

In the middle of an starry night. A dead boy, a dead woman, dead children and many more corpses in an house.

In that house, there was only a single soul left. A woman laying on the wall, smoking a cigar. Her body seems to be covered in a red colored fluid, otherwise known as blood.

It was impossible to determine what she was thinking, especially in the situation she got herself into. Her face seemed cold and expressionless but her eyes seemed to have an melancholy feeling inside them. Her face? Cold. However, her heart? Burning.

The woman doesn't seem to be moving even an atom but she was definitely alive. She was tiny, cold and expressionless just like a doll.

If an human were to look at her, the human would definitely think she wasn't alive. However, she was definitely alive.

How do I know that? Well that's because I am the reason she is alive.

My body which had any life left in it, gathered all it's energy and opened its bloody eyes slowly and spoke "Why..." In the direction of the woman.

The woman, who wasn't moving even an atom,suddenly turned her face to the direction of the boy who she had just finished killing.

"Don't blame me Kiki, it's all your fault"

The little boy just couldn't hold back and shed some tears of agony and pain.

"Why Jessica.. what did I even do wrong..."

The woman whose name was apparently Jessica, got up and dragged her bloody body to the little boy who seemed to be around 15 years old.

"You only did one thing wrong, and that thing was loving me. You are just paying for the great sin you have committed."

The little boy, whose name was Kiki spoke again "I tried to help you Jess.. that's all I did"

"But did I ever ask for your help?" Jessica said with an expressionless look.

"Angels and demons aren't supposed to fall in love Kiki. You sinned and now you are paying for it."

"Did I ever said you are absolutely delusional." Kiki said with an face full of agony.

"Yes you did, many times actually." A slight smile appeared on Jessica's cold face.

"Whatever.. end me already" Kiki said with an pained expression.

"Before ending your life, I have an question" Jessica's face returned to the same cold expression.

"Now is not the best time to ask a question.. but fine I'll fulfill your wish" Kiki said while coughing up blood. His bowel had been cutted open by the same lady he loved more than anybody and anything in the universe.

"Did you ever regret loving me now Kiki?" Jessica said with an slight smile on face and with eyes as cold as an never melting ice.

"Heh.. what type of question is that Jessie? You already know the answer to that" Kiki said with an pained expression.

"Of course not, I would never regret meeting you and falling in love with you, the time I spent with you were the greatest moments of my life."

"You are a weirdo" Jessica said and poked his nose gently. After that she stabbed him in his heart. Ending his pathetic life.

After confirming the death of her loved one. She couldn't hold back herself either and just cried, cried and cried till police arrived.

Before the police could enter the room full of corpses, she hugged the dead body of Kiki and stabbed herself in throat, ending her life.

The end? Read next chapter to find out :33