toward her was downright impudent.
"Now that we have established that screwing someone does not mean they are guilty of murdering them," Romily said into the quiet of the room, "shall we continue?"
Gryzlov cleared his throat as he struggled to regain composure. "Where did you go after the ball?"
"A Muggle dance club."
"I highly doubt that - " Yuri started.
"I was there," Romily snapped.
"Of course you were," Gryzlov said, a sickening smile forming on his face. "Perhaps you will say that you murdered Molotov in her place?"
Cassie and the Russian minister were staring each other down on opposite ends of the room. Severus wanted more than anything to be able to counsel her, to remind her to keep her poise, but he was powerless. All he could do was watch the scene unfold.
In the silence, Cassie found her nerve. It was a subtle change, and in the intimacy of their relationship it was likely something that only he could detect. Severus recognized the dauntlessness on her features. "Are you looking to start a war, Sergey?" Cassie asked. A few people gasped.
"How dare you accuse our minister of such things!" Yuri cried.
"I am not accusing him of anything. I am merely asking a question," Cassie answered simply. "And I will remind you that he is not my minister."
Gryzlov silenced a muttering Yuri with a wave of his hand. "Why would you ask me such a thing?"
"You seem determined to pin this on me, but why? So you can ultimately blame Fudge? I imagine there would be a lot of benefits in warring with the British magical government."
"I have my own domestic affairs to deal with!" Gryzlov seethed. "The Krasnota, they are attacking almost daily now, killing my Aurors and terrorizing my people! I have no interest in a conflict with Cornelius!"
"He seems to think so after the constant harassment."
"Cornelius is a fool!" Gryzlov declared. Of that, everyone in this room can agree, Severus thought.
"With how Molotov conducted himself, I can only assume that he had a lot of enemies," Cassie continued. She remained nonchalant and unflappable. Severus watched her, his mask slipping a bit as admiration for his girlfriend swept over him. Not only was she keeping her composure, but she was intimidating this wizard. "Have you questioned each of them?"
"I hardly think that is of your concern!"
"I think it is," she replied icily. "I don't take your accusations lightly, Sergey. It stops now."
Gryzlov's expression morphed to anger. "You do not command this room, little girl! I will be respected, and you will not speak to me in this manner! Molotov's body was left on the sidewalk like a piece of roadkill, and I demand that you tell me who is responsible!" He pounded his fist on the armrest like a child having a tantrum, and his staff looked at him in panic.
Cassie shook her head, locking eyes with Severus. She was silently seeking his guidance, but he wanted her to keep trusting her own instincts. All he gave her was a curt nod.
"I sense this conversation is no longer productive," Cassie said, going to stand. The Aurors were on her in a flash. Before Severus could react, one had bound her to her chair while another charged her with his wand drawn. Severus tried to shove his hand into his robes to draw his own wand, but his limbs had already been magically suctioned to his sides.
He recognized the instant that the young, ill-advised Auror attempted to enter Cassie's mind. Perhaps the boy was a talented Legilimens, at least for Gryzlov's standards. He was no match for the Dark Lord's daughter. Cassie bared her teeth in a sneer as she reversed the spell and started to rip through the young wizard's consciousness.
"Stop! Stop!" Yuri yelled. Gryzlov's second in command was being reasonable, worrying about the sensitive information that Cassie was now privy to. Or perhaps he was sincerely worried about the state of the young man's mind, because now he was screaming.
Gryzlov stared in horror, frozen in his state of shock. Yuri commanded the remaining Aurors to release all of the restraints, but even after the three of them were released Cassie kept on. The Auror had fallen to the floor in a heap, writhing beneath her clenched form as his shrieks of agony echoed around the high ceiling. Severus rushed to Cassie's side and clasped her arm, and finally she stopped the assault.
She leaned on Severus for support, her eyes flitting up to Gryzlov as she caught her breath.
"I grossly underestimated you," the minister uttered in a demoralized tone.
They were hurriedly shepherded out of the chamber, and Severus led the way to the Hermitage as Romily and Cassie walked arm in arm closely behind him. There was no desire to admire the artwork around them now, and as soon as Severus was sure they weren't being followed, he brandished the Portkey at the two witches.
Cassie stumbled on their return home, the back-to-back travel and use of Legilimency having left her exhausted. Severus steadied her in his arms, but Romily's concern didn't go unnoticed by him.
"I have her," Severus reassured the French brunette.
