
A Change of Plans


"I got a letter from Uncle Lucius this morning!" came the voice of an aggravated Cassie Black as she stormed into Snape's office unannounced. It was a Thursday evening, and he had barely settled himself behind his desk to start grading papers before she had shown up. Not that it was anything out of the ordinary for her to come to him after dinner was finished. In fact, she had been stopping by less frequently as of late, something he had taken notice of. It was a byproduct of finding other students she liked to be around, finally.

"You seem perturbed by this fact, Miss Black," he replied dully, not bothering to look up from the second-year paper he had been reading. This work really was monotonous, and yet he was frequently astounded at the stupidity of the essays that some of these students dared to turn in to him. The opening sentence of this one had read, 'Swelling Solution is a solution that causes things to swell.' What a genius.

"I guess my nosy classmates have been yapping to their parents," she seethed, and slapping the offending letter on top of the paper he had just been marking. "He's pissed that I've been hanging around Charlie Weasley!"

Although annoyed that she had the audacity to interrupt what he was doing, Snape picked up the letter to glance it over. He did it to appease her more than anything, as he wasn't surprised in the least that the news had reached the Malfoys, considering Cassie was under constant scrutiny from the student body. That, and he didn't have to guess how Lucius would react when he found out who she was befriending.

"He hasn't threatened to do anything about it," Snape reminded her as he pushed the letter back to her, picking up his quill once again. "It appears only to be a vague warning."

"Yeah, but Charlie's mentioned that his father works for the Ministry as well," Cassie said, plopping into a chair. "How long before he dangles that over my head?"

"Do you expect him to stoop to that level?"

Cassie rolled her eyes and shot him a glare in response. Yes, his question was idiotic. No wonder she was looking at him like that. "Has he said anything to you, Severus?"

"'Professor Snape'." Another eye roll. She wasn't in the mood for his attempt at formality. "No, he hasn't said anything to me. But I will anticipate my letter arriving soon."

"Because you're supposed to control me at all times, right?"

Snape snorted in response. "If he only knew how truly impossible that is."

This time, the young Slytherin smiled. "What's the big deal with me hanging around Charlie, anyway? I mean, not that it matters to me, but he's a pureblood! What more does Uncle Lucius want?"

"He considers his family to be blood-traitors for sympathizing with Muggles and Muggle-borns."

Cassie shook her head in disbelief. "That's stupid."

"I do not intend to argue that fact."

"How long before he finds out that I've been spending time with Dora, too?"

"Not long, considering your Slytherin classmates never fail to update their families on your activities. I think your aunt will be more upset about that than your uncle."

"But she's my cousin!"

"Miss Black," Snape said lowly, scratching on the essay he had finished skimming. As he spoke to her, he was writing, 'Atrocious! Next time, learn to research the correct potion.' "No one is accusing your aunt and uncle of being reasonable."

"But it's not fair!" She sat back in her chair, folding her arms over her chest defiantly, looking every bit the angry preteen that she was. Snape didn't respond to that declaration, as he had attempted to do so many times over the last few months, and it never seemed to appease her. "Charlie's parents invited me to visit over Christmas break. Fat chance they'll let me."

"It is unlikely that they will agree to that, yes." It was an unfortunate fact. Bill and Charlie Weasley, from what he knew of them, seemed like respectable young wizards, the exact type of classmates that he had hoped she would spend time with while at Hogwarts. And Nymphadora Tonks, while strong-headed and extremely mischievous, was just as good of an influence on her. Now it was just Cassie's blood-purist family that stood in the way of her being around the right people.

It was that same evening when Snape came up with a plan to help her. It was sly, and if Lucius ever found out he had been behind it, it might ruin the trust that had been established between the two wizards. But Dumbledore had tasked him with making sure the Dark Lord's daughter followed the opposite path that so many of her Slytherin acquaintances had taken.

To follow through with this scheme, Snape had to attend Christmas dinner at Malfoy Manor. He had done so many times in the past, and thankfully Narcissa invited him without prompting, having already planned to ask him to come. Cassie had been at the mansion since the beginning of the holiday break, and he wasn't surprised to see that she looked unimpressed as she took her seat at the elaborately decorated table. Her expression only changed when he caught her eye, and she gave him the tiniest smile in acknowledgment.

The girl was mainly silent as the meal took place, and Snape answered Lucius and Narcissa's questions with feigned cordiality. The socializing started pleasantly, short of young Draco demanding attention from his mother and throwing food at his older cousin. Then, the topic of conversation shifted to Cassie's activities at Hogwarts, and the tension in the room was palpable.

