

Roman just sighs when he sees his uncle coming their way, and he lets her go when he notices Mr. Rick approaching. His gaze turns cold when he sees him and his eyes sharpen with fury. He still keeps his cool and he looks back at Megan for a moment before he turns back to his uncle. "Uncle Rick, what a pleasant surprise."

"I wanted to talk in person about...business." Rick said. Roman knew that this was about why Marcus was not dead yet. 

Roman's expression changes back to being serious and he is able to hold himself back from showing just how much his mood shifted. He takes a deep breath and he speaks in a calm and quiet voice. "Uncle..."

Rick looks at Megan. "So you don't mind her listening in?" Rich chuckles taking the cigarette from the table and lighting it.

"Very well then..."

Megan shifted uncomfortably feeling like she was not supposesd to be there or listen in on their conversation.

"I will just go wait in the house."

Roman looks at her with concern as she starts walking away and he quickly runs to her side. He grabs her hand and he speaks with a soft and worried tone.

"Wait...stay...I wanna talk to him with you present here."

Roman didn't actually want her to stay. He was saying all that to make her think he was not hidding anything from her. He prayed she would insist about going inside.

"No. It's okay. Plus I don't really want to listen to that...business talks..." She smiles awkwardly. "I will go watch TV and relax in your room it will be better for me."

Her words make him happy but he hides it. "Alright my love."

She smiles when he gives her a quick kiss. "Go on my baby."


Megan enters the house wondering what his uncle wanted and if there was anything wrong. Roman didn't seem happy to see his own uncle at all. She could tell he was pretending to be calm about his uncle's sudden visit but clearly something was wrong. She sensed it from the moment she saw him today.

She can just sense that everything felt so wrong and that something was definitely off. The air around them felt tense and the atmosphere around the house was just full of dread as she walks through it. It was a far different feeling from the usual calm and cozy feeling that the house usually has, and it made her wonder what exactly was going on. She felt like she was about to enter the eye of the storm and she didn't like it one bit.


She freezes when she hears her name. Turning She sees Apollo. The last time they spoke She had shut the door in his face. He had been so angry at her for forgiving his brother which was odd to her. She felt that he didnt want her to be with Roman.

"What?" She said coldly feeling agitated already.

Apollo raises an eyebrow and a small smile appears on his face for a brief moment when she spoke in a cold tone, but he quickly suppresses it. He clears his throat and he speaks in a calm voice as he walks towards her. "Would you mind if I had a word?"

"Yes actually I would mind."

Megan hugs her body as she looks at him standing at the edge of the staircase. 

Apollo's eyebrows lift and his expression softens when he sees her hugging herself and he speaks in a quieter tone, but still with a bit of firmness. "I'm not going to hurt you. I just wanted to know if you were okay..?"

Megan could smell the alcohol on his breath and knew this conversation would go south soon.

She frowns. "Are you bipolar or something? Last time we spoke you yelled at me for taking back Roman after we had a argument. I had to shut my door in your face! Now you're acting like you care about me."

He stares at her for a moment as his face is frozen in a blank stare, but he quickly composes himself. He turns away from her and sighs and rubs his eyes. "Look, I know last time we spoke, I kinda went overboard but- I just want to talk. I know that it's weird but please, just listen to me?"

"Why should I? Actually I should tell Roman how weird you've been acting. Maybe you will stop."

He scowls when she mentions getting his brother involved, feeling frustrated that she immediately jumped to that. Apollo is always treated by his family as the second-best child, being constantly in the shadow of his brother, and being seen as inferior to him. He couldn't bear to have the same thing happen with Roman's girlfriend and the way she immediately went after his Brother, it annoyed him. In a fit of frustration that she didn't even listen to him, he shouts out, "Just hear me out, you bitch!"

She gasps and slaps him. "How dare you!" She didn't care that he was drunk now. She wasn't going to be disrespected by him or anyone.

He stumbles backwards a bit at being slapped and a flash of anger and frustration flickers on his face and he glares at her. He clenches his fists and his eyes narrow with annoyance. He speaks in an indignant tone.

"How dare I? How dare you! You don't even hear me out before you jumped straight to my brother! And you don't care about me but you only care about the attention my brother gives you!"

Megan looks at him confused. She knew Apollo was drunk but right now what he was saying was just insane. He sounded jealous or something.

"Just stop. You need to go sleep."

He pauses and sighs again because she's not even hearing him out. She's not even paying attention. His whole face drops and his shoulders slump over, he looks like he wants to lash out at her again but he stops himself and he clenches his fist. He speaks through gritted teeth.

"Fine, you're right. I'll go to sleep, maybe then someone will actually listen!" He turns around slowly in anger and he storms off.

Megan watches as he walks away feeling confused. What on earth was wrong with Apollo? Was she really someone he hated that much?