
Blood-red Passion: The Adventure of my Life

When Ash wished for her life to change, she didn't expect it to change so radically. Who would have thought that the prized locket, given to her by her grandmother, would lead to an extraordinary adventure where she would encounter vampires and werewolves. She would learn that it was dangerous to trust, but deadly if she didn't trust the one who had been sent to save her.

Daminir · Kỳ huyễn
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68 Chs

A common story

'Quick, we need to come up with a common story,' I told Dave and Martha. Martha nodded vigorously while Dave merely rolled his eyes. Here, I was freaking out and he was not even taking it seriously. I did this to save him, the least he could do was cooperate if he did not want to thank me.

I took a sip of the scalding hot coffee, twisting my face in pain as I felt the burn. But I guess that was what I needed to set the creative juices flowing.

'We'll tell her that she fell down the stairs when she was helping you up the stairs. This will explain the bump she must be having,' I said triumphantly. Then turning to Dave, 'You can ask her what happened yesterday. Why you started feeling weak? She'll have to come up with an excuse and will try to avert the topic.'

Was I taking things too lightly? Initially, I had felt very bad when I thought of how I hit someone else, but then I had remembered what Estena did to start it, I had remembered how she had planned on drugging Dave, and I felt vindictive then.

'Martha, you will have to do the talking, okay?' I said looking at her with hopeful eyes. 'Remember, I'm not supposed to be here.' I knew I couldn't count on Dave to lie. His moral fibre was too strong, and though I appreciated that trait, at this moment, it was coming in the way of my plan, and that was so frustrating.

'Are you not interested in knowing why she did that?' I asked him in a serious tone. 'I don't know whether it's a normal practice here in Bhuvar to drug one's companion.'

The more I thought about it, the angrier I started feeling. I had been worried about him, and maybe about losing him to Estena as well, but I thrust that part to the back of my mind, and focused only on the part where I was trying to save him. And it seemed that he was behaving too casually about this.

I stood up and planted my palms on the table with a slight slam.

'You know what? It's your house and your guest after all. You decide what you want to do?'

Without giving either of them time to react, I rushed out of the kitchen, with my chin held high. I took the secret way to the office through the dining room as I didn't want to risk coming face to face with Estena. I couldn't repress the small quiver that went through my lower lip.

I hadn't fought with Dave before and I didn't like it at all. But I had reached the end of my patience. It just seemed that Estena's visit was dragging on. I hoped that she would leave soon, but knowing her, I couldn't bet on that. After all, she hadn't been able to go through her initial plan.

I sat in my usual seat and crossed my arms over my chest.

'No, I am not sulking,' I said to no one in particular. Yeah, who was I trying to kid?

The screens became animated with some movement in the hallway and I saw Estena coming down the stairs. She had replaced her usual phoney smile with a frown and from time to time, she would touch the small bump on her head and wince. The skin had turned slightly blue over there and I made a grimace of displeasure as I recalled my role in the formation of that bruise.

'Hello, anyone there? Dave?' she said in a weak tone filled with pain. She contorted her face in a pitiful expression. When no one seemed to respond, her face took on a steely look and that was then I saw that she had only been acting.

In a louder voice this time, 'Dave?' Oh my god, I had been ready to feel sorry for her, but even now when she was obviousy in pain, she didn't give up pretending.

Dave finally came out of the kitchen. He had been talking to Martha, it would seem. She also soon followed him soon after.

'Dave, where were you? Do you know what happened yesterday night?' Estena asked, once again adopting that whining voice.

'I was going to ask you the same question. Martha told me that I wasn't feeling well last night and you took me to my room.'

I saw Estena's eyes widen imperceptibly, wondering what could have happened. She must be having a blank about the events, courtesy of the Ruffies. I didn't want to miss the live action, it was not the same as watching it through the cameras. I ran back to the dining room entrance and rushed to the door. I flattened myself against the wall, with my nose pressed against it.

'...fell down the stairs after taking Mr Dawn to his room,' I heard Martha say. Good, I hadn't missed a lot. And Martha was going ahead with my excuse, bless her heart.

'I fell down?'

'Yes and you had a bump on your head, Lady Estena.'

I didn't know how far Estena's memory loss went, but I hoped that the excuse sounded convincing.

'I hope you're fine now, Estena,' Dave interrupted. 'You were telling us what happened to me. I have absolutely no idea what happened after the coffee we shared.'

'Oh, ... ummm, you just told me...you told me that you were not feeling well...that's all I know...'

The usually composed Estena was stammering. That was a sight to behold.

'I'm famished. Let's have breakfast, shall we?' As I had planned, she was trying to avoid answering Dave's question.

'I have a phone call to make, I'll join you in the dining room in 5 minutes,' she then said and went back up the stairs.

I couldn't stop a giggle from leaving me and I bent slightly in the direction of the hall only to find my nose pressed to Dave's chest. Where had he come from? He had just been near the stairs. I inhaled his pleasant musky scent, but then I remembered that I was supposed to be angry with him, and I lifted my nose up in the air and with a huff, I turned around to go to the kitchen. I was also hungry.

But a tug at my arm stopped me in my movements.

'You're still angry?' he asked softly.

I took a deep breath and tried to ignore the tingle that started from where he had caught my hand and continued down my back.

I refused to turn around to face him or he would see the smile on my lips. I resolutely thinned my lips in another frown and nodded.

'I'm sorry for my behavior. And thank you for saving my dignity,' he said and I could hear the smile in his voice as he said the last word.

I finally turned around and wagging my right index finger in his face, I warned him, 'You should choose your friends carefully.'

Martha came from the kitchen at that moment. When had she gone there? I hadn't even noticed her moving.

'Miss Ash, your breakfast is ready,' she said and handed me a tray filled with goodies. Pancakes with a side of chocolate sauce and yoghurt along with an assortment of berries. There was a fresh cup of coffee with cream. felt my taste buds salivating just at the sight of it.

The clatter of heels on the floor in the hallway told me that Estena was back and after a quick thanks, I went back to the office.

As I sat down, it came to my mind that I hadn't been able to see what call she had to make. I hoped that this miss wouldn't have any repercussions.