"As you know, Severus, we are unhappy with who my niece has been spending her time," Lucius was saying, and Cassie glared at the wall ahead of her, avoiding everyone's gaze. "Has that situation been remediated since I expressed my displeasure to the both of you?"

Snape took a long sip of his wine before answering. "It has improved, Lucius. Just keep in mind that your niece is rather strong-willed and does not respond well to others trying to control her actions."

"Surely, as her Head of House, you can exercise some control - "

"I can hardly put her in detention for spending time with students outside of her house, Lucius. Remember I am doing my best to avoid having a target on my back while working for Albus Dumbledore."

Lucius took a sip from his silver goblet and let out a small huff of acknowledgment. "Understood. But I can still punish her while she is under my roof."

Snape exchanged a fleeting glance with Cassie. "While I sympathize with your desire to push her in the right direction, there is a favor I must ask of you. Miss Black needs to spend some time in remedial potions. I was wondering if she could accompany me back to Hogwarts this evening."

"And stay at school for the rest of break?" Narcissa chimed in hesitantly. "Can't she do remedial work when the term starts back up?"

"Certainly," Snape said coolly, "But I thought it might be in her best interest - and yours - if she completes it while the castle is nearly empty. That way the other students won't catch wind that she is needing extra instruction."

"Of course," Lucius said shortly. "Wouldn't want it to get out that Cassiopeia Black can't get through first-year potions. I would be a laughingstock at work." When in doubt, always appeal to Lucius' pride. He turned his attention to his niece, finally. "What is it that you're finding difficult, girl? You've been tutored in potions since you were a toddler."

"Professor Snape says I'm lazy," Cassie told him, and it wasn't a lie. He had used that term when criticizing her work a few too many times since she started at Hogwarts.

"I have caught her using wandless magic to prepare her ingredients, and she grows so bored at times that she does not pay attention. She's melted her cauldron and one of mine to date," Snape affirmed. "I wish to instill some form of control in her if she wants to advance." It was a compelling argument, and the Malfoys agreed to let her go with the Potions Master once the meal was finished. They politely said their goodbyes to Cassie's family and didn't dare talk about their true intentions until they were safely on the other side of the manor's gate.

"We make a good team, Severus," Cassie said, giving him a wide smile.

"After convincing your aunt and uncle, I am inclined to actually take you back to Hogwarts to work on your brewing skills," he replied snarkily.

Cassie laughed. "How about I try harder when term starts back up?"

Without a word, Snape grabbed onto her forearm and Apparated them to Devon. It was something he wouldn't dare try with any other underage witch for risk of Splinching, but it wasn't the first time for the two of them. Cassie had also made it clear in the past that he was the only one she trusted enough to do it with. At least she wasn't completely reckless.

The Weasleys had been expecting Cassie to arrive that evening, and they were greeted by red-headed children flying out the front door to welcome them in. Charlie wrapped his arms around Cassie in a tight hug and then smiled at Snape.

"Thanks, Professor Snape," he said, leading Cassie and his younger siblings to the house. The second-year Gryffindor had been informed of the plan to get his Slytherin friend there, but apparently the Weasley parents had not. Arthur stuck his head out the door to make sure everyone was getting back inside, as it was a cold night, and his smile faltered a bit when he saw Snape standing there.

"I was expecting Lucius, or perhaps one of his servants," Arthur said, walking outside to shake the Potions Master's hand. "I'd be lying if I said I'm not a bit relieved."

Snape cleared his throat, then informed the father Weasley of their devious plan. Arthur didn't seem surprised that the Malfoys didn't approve of Cassie spending time with their son. Thankfully, he agreed wholeheartedly that this little visit should be kept a secret. They discussed sending Cassie back to Hogwarts by train with Bill and Charlie, and then Snape turned to leave.

"You're more than welcome to come inside," Arthur said, gesturing toward the small house. For a brief moment, Snape debated going in just to say goodbye to Cassie, to remind her to behave. But he shook the ridiculous thought from his head, as he knew she would be fine. She didn't need him fawning over her like a surrogate guardian, even if that was kind of what he was at the moment.

"I will let your family get back to the festivities," Snape replied, and Arthur shook his hand again. As he made his way back to Hogwarts, he felt confident that helping the girl spend time with this family would be nothing but good for her. If the Malfoys found out and he had to deal with the repercussions, then so be it.


