
Blood Moon Romance a. k. a Save Me | I'm Fine

Love may come in various forms, but the rarest and most captivating is the kind that transcends time and dimensions, defying all odds. Enter Theon Horatio, a prince from an alternate universe, who is about to embark on an extraordinary journey into Elena Silas' world—a world where their fates intertwine in a spellbinding romance. Their connection is instant, a magnetic force that disregards the boundaries set by their respective realms. Theon defies the rules, crossing borders and defying expectations, all for the sake of being with Elena. Yet, as we know too well, forbidden love seldom ends in bliss... While Elena fearlessly immerses herself in the war zone, reporting firsthand stories, a tragic twist of fate befalls her—a victim of a stray bullet. Distraught, Theon returns to his universe in a desperate quest for an antidote to revive her once again. However, when he finally reunites with Elena, he is confronted with a heart-wrenching revelation: 60 years have passed in the mortal realm. Unbeknownst to Theon, even the enigmatic Guardian of Blood Moon Land failed to forewarn him about the forbidden border between universes during the occurrence of the Blood Moon phenomenon. Yet, driven by an unwavering love, Theon dares to challenge fate itself in a daring attempt to save his beloved. But as the fragile balance between the universes is disrupted, a heavy toll is exacted—half of Theon's immortality slips away, lost to the unpredictable forces at play. Amidst his self-sacrifice, Theon must endure the unbearable pain of losing Elena to the merciless passage of time and the whims of destiny. Overwhelmed by grief, he finds solace in revisiting the place where their paths first converged, desperately clinging to fragments of their shared memories. Yet, just when hope seems all but extinguished, a glimmer appears on the horizon. Enter young Isla Damien, a striking doppelganger of Elena, who will forever alter the course of Theon's journey...

Min Jee · Thành thị
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21 Chs


Away from the hustle-bustle of the city, is where Unha Valley lies. A locale where beliefs in mystics and magic still existed.

Unha Valley by its deep forest as a source of rare herbs and exotic animals, which mostly contribute to traditional ancient medicine. At a certain season in a year, a thin mist veiled the entire village. The temperature dropped low, providing a whole day of icy cold weather and a night with faint eerie howls of wild animals far away from the deep in the mysterious forest.

This is it, the homeland she had always miss.

Elena Silas, the 34 years old journalist is back. Years of traveling across the world for her job, yet this land is always the place where she returns for comfort whenever she felt astray.

It is in the year 1955, where the revolution of world political history start. In which along the way, society began to accept women in careers usually filled by men.

However, in this era, a woman is still rare in journalism, for it is rough and unsophisticated for a lady. Meanwhile, for Elena, there is no such thing as gender discrimination. Even her senior is a woman, who is second lead to the company management!

So in which way a woman can't be a little of what a man can do?

Breathing in the significant soothing earthy scents from this land reminds her that, she is home after all. Because, crossing the land and sea, she hasn't found the part of the world that radiates the sense of somewhere she belongs.

Walking through the damp soils after the rain had calm her mind. It is more likely a therapy, the distinctive fresh musky scents of the earth have the ability to provide her a pleasant feeling.

In her 30's, her parents especially her mother starting to worry about her future husband. They longed for her to get married, settle down, and have kids.

But, it wasn't her fault at all. She just broke up with her 5 years of boyfriend, Tony Wilson just a week ago. Well, her future husband, already taken by a woman younger than her by a few years.

All the dream weddings and happily ever after crushed into thousands of glass pieces the day Elena found Tony in their bed with another woman.

So, in a near future, Elena swears she won't be in any relationship. However, she still does not get it, why does Tony cheat on her for a girl? Elena is able to manage herself well, what is wrong with her age? Though she is younger than Tony only by a year, she is matured and independent.

Is being clingy and cute makes Tony's heart flutter so much? His confession of why he cheated is pretty ridiculous!

Irritated by the thoughts of him again, she rolled her eyes, "Damn you, Tony Wilson!" She muttered under her breath. Indeed, enough is enough, love is tiring, after all, she better focus on her career.


"A woman can't be single forever, Elena." Her mother's words alerted her. The nagging echoing in her ears, as it had been repeated over and over again she could precisely mimic the way her mother said it.

Brushing off the thoughts that obstruct her pleasant feeling, she observed her surrounding. The well-preserved nature had been their valley alternate resources of foods and herbs. Hunters go deeper to the center of the forest for exotic meats, while wild veggies and medicinal plants can be found easily without venturing farther into.

Tracking down the trail left by villagers, she tied another red ribbon to a visible slender woody shoot, Elena continues admiring the scene before her. Though the trail back home is easily spotted, she doesn't want to risk getting lost, for the forest tends to get dark earlier.

In the coming two days, she will be back in the city to her hectic norms and jobs, she is desperately hoping that these short holidays could adjust her distorted emotion due to the breakup and betrayal.

Looking back to make sure that her trails are visible for one last time, she puts down the bag hanging on her shoulder, carefully takes out her bulky SLR camera, fitting in the suitable lenses, and clicks on to few different direction points view. The source of light is accurately bright with a blend of perfectly match emotions she needed to put in the picture, which could be useful for any articles on mother nature.

A slight sudden movement from the view of the lenses startled her. Though she had not ventured far into the forest, she had to alert on wild animals that could be roamed over at this time.

Focusing on the scene, it appears to be a man in a cream white long sleeve shirt. His broad shoulder gives out an athletic allure with a classy attitude through Elena's observation.

Putting away the camera, she inspects the scene with her raw eyes to confirm.

An infamous myth in the village goes around saying that ghouls of beautiful women luring men into their lair to be the sacrifice.

But, this is a man, nobody said anything about a ghastly man, who knew the man could be someone from her village too. She can't deny the fact that a stranger can be someone dangerous, but how does she going to confirm it without finding it out, isn't it?

Growing up in a valley of myths, fairy tales, and old tales, none of those makes sense to Elena. Unknown entities or paranormal activities are projections of the human mind, they only believe what they thought is real.

With many juggles and hesitation in her mind, she is still making move towards him. And soon she could see a clearer detail of the man. With his back on her, he seems diligently inspecting something on the ground.

Securing her belongings to her side, Elena carefully moving towards him with both of her hands grip firmly on her camera. Her maroon barrette outstands vividly amongst the greens while the heavy brown boots of her pound softly on the damp ground. Staying as low as she can, she saunters in very much of a cautious way towards the man. Her nature of curiosity had her eager to know what is the man about, she needs to get a little closer to get the details.

One step, two steps, three steps, closer, and closer...

An unpredictable gasp escaped from her rosy thin lips as the ground she steps on is to no avail but emptiness.

A hunter trap! It is a little too late to predict the situation.
