
Stupid Ponytails

I watch the blood rush into my finger nails as I grip the handle of my brush. I've just arrived to his house and started getting ready in his master bathroom. I wanted to make sure I looked my best for him. I know he likes it when the other girls wear their hair in those high ponytails. All the women in the office wear their hair that way. All I see, all day is those stupid ponytails swinging back and forth, like horsetails swatting flies.

If you think they're so stupid then why are you doing it? You know those girls have extensions don't mess up your hair!

As my voice of reason you are supposed to encourage me not judge me!

Does that make sense to you?

Another moan pierces the air and I flinch. He just got here and already... I look at myself in the mirror and touch my hair. I know that I'm beautiful. My soft light brown curls fall around my shoulders and frame my I heart shaped face. Thick brows arch over my big warm brown eyes. I have a cute round button nose dusted with freckles, full plump lips and high cheekbones. I smooth down my tight yellow dress that makes my brown skin pop especially now that it's summer; giving it a natural bronzey glow. The dress clings to my round hips and ass, accentuates my tiny waist and gives the illusion that I have more cleavage than I actually do. I've always been naturally beautiful, but the idea of flaunting never appealed to me. I want people to gravitate towards me because of my personality (which I believe is pretty amazing) and my creative mind. With him though... I want, no need, his attention. No one has ever looked at me like he does. No one has ever made me feel the way he does.

When I transferred to his department I'd heard the rumors about him and was nervous. But honestly after going a week without seeing him I forgot all the fuss, and focused on my work that I love. When I rushed into his office to get an overdue creative brief signed I expected to see Melissa behind his desk ( she took it upon herself to move to his office and oversee things while he was awol). Not Melissa in front of his desk, on her knees with his hand wrapped around that stupid ponytail, and her mouth filled with his— The bathroom door opens and closes, shaking me from my memory, he's here. I look at his naked reflection in the mirror his pale skin almost glowing under the the bathroom lights. I bite the inside of my cheek and feel my grip tighten around the brush.

I try to avoid his eyes and mine move down without my permission to his impressive length still wet with her juices. I jerk my eyes up to his cut narrow waist and let them roam over tight abs, a broad unmoving chest and even broader shoulders. I look past the blood dripping down his neck from his chin, past his blood stained full and upturned lips and straight nose. I notice his shiny black hair is curly and wild—the complete opposite of the tamed slicked back look he usually has it in at the office. I hold my breath as I finally look beneath his low dark and bushy brows into those grey eyes that haunt my dreams. They're bright and intense as they stare back at me, into me, through me to my soul. I crave his intense gaze more than water now. He sees me.

"Hello miss Rose." His deep voice caresses my skin and vibrates in my chest. "President Crane." I reply quietly. He's behind me before I can blink. With his large hands gripping my waist he leans down so that he is level with my ear. "Come now Somer," I shiver as his voice cause goosebumps to spread across my skin. "At least call me Adrian in my own home." I stare into his eyes unable to look away and he sighs when I don't respond and stands to his full height of six foot three. Compared to my five two I look and feel breakable. In a blink he's in the shower and turning it on. He stands under the water letting it cascade over his head and down his body as he watches me watch him. He notices the shift in my energy and smirks. "You are early, Miss Rose." He drawls. I put down the brush I was still gripping and ignoring the cramp in my hand I release a breath and turn around to face him. I lean my ass on the counter and watch him watch my hips spread a little wider. I wait until his eyes meet mine after slowly traveling my body twice. "Oops." I say quietly with a smirk of my own.

His smirk turns into a full blown toothy grin that makes my pussy jump and my nipples tighten. And of course he notices, he never misses a thing. "Pass me a towel." He demands softly. It takes everything in me not to submit and just do what he demands. I quirk an eyebrow at him instead. His low chuckle rumbles through my chest. "Please Somer." I slowly move away from the bathroom counter and let my hips roll as I walk to the heated towel rack and get him a warm towel. I step up to his open concept shower to hand him the towel and he wraps his hand around mine. My eyes snap up to meet his grey eyes and I notice they've darkened. "Thank you Miss Rose." I bite my lip and nod in response. I look down at his blood free lips and look back up to see him drying his curly hair the muscles in his arms flexing. He looks so normal for a moment. Almost innocent. But I can never forget what he really is. All of a sudden he crowds into my personal space; a glint in his eye. I start backing away from him and my hand ends up on his chest. He looks down at my hand, up my arm, pauses at my breast and then up into my eyes. "You never told me why you came so early Miss Rose. I told you twelve—it's ten. Do I need to teach you how time works?" I swallow at his suggestive tone and nod my head yes as I let my hand trail slowly down his chest and over his abs. Just as I finish running my fingers through the dark hair of his happy trail his towel starts to slip and I grab it before it falls. "I couldn't wait." I say a little breathlessly noticing the long and hard culprit that that loosened the towel. I slowly look up and meet his intense gaze, his stormy eyes the darkest I've ever seen them. I lick my lips and offer the towel back to him. "I was done with it." he drawls. Again I understand his invitation and start to lean towards him. His eyes darken further and then suddenly he looks towards the wall adjoining his bedroom. "You should have given me more time to clean up." He turns away from me and is gone before I can respond.

I look around at the bathroom in confusion. It's floor to ceiling black marble with gold and cream accessories. Everything is open concept with no doors. The shower and huge tub are across the room from the wall to wall counter; the toilet and bidet are in a roomy alcove. A golden chandelier in the center of the ceiling gives the room a warm glow. Everything is spotless except for the towel I let fall to the ground. And I'm pretty sure the rest of the house was the same, at least the rooms I walked through were. I leave the bathroom to point this out to him and jerk to a halt when I step into his room. His bedroom is honestly gorgeous with dark hardwood floors, a wall of floor to ceiling windows and a huge king bed in the center against the wall covered in a gold comforter. The wall and high ceilings are black as well as the plush rug that takes up most of the floor. I dig my toes into it as I gaze at the bed. Above the bed is the twin to the chandelier in the bathroom. And on the bed is Melissa. I walk to her side of the bed (opposite of where Adrian stands) and look her in the eyes as I grab her wrist. Her eyes are blue and framed with long blonde lashes. They're also lifeless. I let go of her wrist and take note of the blood splattered around her. I feel the intensity of his gaze but look at the calm look on her face instead.

I survey him as he stands across from me and he seems relaxed but his hands are tense against the sheets. I look into his eyes. "You don't have a maid?" His eyes widen a fraction and then he tilts his head slightly and smirks at me. He reaches out and presses a button I can't see on the wall. "Dante." He says calmly. A second later I hear a knock and turn to see a young white man with a bald head and scary eyes walk in. He looks at me and his eyes are so blue they almost glow, but it's the deadness of them that makes me stiffen. He looks at Adrian and then moves towards the bed and starts pulling up the sheets. He wraps them around Melissa's body and then throws everything over his shoulder like nothing and walks out. As he goes out the door a young Asian women smoothly moves around him into the room with fresh sheets and an identical gold comforter. Before I can blink she's spread the bed and when I do she's gone. The cleanup was done in maybe five minutes. There's no evidence left of Melissa or her ponytail every being in the room. "Satisfied Miss Rose?" He's still naked and calmly watching me. I look around again and allow a small smile. "Very." He watches my face for a moment longer, nods and then turns towards his closet. I lean against the freshly spread bed and admire the way the muscles bunch in his firm ass and thighs.