"Then I will attend to Bianca," Romily replied sullenly. She took the time to stroke Cassie's sweat-drenched hair out of her face before Apparating to the Lestrange estate.
Severus led his lover into their cottage, not loosening his grasp on her until she was settled properly on the couch. After draping one of the afghans that Molly had so lovingly knitted over her lap, he left her staring into nothing as he went into the kitchen to brew tea.
He returned with a steaming cup minutes later. It was disturbing to see that Cassie hadn't seemed to move a muscle, her eyes still staring past their small sitting room and into the fresh memories of that young Auror's mind. It wasn't until Severus set the tea on the coffee table and asked her if she was okay that she noticed he had reentered the room.
She blinked several times, her blue eyes shining with tears that had yet to fall. "You're wondering if I'm okay?"
"I just - Sev - I can't - " she started, shaking her head as he rushed to her side. "Fuck!"
He pulled her into his arms again. "Would you like a Dreamless Sleep Potion?"
"I don't deserve one."
"Cassie, you don't need to play martyr - "
"Sev," she said, sniffing as she pulled away to look at him. "It's the Krasnota. They stayed away because of Molotov, and now that he's dead they're doing such horrible things!"
The realization wounded him. He could see in her eyes that this was devastating her, and he wanted nothing more than to relieve the guilt that was surely flourishing in her heart. "Molotov was vile. He didn't deserve to go on breathing!"
"You were right," she croaked. "That night that you told me I would grow to feel entitled to hand out discipline to anyone I saw fit...I got mad at you...we've arrived at that moment, haven't we?"
"I never said it was a certainty."
"You didn't have to."
"You regret having him executed, then?" Severus challenged. It was a crass way of dealing with his girlfriend's turbulent emotions, and he may pay for it dearly. But he desperately wanted her to see the importance of her decisions instead of wallowing in self-pity. "You would rather he was alive and well so he could go on torturing people? Killing Muggle husbands after he raped their wives in front of them?"
"Of course not!"
"Then you had no other choice!"
Cassie let out a shriek of frustration, swiping the tea cup off the table so it hit the wall and shattered into a thousand pieces as she stood up. "And the things that the Krasnota are doing?"
"They are Gryzlov's responsibility, Cassie. Molotov may have kept them at bay, but Gryzlov is at fault for letting him commit such atrocities. Let him take care of his people, now."
"Why? Why, Severus?" Her blue eyes searched him wildly, and he sensed that her questions were not rhetorical. "Why one and not the other?"
"You can't save everyone, Cassie."
Some of the feral spirit within her died at that statement. His heart continued to break as she sat back down next to him, her shoulders slumped forward in a physical sign of moral defeat. "I have a horrible feeling that won't be the only time you say that to me."
Severus didn't want to lie to her. He stayed silent.
The end of August was upon them. In preparation for the upcoming term, McGonagall had enthusiastically agreed to chaperone Cassie as she practiced transfiguring Boros from his current boa-sized body to his natural, gigantic, and extremely lethal form. The serpent had proven how loyal and useful he was in recent months and so Cassie wanted him near. She couldn't risk the magic binding him wearing off without being proficient in casting the exact spell needed to render him domestic once again. There were too many lives at risk.
The two witches were in the innards of Hogwarts as they went over the spell again and again, and Boros remained attentive and ready for whatever command his mistress hissed at him. It was fitting, Cassie thought, doing this training in the Chamber of Secrets. They were surrounded by elaborate snake-themed decorations and there were still remnants of molt lying about from Tom Riddle's slain basilisk. Surely, Salazar Slytherin was turning over in his grave as his heir grew extremely proficient at rendering his dangerous beast nearly innoxious.
"I think that will do it," said the Head of Gryffindor through squinted eyes after Cassie had shrunk Boros back down again. She threw the snake a dead rat in reward, and he snapped it up happily. "You've managed to transfigure him with ocular shields every time today. I'm not concerned in the least that his eyes will be a danger if he transforms back to a basilisk."
"If you're certain."
"I most definitely am."
Fawkes, who had been perched patiently on an unlit candelabrum as they worked, squawked in acknowledgment as they readied to exit the chamber. McGonagall was uncharacteristically giddy as they were flown out, and she needed a few moments to find her equilibrium once her feet had found solid ground again.
"If I never have to go back down there..." she muttered, smoothing out her robes.
"Thank you again, Minerva," Cassie told the older witch. Boros was still wrapped tightly around her shoulders after the flight and seemed just as shaken as the Deputy Headmistress.