A million thoughts were going through Cassie's head as she stared at Vitaly. She wanted to hex or hit him, to cause him pain that mirrored her anguish right then. How dare he threaten her, when she had done nothing malicious to him or any of their peers? Why couldn't she just be left alone for once? But she felt apprehensive, a large part of her wanting nothing more than to continue to keep her parentage a secret. Acting out in violence and giving him a reason to blab might not be in her best interest, and she knew it.

"Why?" she asked finally, lowering her wand, and the look of exultation on her peer's face only grew. "What are you hoping to gain by blackmailing me?"

"You are the golden child here," he replied coolly, "Always getting everyone's praise and attention. I think it would benefit you to be humbled."

Cassie was gritting her teeth, wanting to tell him to fuck off. She could easily Obliviate him, or curse him so badly that he barely knew which way was up. But she feared harming him for her self-preservation would merely prove that she was like her parents. So she bit back her rage. "Benefit me? Or benefit you? Is this just a ploy to get more recognition from Martese?"

"Part of it," Vitaly said, and then he stepped just a bit closer to her. She could smell his minty toothpaste now that his face was nearly in hers. "But I also want you to show me some respect, Cassiopeia Black." He repeated her full name gleefully, reminding her of the information he now held hostage.

"You don't deserve respect," Cassie hissed, glowering at him. As he reached a hand up to her face and started to run a finger through her raven hair, she nearly lost the contents of her stomach.

"Maybe if you stopped looking at me with such hatred all the time, you would think differently." His finger had trailed down to her collarbone, and it slowly started to travel lower. "Back home, witches our age can hardly stop from throwing themselves at me. My family holds much esteem." Before his hand could reach a more intimate area, Cassie gripped his wrist to stop his nauseating movements.

"What exactly are you suggesting, Vitaly?" she said, grimacing as his eyes traveled to her chest.

"I assume you are experienced in this area, dating a wizard much older than you. I don't need to spell it out, do I?"

Cassie was silent for a few moments as she stared at him, having a hard time processing what he was telling her. Even for Vitaly, this was downright loathsome. Or maybe she just had a hard time believing someone who had been accepted into this training could be so disgusting.

"Get out," Cassie said lowly, her wand still lowered at her side, but her fingers were gripping it so tight that her knuckles were losing circulation.

Vitaly clicked his tongue at her in disapproval. "You do realize if you don't comply, what will happen?"

"You're playing with fire," Cassie countered, and she reached out her wandless hand to shove him backward. Finally, his smug expression faltered a bit. "Do you realize what I could do to you if I lose my temper?"

"You wouldn't dare - "

"I wouldn't? Or have you already forgotten what your father revealed to you?" Her blue eyes were firey as she glared at him, unblinking. "The daughter of the Dark Lord would expend little effort cursing you." Vitaly stared at her wide-eyed, likely attempting to decipher if she was bluffing or not. She wondered if she had been too demure around the academy students all this time, as what she wanted right then was for this sniveling excuse for a wizard to fear her. Even knowing what she was capable of, he didn't appear to be that afraid of retaliation. Or perhaps he was just a moronic misogynist.

Without another word, Vitaly turned to leave her hut. But Cassie would be naive to think that she had strong-armed him or that this was over. Understandably, she had a hard time falling asleep that night as she contemplated what to do about her detestable problem. She entertained erasing his memory again but decided against it. If he went home for another visit and his father realized what had been done to him, no doubt blame would be placed on her. Or she could threaten him properly, recall the night that she had blasted him across the room and pinned him against the wall. Maybe remind of him the power she had shown while battling Sombria. But that might only prove his point if he still told the others who she was and they learned of her attempts at intimidation.

She was experiencing the helplessness she was so used to feeling at home, knowing she was more than capable of taking care of the issue with ease but couldn't. It was that fear of being seen as a pariah that stopped her from using her talents to deal with adversaries, an unending punishment for the blood that flowed through her veins. It was making her grow quite weary.

Emotionally exhausted, Cassie still forced herself to get up the next morning to head to breakfast. She went a bit earlier than usual, still contemplating if she should just get ahead of Vitaly and tell everyone before he had the chance. Not much to her surprise, he was waiting outside her door when she exited her hut, the same sneer plastered on his face from the night before.

"Good morning, Hogwarts - " he started, but she wasn't going to entertain any sort of forced pleasantries with him.

"Get away from me," she snapped, walking quickly to the largest hut.

"You shouldn't be so rude," he continued, matching her stride easily with legs much longer than hers. "I am feeling generous this morning, so I'm here to offer you a second chance to agree to my proposed arrangement."

