
Blood Mooon

The story follows Elena and Arkhan, two warriors who come to a town plagued by monsters. They fight to protect the town, becoming heroes in the eyes of the people. After years of peace, they leave for a new adventure. The story has two lead characters, one male and one female.

sleeplessmadman · Kỳ huyễn
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20 Chs

Chapter 14: The Price of Victory

Elena and Arkhan emerged from the Dark Lord's stronghold, battered and bruised but victorious. They took a moment to catch their breath and survey the world around them.

It was a strange and unfamiliar place, full of strange creatures and magic they had never seen before. But despite its strangeness, they knew that they had a job to do.

They set out to find the Devil, determined to hold up their end of the bargain they had made with him. They knew that he would come for them eventually, and they wanted to be ready.

It didn't take long for them to find him. He was waiting for them in a clearing in the forest, his eyes glittering with malice.

"Well done, mortals," he sneered. "You have done my bidding, and now it is time for you to pay the price."

Elena and Arkhan tensed, preparing for the worst. But they knew that they had no choice but to face the Devil head-on.

"What do you want from us?" Elena asked, her voice steady despite the fear that was gnawing at her.

The Devil grinned, revealing rows of sharp teeth. "I want your souls," he said. "You have done my bidding, and now you belong to me."

Elena and Arkhan exchanged a quick glance. They knew that this was the moment they had been dreading. But they also knew that they had to stand their ground.

"We made a deal," Arkhan said, his voice calm but firm. "We defeated the Dark Lord, and in return, you promised to let us go."

The Devil laughed, a harsh, mocking sound. "I made no such promise," he said. "You knew the price of your victory, and now it is time to pay up."

Elena and Arkhan braced themselves for the worst, steeling themselves for the inevitable battle. But to their surprise, the Devil simply vanished into thin air, leaving them alone in the clearing.

They exchanged a quick, bewildered glance. They had expected a fight, but instead, the Devil had simply disappeared.

But they knew better than to let their guard down. They could sense the Devil's presence all around them, lurking in the shadows and waiting for his chance to strike.

They took a deep breath and braced themselves for whatever came next. They had defeated the Dark Lord, but they knew that their battle was far from over.