

Characters of This Novel Are:

Finn (18): Our protagonist, a nervous but determined young man with a heart full of dreams and a head full of… well, sometimes misplaced magic. He stumbles through spellcasting with an endearing enthusiasm that often leads to hilarious (and occasionally disastrous) results. Despite his fumbling nature, Finn possesses a burning desire to become a respected Arcanist and protect Eldoria. He harbors a secret crush on his best friend, Kai, which adds another layer of complexity to his journey.

Kai (18): Finn's best friend and the epitome of cool. Effortlessly graceful and a natural with magic, Kai glides through spellcasting with an almost supernatural talent. She's seen as a prodigy, destined to ace the upcoming Academy Entrance Exam. Despite his outward confidence, Kai possesses a kind heart and a patient understanding of Finn's clumsiness.

Master Kōga: The gruff but respected head instructor at the training grounds. He pushes his students hard, but there's a hidden warmth beneath his gruff exterior. He sees potential in Finn, even if it's buried beneath a mountain of failed spells and dust bunnies.

There are even more, ig.. But for now, we'll continue from this...

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