"You're a disgusting pig that deserves to be castrated!"

"Ungrateful bitch," Vitaly hissed, grabbing her wrist to attempt to pull her to him, but she rewarded him with a hard smack to his cheek. Surprised, he let go of her, but he was livid.

"Do whatever it is you're going to do," she snarled before he had the chance to speak again, satisfied by the red handprint that was sprouting on his face. "I don't care. But I will never agree to what you want."

"You are making a mistake," Vitaly replied in warning.

"So are you."

They entered the Middle, and Cassie waited for her nemesis to make his move. The other students slowly began to trickle in, and Cassie went to Romily and Alex as soon as they settled into chairs. She tried to sound normal when they greeted her and half-listened as Alex launched into a story about seeing a river nymph earlier that morning while he and Romily were out for a stroll.

Her stomach sank when all twelve of them were in the hut, and Vitaly stood up to get the room's attention. When everyone else was silent, he looked at Cassie briefly before starting to speak.

"My friends, it seems one of our own has been keeping a dangerous secret," he started, and Cassie stood to leave. "I find it difficult to say what I am about to say, but I find that to keep everyone safe, I must do it." Cassie reached the door, and Vitaly flicked his wand to slam it shut and lock it. As he turned to continue to address their peers, he didn't notice her quick movements as she shook three drops of a clear, odorless potion in his coconut water, which was perched on the table next to him. Romily must have, however, and caught Cassie's eye.

"What is going on?" Romily whispered when Cassie sat back down next to her. Cassie didn't even know where to start.

"Get on with it, will you?" Miremba said dully, rolling her eyes. The other young witches and wizards in the room muttered similar sentiments as the sickening smile on Vitaly's face grew. "I am in no mood for your theatrics this morning, Vitaly." Vitaly reached for his drink, taking a sip as he waited for the room to quiet back down. As he set it back on the table, his eyes flitted over to Cassie. She must have had a smug look on her face now because he looked slightly alarmed.

"We'd like to get on with our day. What is it?" Alex asked, obviously annoyed.

If Vitaly had wanted to ruin Cassie's reputation in a dramatic way, the Veritaserum was derailing everything he had planned to say. "Cassie's full name is Cassiopeia Black. She is the daughter of Lord Voldemort, otherwise known as the Dark Lord. Her mother is Bellatrix Lestrange, one of his followers who is in Azkaban prison." He delivered it rapidly and without emotion, just as she had predicted. It was like pulling off a bandage in one swift motion.

The room was deadly quiet now. It was like no one dared to breathe for a few tense moments. Then, Diego spoke. "What was that?" Cassie grimaced as Vitaly repeated himself, word for word. This time, heads began to turn toward her, pairs of eyes boring into her in disbelief.

"That can't be true," Alex said, breaking the silence. "How would you know that?"

"My father told me. He put it together after I told him that she is a Parselmouth."

"You're lying!" Alex countered heatedly.

"He's not," Cassie said softly. "It's true." Romily was looking at her, tears forming in her big brown eyes. She wanted to explain everything to her close friend, but she had to take advantage of the potion's effects while they were still working. "But Vitaly, why don't you tell them your true motives? Why are you telling everyone this?"

"Because I tried to blackmail you with this information, and it didn't work."

Yui hissed in disapproval. "What were you trying to get her to do?" she demanded, standing up as she asked the question.

"Have sex with me. I have made numerous advances toward her, and she has always turned me down." Vitaly's skin was growing paler by the second, and he turned to the door, but Bwanbale blocked his path, folding his thick arms across his chest.

"So what are you trying to accomplish by revealing this to us?" Yui continued with her wand in her grip.

"If she refused me again, then I wanted her to be banished from this place. To have you all think she was too dangerous to be here."


"I am jealous of her power and the attention she receives because of it."

The room erupted in angry voices. For a few sweet moments, Cassie felt content. But that feeling was dashed when Romily, who looked devastated, got up suddenly and left the hut.

"What's her deal?" Alex asked, and Cassie stood.

"I don't know, but I need to find out," she told him, and the two followed after her. She heard someone shouting about getting Martese in the hut so he could deal with this creep, and she wanted to witness it. But her upset friend was more important just then. They eventually found her in Alex's hut, and she was sitting on his mattress, hugging her knees to her chest as she cried.

"Mily," Alex said softly, going to his girlfriend and placing a reassuring hand on her knee. "What is it?" Romily buried her face into her arms, not willing to look at either of them just yet, and a renewed feeling of dread filled Cassie's senses.

