
Blood Magus: Reincarnation of a Fallen Magus

Lucius Nightshade, one of the brilliant mind of the empire finds himself entangled in a sinister web of ancient rituals and forbidden magic because of his desire to exact revenge and regain his former glory. A shadow to his former self, as he tries to reclaim what's rightfully his, once again he had to confront the very person who had stripped him of his glory and made half of his life miserable. Finally as the situation gets dire, he takes a gamble. But for this gamble of his, a price had to be paid; a heavy one at that. That gamble leads him to his death. And just when he thinks that everything is over, a glimmer of hope presents itself in front of him as he awakens in a different body. However even this moment proves to be dreadful as he awakens in a body that had been torn apart and in dying state Even that pathetic state of his fails to terrify him and instead with a frown he mutters, "Great, I survived death only to die again..." Just then he hears a strange voice ringing in his ears [Blood Pact System activating......]

Bloom07 · Kỳ huyễn
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47 Chs

Floor Boss

That event had nothing to do with him. It wasn't him who had suffered. So, why must he care? 

The dead tell no lies, and Stoneface had already died. 

As he went through the painting, he discovered something, a dark purpose behind the countless sacrifices. 

But it failed to scare him. After all, it was only a pigment on the stone. Ancient history, nothing more. 

Suddenly, the ground beneath their feet started to rumble violently, almost like an earthquake had struck the labyrinth. The vibration grew stronger. 

The sudden changes startled Lucius and Kaiser as they struggled to stand straight. 

What was happening? None of them had any idea. 

"Something's coming," Kaiser murmured with a sense of foreboding. 

Lucius could feel it as well. He could tell that something terrible was approaching. But what exactly was approaching? He couldn't tell, and based on his judgment of Kaiser, it appeared as if he too wasn't aware of it.