
The Screan

It was a normal Saturday night. The boy's and I were playing video games in the basement and my parents were passed out on the couch. My sister was having a slumber party upstairs, laughing and giggling, not having a care in the world that are parents were complete drunks. I was always the one taking care of the family, but Saturday was the day I could just relax and feel like a kid. The good thing about having parents who don't care about you is that you can do whatever you want. My mom always said that I should not watch horror movies, but she wasn't around, so of course I was going to watch a horror movie with my friends. " Hey Jack" I said, with a grin spread across my face " Did you bring that horror movie". Jack rummaged through his backpack and pulled out a black CD. "Of course I did" looking a little worried " I found it in the woods when me and my dad went fishing, I looked online and there were no reviews on it, hopefully it's not bad". As we settled into are sleeping bags I never would have imaged that this movie would be absolutely Killer.