"I want 'er to leave," Romily said shakily. Cassie and Alex locked eyes for a moment, and he turned back to the sobbing brunette.

"Mily, was it something that Vitaly said?"

"Make her leave!"

Cassie didn't wait for Alex to ask her to go on Romily's behalf. She turned and walked out, heading down to the forest. Her hut could offer only limited solace, as any of them could find her there. She started to make her way through the trees, not sure at all where she was heading. She just needed to be alone.

Cassie missed her training that day, but it was the last thing on her mind as she traipsed through the Amazon. She tried to take in the beauty around her as birds flew above her head and endless colorful plants came into view. All she could focus on was Romily's reaction to finding out who she truly was. A part of her knew that she needed to go back to talk to her friend, to try to shed light on why she kept everything a secret from her. But the forest was so peaceful that she was finding it hard to head back.

She was sitting on the bank of the river, watching a small pod of Amazon river dolphins play and search for their next meal when she heard footsteps approaching. Not wanting to be caught unprepared in case it wasn't a friendly visitor, Cassie stood, her wand at the ready. She sighed in relief when Machado came into view.

His expression was solemn, so unlike his usual serene demeanor. He looked almost apologetic the closer he came to her.

"Hello, Martese," Cassie said quietly, and he gestured for her to sit back down. She complied, eager to continue watching the spirited animals as they moved through the murky water.

"Cassie," he said, settling next to her on the river bank. "It is nearing dinner time. Would you like to head back to camp?"

"Not particularly," she said truthfully. "I'm sorry that you had to trek through the forest to find me. Were you looking long?"

"No," he said, giving her a small smile. "Alex told me this is one of your favorite places to visit when you have free time."

"He knows me well," she muttered quietly. They were silent for a few moments, both of them taking in the beauty of the river before Machado continued.

"What Vitaly did today was truly awful. That was not his information to tell."

"Everything that sorry excuse for a wizard does is awful," Cassie said, her tone suddenly bitter.

"He does have an abrasive personality, I will admit," Machado told her. "I had a long discussion with him. He knows that he must make amends with you, and will have to work to earn everyone else's trust back."

Cassie's feelings of serenity left her in a flurry of confusion. "You aren't kicking him out of the academy, Martese?"

"He is to be reprimanded, and he will apologize to you for his actions - "

She scrambled to her feet, and Machado followed suit. "He tried to intimidate me into sleeping with him, and you're letting him stay! That's what you're telling me?"

Machado looked forlorn at her outburst, but he kept his tone even as he replied to her. "Vitaly has earned his spot here at Academia de Luta, just as the rest of you have."

"He's a predator!" Cassie fumed. "Doesn't that bother you?"

"It bothers me immensely."

"Then why is he being allowed to stay? What if he tries to do it to someone else?"

"Cassie, I don't expect you to understand fully, especially when your emotions are so involved. But Vitaly's father and his associates are powerful and have made it very clear what would happen to the academy if he is forced to leave. I don't have any choice."

"Of course you do!" she seethed. "Let them try to shut this down, or whatever it is that you're so afraid of. Don't you think Da Gama would intervene?"

"I beg you, Cassie, please try to understand. You two can work things out. What's most important is that you continue with your training here." She was done listening to him. The respect she held for her master was quickly dissolving, and she didn't feel bad about it in the least. Without another word, she started to make her way back into the forest. "Are you going back to camp?" he called after her.

"Don't worry about it," she snapped, and with a loud snap, she Disapparated away from him.

She reappeared in a dense part of the forest, the closest that anyone was allowed to Apparate near Castelobruxo. She made her way to the golden temple, having to endure being followed and prodded by the Caipora even as she ascended the staircase. The Ministry officers that were guarding the door let her in without question, and she made it to the great hall where the students and staff were having their dinner. She caught the attention of Headmaster Antunes, who stood and made her way to Cassie without hesitation.

"Hello, young friend," the Headmaster greeted her, obvious worry on the older witch's face. "Is something the matter?"

"No, nothing is wrong," Cassie reassured her, and her face relaxed instantly.

"Oh, good. Then what can I help you with?" Without speaking of the incident with Vitaly, Cassie explained the purpose of her visit quietly. Thankfully, Antunes agreed to help Cassie set up a meeting with Minister da Gama without hesitation, something that she was grateful for. She didn't feel like discussing Machado's betrayal, not when it was this fresh. When they were finished with their conversation, Cassie made her way out of the hall and away from hundreds of curious eyes. The Ministry workers treated her with the same esteem, telling her that she was always welcome for a visit, reminding her that she didn't always have to feel like an outsider.