"It was my pleasure, regardless of the surroundings," McGongall said as they exited the girls' bathroom. "I've always enjoyed observing your wand-work."
Severus had accompanied Cassie to the school and was in his classroom, using this opportunity to take inventory of supplies. Cassie bid her former professor goodnight and had every intention of meeting the Potions Master in the dungeons. "I suppose I should find Severus," she was saying, but McGonagall seemed distracted. Her bespectacled eyes, twice, flickered between Cassie's left hand and her face.
"Of course. Do me a favor, would you?"
"Yes, Minerva."
"The two of you stop at my office before heading home."
It was an odd request, considering McGonagall had already spoken with the Head of Slytherin when they had arrived that afternoon. What happened between then and now that she needed to see him again? But Cassie readily agreed, not about to question the older witch.
The castle seemed so empty as it usually did between terms, and without any students to stop her and ask for tutoring times or any scuffles to break up, her journey to the dungeons was a brief one. With only a few of the staff and the school ghosts present, Cassie didn't expect for the Potions classroom to be locked when she arrived.
She knocked on the heavy door, wondering if the Potions Master had finished his tasks much earlier in the evening and was somewhere else on the grounds. She was about to head down the corridor as she pondered where to search for him first when she heard his deep voice command, "Enter."
The situation was reminiscent of her school days, and a wide grin broke on her face as she heard the lock release. Had he planned a tryst for the two of them? Without any students to interrupt, they could take their time in his classroom. It was always a treat to pretend like they were back in her seventh year when their relationship had been shiny and new...should she transfigure her dress into a Slytherin uniform?
Cassie pulled open the door and stepped into the classroom with Boros at her heels. She hadn't known what to expect, but the sight that greeted her had definitely not crossed her mind as a possibility. The room was lit with hundreds of white candles. Some were floating, while others were atop the desks that lined the room. Vases of dark red roses occupied the tabletops that flickering candles didn't, their petals charmed to sparkle and shine in the dim light.
The classroom was decorated so beautifully that it was hardly recognizable. Who she did recognize, and would recognize in the next hundred lifetimes, was the man that stood in the middle of it all. His light skin seemed to glow in the candlelight and his onyx eyes glittered like the charmed flora around him, and he seemed almost ethereal as he watched her take a few slow steps closer to him.
"Oh - Sev," Cassie whispered. Her lover was dressed simply in a white dress shirt and black trousers. He looked so handsome that all she wanted to do was get her hands on him, to feel him, to kiss him, to touch him. Her legs froze beneath her when he pulled a small velvet box from the pocket of his pants.
With his eyes locked on hers, Severus closed the distance between them and dropped to one knee. Cassie's hands flew to cover her mouth as she tried to reign in her emotions. She could feel tears of happiness threatening to spill already, but she wanted to be able to hear what he was about to say to her.
"Cassiopeia. You have given me, an unworthy much more than I could ever hope for. Ever deserve. I told myself countless times that happiness was not something the fates would allow me, and yet somehow you continue to give me your love and devotion. I could continue to try to convince myself that this is fleeting, that you will wake up one day and decide that our love has all been a big mistake...but you have shown me again and again that my fears are unwarranted. And so I want to prove to you that I will never leave your side. If you will have me, Cassiopeia, I will marry you, and love you, and try to give you everything you deserve for the rest of my life. Will you marry me?"
Severus opened the little velvet box in his hands, revealing a sparkling engagement ring. He gazed up at her with yearning, inspirited dark eyes, waiting for her answer. The only reason she hadn't yet shouted her answer was due to the lump in her throat that was currently robbing her of her voice, and when she removed her hands that had been covering her mouth, he saw the large smile that adorned her lips.
"Y-yes!" Cassie nearly yelled, letting the tears fall unrestrained from her blue eyes. "Of course I'll marry you, Sev!"
He returned to his feet just as she flung herself into his arms. She stood on her tiptoes and lovingly combed her fingers through his black hair, pushing it away from his face so she could cover him in kisses. He sighed in relief and contentment, his nerves tingling under her caresses and he thought he was surely dreaming. Had the witch in his embrace really just agreed to marry him? In what universe would someone as beautiful and fierce and self-assured as her choose to become Mrs. Severus Snape?
In spite of the disbelief in his enormous good fortune, he placed the ring on her finger. He had selected it after a careful, detailed process under Molly and Andromeda's guidance, finally settling a piece from a jeweler in London. The irony of giving her a ring made by a Muggle was almost poetic.
