
Chapter 13 Alyx

I had been willing to let it go. Viktor was right- they had to meet eventually. If Tsuki was going to stay with my pack as we all hoped, he'd inevitably have an encounter with Haruka; I'd even intended to introduce them before he made his final decision. That didn't mean I was entirely comfortable with it happening so suddenly, when I couldn't be involved. Because as much as I trusted Cean, I wasn't sure he could handle it.

Or maybe that was just my instincts talking. It was a small doubt, but enough to let Tsuki walk away with Cean. Ever since the omega had woken up, he'd been driving my instincts crazy. I had the strongest urge to claim him, to define him through my own bond, to keep him safe and sheltered because he was more precious than anything I'd come across in my very long life. Which was startling, because I'd previously considered my mate to be my most precious thing.