She went straight to her hut when she arrived back at camp. Assuming that her peers were having dinner together, she was surprised when there was a swift knock at her door only minutes after she had settled herself onto her mattress. Alex opened the door before she had a chance to respond.

"Cassie," he said, looking relieved. "There you are. I've been worrying about you all day!"

"Have you?"

"What?" Alex asked, clearly dumbfounded by her defensive question. "Of course I have, and so has everyone else - "

"But not Romily, I'm sure!" Cassie said, and she regretted it instantly. Alex looked like she had spat at him. "I'm sorry, Alex. I didn't mean to snap at you."

He nodded, looking down at his feet. "I figured I would be caught in between."

"Caught in between what, Alex?" Cassie asked quietly, and Alex came to sit beside her on the bed. "Why was she so upset earlier?"

"You didn't expect anyone to be caught off guard by what Vitaly told us?" he countered gently. "That was a startling revelation, to say the least."

"Startling, yes. But I wasn't expecting a reaction like that from her." She shook her head, fighting back tears. "You didn't answer my question, Alex."

He sighed wearily. "This is really a conversation that the two of you should have."

"Is she ready to talk to me?"

"I don't think so."

"Then I need you to tell me," she said. "I don't expect to be staying here much longer."

"What? Why?"

"Answer my question, and then I'll tell you."

Alex glanced toward her door as if he was contemplating leaving instead of continuing this tough discussion. But he finally complied with her wishes. "Mily's grandparents were involved in the Wizarding War in Europe."

A sinking feeling started in the pit of her stomach. She almost told him to stop talking just then. "They were killed."

"Yes. By your father's followers. And her older brother and sister were killed by the Dark Lord himself because they were Squibs."

The tears that she had been fighting back started to fall freely down her face. Alex, clearly not knowing what else to say, wrapped a long arm around her shoulders to comfort her. "Does she blame me?"

"Of course not, Cass. She just needs time to process everything, I think." He rubbed her arm as she wiped her tears away from her eyes. "It feels so strange, to be so close to people involved with the war. At Ilvermorny, the Dark Lord was just a topic that we learned about in History of Magic." Cassie scoffed in amusement. "I'm not kidding. I had to write a really long essay about him and the Dead Feeders in my last year - "

"Death Eaters," Cassie corrected him. "Did you fail that assignment?"

Alex shrugged, smiling slightly. "I didn't do so bad if I remember right." Cassie, grateful for her friend's infinite ability to make light of almost any situation, tried to smile back at him. "Where did you get the Veritaserum, anyway? It's not like you had time to brew a batch, right?"

"It's one of the many potions that Severus sent with me," she told him. "He thought it might be useful at some point."

"Clever dude."

"That, he is."

"So are you going to answer my question, Cass? Why aren't you staying here?"

Cassie closed her eyes, not quite ready to discuss it. But Alex deserved an explanation. "I'm meeting with Da Gama tomorrow, to see if he'll allow me to join his officers in catching Sombria's followers that are still out there."

"Oh," Alex replied, caught off guard. "But what about your training here?"

"I think my time here has come to a close," she said bitterly.

"Why? Romily might need time to come to terms with your family, but no one else seemed to care."

"That's not why," Cassie said truthfully. "I spoke with Martese earlier. He's letting Vitaly stay here."

"What? But that's not fair, that he gets to stay here, and now you're leaving - "

"I know," she said. "But I can't learn from someone that would allow that piece of shit to stay."

"But Cass, we need you!" Alex exclaimed. "We're your friends. You really want to leave that behind?"

"I don't want to, Alex," Cassie said, and she felt another wave of sorrow hit her. "I just feel like I can be useful elsewhere, instead of pretending to respect someone that I don't any longer."

"What will Severus think? Wouldn't he want you to go home?"

Cassie's thoughts went to the Chamber of Secrets, wondering if its mysteries had been solved it, or if something was still terrorizing Hogwarts. She knew her talents could be used there, and she briefly considered heading back to Hogsmeade instead. Then she remembered Severus' plea, that he and Dumbledore wanted her to stay away. "Perhaps, but I'll be a lot more useful rounding up cavaleiros for the time being."

"You sound like you've made up your mind."

She felt a strange sense of calm wash over her at his statement. Even in all this anguish, her instincts were telling her that this was the right decision. It was unlikely that everyone would understand it, but she was certainly used to being misunderstood. "I have."