A renewed round of tears fell from Cassie's eyes as she examined the glittering black marquise diamond. "Do you like it?" Severus implored. He was nervous as he watched her run her fingers over the little white gemstones that made up the halo. Perhaps he should have let her pick something for herself, something that would surely be her taste -
"I love it, Sev!" she told him. She kissed him passionately, effectively chasing every insecurity away.
In the months that would follow, the enamored couple would look back on this night and wish that somehow, they could return to the feeling. The pureness of the love and joy that surrounded them was as real as the flowers and candlelight that Severus had so painstakingly set up to ensure the ambiance was perfect. There were few times in the Potions Master's life that he could attest to feeling true optimism. As life would have it, the night he became betrothed was also the eve of the Quidditch World Cup.
Even after the years they had been together, Severus did not know how to properly express the emotions that were coursing through him. He broke their kiss, pulling back just far enough so he could take in the sight of her. She looked up at him, offering him that familiar warm smile, and he knew he was desired and accepted. No one else saw him the way she did, understood him, and somehow he had not yet managed to massively fuck it all up. It was unlike him to preserve something so precious and keep it whole. He realized at that moment that it might have nothing to do with him, and everything to do with the girl's infinite stubbornness. There would be no ridding himself of her, and that was exactly what he needed.
"What are you thinking, Sev?" Cassie asked. Her blue eyes shined as she watched him from the vantage point of his embrace.
He knew it wasn't possible to voice all of his thoughts. Instead, he settled for saying, "How much I love you."
Another kiss quickly turned heated. The romantic moment evolved into something much more intense, and soon the newly engaged couple were caught up in their snogging. Severus grasped Cassie's hips and guided her toward his desk, kissing her neck as he slowly pushed her down. "Sev," the young witch beneath him said breathlessly. His hand snaked up the skirt of her periwinkle dress, and she giggled. "Severus, Minerva is expecting us in her office."
"Minerva can suck a lemon." He stroked her over her panties and she bit her lower lip to stifle a moan. He wanted to hear her. That would just not do.
"Did she know you were going to propose?" she pressed him, speaking between heavy breaths.
"She can wait," he assured his new fiancee, pushing her long skirt over her hips. He was about to attach his lips to the flushed skin just above her cleavage when a loud knock came at the classroom door. He cursed the entirety of Godric Gryffindor's lineage as he backed away from Cassie to smooth out his clothing. He didn't wonder who had come to his door at this time of night. He and his fiancee had taken too long, and now the Deputy Headmistress had come to them.
"Severus," McGonagall called from the corridor. "Just wanted to check in before you head back home!"
Severus gritted his teeth. The damn woman was horrible at hiding her anticipation, and he was currently chiding his decision to tell her that he was planning on proposing in the first place. "Enter!" he barked. Cassie laughed, obviously amused at his perturbation.
The door burst open and McGonagall flew in, followed by a very worried-looking Hagrid. The Head of Gryffindor needn't pretend about her reason for being in the Potions classroom any longer, as Cassie brandished her left hand at her with a large smile adorning her face and announced happily, "I said yes!"
Severus had never heard McGonagall make such a noise before. It was a mixture between a squeal and a sob, and she pulled Cassie into her arms. Even with the awkward intimacy of it all, Severus was appreciating the affectionate display between the two witches. He was caught off guard when the gamekeeper encircled him with his enormous arms and nearly crushed all of his ribs.
"Just so happy fer ya!" Hagrid cried as he lifted Severus off his feet. "It's all jus' so beautiful!" He let go of the Potions Master so he could yank a dirty handkerchief from his pocket and blow his nose. Both witches reached out to steady Severus as he clutched at his sore sides.
The foursome drank the bottle of champagne that Hagrid had brought with him, talking and reminiscing late into the night. Cassie never wanted to leave the classroom filled with flickering candles and sparkling petals, but as her companions around her yawned and stretched, she knew that returning to reality was inevitable. Her fiance escorted her back to Ottery St. Catchpole, and for one more blissful slumber, they enjoyed the peaceful hum that still radiated from the recent happy event.
That glass bubble of euphoria shattered when they were informed of what had taken place at the World Cup. At first, Cassie had only been relieved that none of her loved ones had been harmed, but then pestilential dread settled in her soul. The Dark Mark had been cast into the sky. Her fate was barreling toward her.