
Blood Mooon

The story follows Elena and Arkhan, two warriors who come to a town plagued by monsters. They fight to protect the town, becoming heroes in the eyes of the people. After years of peace, they leave for a new adventure. The story has two lead characters, one male and one female.

sleeplessmadman · Kỳ huyễn
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20 Chs

Chapter 1: Into the Unknown

Elena had always been fascinated by the idea of other worlds. She loved reading books and watching movies about alternate dimensions and magical kingdoms, and often daydreamed about what it would be like to be transported to one of these places.

But she never imagined that it would actually happen to her.

One night, as she was walking home from a friend's house, she stumbled upon a strange portal. It was like nothing she had ever seen before - a swirling vortex of dark energy that seemed to beckon her closer.

As she approached the portal, she could feel the energy tingling on her skin. She hesitated for a moment, wondering if she should turn back and go home. But the allure of the unknown was too strong, and before she knew it, she stepped through the portal and into a world unlike anything she had ever seen.

The air was thick with mist and fog, and she could feel the dampness on her skin. The trees were twisted and gnarled, their branches reaching out like gnarled claws. And everywhere she looked, she saw creatures she could never have imagined - beasts with razor-sharp teeth and glowing red eyes, scuttling insects with multiple legs and glowing carapaces, and other creatures she couldn't even begin to describe.

She knew she was no longer in her own world, and a sense of panic started to rise in her chest. She didn't know how she was going to survive in this dark and twisted place.

But then, she heard a voice in her head. It was soft and gentle, but also strong and reassuring.

"Don't be afraid," the voice said. "You are not alone. I am here to guide you."

Elena didn't know who or what was speaking to her, but she clung to the voice like a lifeline. She knew she had to survive in this strange and dangerous world, and she was willing to do whatever it took to make it back home.