

He freezes up and his mind went into complete and utter shock from her response. A wave of fear shot through him and he felt like he got slapped across the face when he heard those words come out of her mouth. He pulls away from her and his face immediately turns cold and serious.

"What did you just say?"

"I can't promise that I will remain by your side forever...Roman the world we both live in is so different, normal couples don't have to worry about killing each others siblings or rival gangs...or shootings, our relationship is something I hold dear to me but if it causes me too much pain...I'll let it go even if I love you."

Roman was now stunned by her words as it struck a deep nerve within him. His mind was now processing and analyzing her words and what that would mean if she ever were to go through with this. She said if their relationship causes too much pain and she would let it go even if she still had feelings for him. The thought of losing her just crushed his entire soul. This woman was his world and he wouldn't survive a minute if he were to lose her.

"I have to go home. I had a long day." Megan takes her bag from the desk.

The sudden realization of losing her hit him so much that he immediately moved to try to stop her from leaving him. He grabs her bag and her wrist to try to pull her back to him.

"No...no...sit down and listen to me...please...I beg you. I know you're angry right now but just please listen to me."

"Roman I am not saying our relationship is over, I just mean that...if it gets too much, I will walk away and you won't be able to stop me."

He let out a deep sigh of relief when he hears this. She might be setting some clear and strict boundaries for the relationship now but at least it wasn't over just yet and she was only saying this as a warning of sorts. He then spoke in a gentle and soothing voice.

"Now I understand. You're only doing this because you don't want to risk getting hurt. Is that right?"

"I don't want us both to get hurt."

Roman sighs and he lets go of her bag and her wrist. He nods his head and he speaks up with a determined tone.

"Then I swear that I'll do everything in my power to make sure nothing bad ever happens to you or anyone close to you in the future. No more secrets, no more accidents, nothing like that, I'm done with that. I don't want to lose you, you mean too much to me for that. So I swear I'll do everything in my power to keep you safe."

Megan didn't know what to think or feel. She had lost so much trust in him and now she is left with so much doubt.

"I hope so Roman."

As soon as she says this he grabs her wrist again and pulls her in for a tight embrace. She was the light of his life and he knew it right then and there that he wasn't going to lose her. She can feel his lips against her forehead as he spoke in a soft and tender voice.

"I swear on my life that I will. Please, just keep believing in me and we'll make this work, ok? I would never want to lose you either."


That night Megan struggled to sleep the whole night. She didn't know what she could do now. She had agreed to stay with Roman but now her relationship felt somewhat wrong.

She couldn't help but think to herself what would have happened if Roman's men had actually killed Marcus. Would Roman have ever told her the truth.

She also felt guilty about calling Apollo a liar. When he told her the truth her heart had shattered and she wasn't able to think straight. Thinking back on how harsh her words were made her sad. She didn't want to be that type of person to hurt someone and not apologize.

So she made up her mind and would see Apollo to Apologise for the way she treated him. It was the only way to make things right. 

Early the next day Megan took it upon herself to see Apollo. She stood infront of his door with a box of cookies and a heavy heart. She knocked on his door praying he wasn't too upset over her calling him a liar and acting so cruel.

He was just sitting down on his couch with a drink in his hand when he hears a knock on his door. He puts his drink down and he gets up and he walks over to the door. He opens the door and he sees her standing there. When he saw her holding the cookies, he felt his heart warmed to a point and he immediately felt a lot more calmed down by her sweet gesture. He smiles at her and he speaks up, "Uh, hello. What are you doing here?"

Megan smiles nervously. "I know you probably don't want to see me again after yesterday...but I wanted to apologize."

He smiles back at her and he shakes his head. He wasn't even mad at her. In fact, he was just relieved that she was even here trying to apologize to him. He feels much better and he speaks up* "I actually appreciate you coming and apologizing... I kinda got heated and..."

He looks down and he speaks up again. "I probably shouldn't have said all those harsh things... I mean I'm still right about what I said but I could have said it way nicer... I wasn't being nice when I said any of that.."

She sees his guards standing with guns and cringed, "...I am glad you're not mad."

"Yeah, I'm not mad.... but I really do have something to tell you about your boyfriend. Can we please talk about this for a bit?"

"What else do you have to say? Did Roman try to kill another loved one of mine or something?" She asked sarcastically although she felt abit scared.

He was caught off guard by her sarcasm and he sighs and now his tone became rather serious. "Listen, can we please go inside and talk? There's something really serious I need to say to you."

Megan nods and follows him inside. She hands him the cookies looking around the spacious condo. It was clean just like yesterday.

He takes the box with the cookies and he nods his head as he places it on his table. He motions for her to sit down and he walks over to the other side of the couch.

"Thank you," He says softly. He keeps looking at her and he smiles softly.

"You're welcome." She sits on the couch looking around nervously, "Your place looks cleaner than yesterday."

He feels a bit uncomfortable seeing her being so nervous and he smiles warmly at her.

"Thank you. I was feeling a bit down and I decided I'd just clean it up a bit. But that's enough about my place. I want to talk about something much more important..."

She looks at him and waits for him to talk. She was already shitting herself.

"Roman had a fiancè named Monica. She died on their wedding day because he found out she was a spy, he shot her to death." Apollo said without wasting time.

Megan stares at him stunned. "What?"