
Blood Magus: Reincarnation of a Fallen Magus

Lucius Nightshade, one of the brilliant mind of the empire finds himself entangled in a sinister web of ancient rituals and forbidden magic because of his desire to exact revenge and regain his former glory. A shadow to his former self, as he tries to reclaim what's rightfully his, once again he had to confront the very person who had stripped him of his glory and made half of his life miserable. Finally as the situation gets dire, he takes a gamble. But for this gamble of his, a price had to be paid; a heavy one at that. That gamble leads him to his death. And just when he thinks that everything is over, a glimmer of hope presents itself in front of him as he awakens in a different body. However even this moment proves to be dreadful as he awakens in a body that had been torn apart and in dying state Even that pathetic state of his fails to terrify him and instead with a frown he mutters, "Great, I survived death only to die again..." Just then he hears a strange voice ringing in his ears [Blood Pact System activating......]

Bloom07 · Kỳ huyễn
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47 Chs

Bloodline Awakened

Each person could have only one host star of destiny. But right now what he was seeing was another host star of destiny heading towards his way. 

And this one was even brighter than the one he had encountered before. 

'What is happening?' 

Lucius's eyes became startled as fogs of confusion clouded his mind. 

In his memories, he hadn't experienced such strange phenomena. But he was sure of one thing— this bright ball of light was another host star of destiny.

For a while, it didn't seem like it would stop at any second. 

But as time passed, some changes started taking place in his previous host star of destiny. After getting close enough to him, it had remained stationary and dormant.

However all of a sudden, it started to rotate in an alarming rate as it headed towards the approaching host star of destiny. 

Witnessing such unusual changes, Lucius became extremely startled and worried. 'What's happening? Are these two stars going to collide?'

No sooner had he thought so, those two stars collided with each other; resulting in a loud and bright explosion that seem to illuminate the entirety of the dark empty space.


The explosion unleashed a torrential wave of energy and radiation which twisted and warped the fabric of space and time, sending ripples across the cosmos and causing Lucius's heart to palpitate out of fear. 

The sheer magnitude of the explosion was blinding and the brightness intensified to an all-encompassing whiteness, leaving nothing but an empty void where there was once the distinction between light and darkness.

Although the scene was ethereally captivating to look at. But what Lucius felt right now was fear. He couldn't care less about its beauty. 

Lucius could feel the tremors of the blast threatening to tear his very existence apart. Thus, he thought of retreating. 

But he couldn't bring himself to retreat. It was like an unknown force was preventing him from waking up. 

This situation caused his fear to alleviate even further. 

After much struggle while accepting his outcome, Lucius gave up his struggle to return back and instead braced himself to face this unforeseen predicament. 

Those wave of energy was traversing towards him at an alarming rate yet he remained calm as he prepared himself to brace the impact. 

Soon enough those wave of energy passed him as if he wasn't even present there at the first place. 


Seeing his consciousness intact even after experiencing the impact of those threatening wave of energy, he was quite perplexed. 

'It seems that I was only worrying needlessly' 

With this Lucius no longer feared or worried about the phenomenon taking place in front of his eyes. Instead he eased his mind as he stood there witnessing this brilliant spectacle unfold while trying to figure out more about this event. 

He could still see the remnants of two stars, glowing in blinding white light. For a moment, he felt like he was witnessing something both beautiful and terrifying with the two forces coming together, turning into something indescribable. 

Its iridescent colors made it look surreal and he could very well feel himself drawn into its grasp. 

The colors were bright white and blues along with deep green and purples, merging together in a pattern that was both destructive and beautiful. 

Finally after so much mixing and merging, a black hole emerged in the center of explosion with light particles floating around its periphery. 

If not for those light particles, it would have been impossible for naked eye to detect its presence. 

Lucius's eyes however were sparkling with curiosity and astonishment. While he himself was deeply enthralled by its presence. 

'Wha....t is it? I can feel an absurd pull from that thing'

At this moment however, he heard a familiar voice ringing in his ear. And all of a sudden, everything around him got hazy as he opened his eyes to reality.

[Bloodline awakened]

'What? How?' 

Lucius was confused to hear that his bloodline had awakened out of nowhere. But since he was held captive at the moment, he couldn't afford to give him out by shouting out loud. 

[Please head to your status to check your bloodline power]

Although he was puzzled by this sudden notification, he still couldn't deny that he was curious about his bloodline power. 

Afterall in his previous life Magnus with his bloodline power had completely overwhelmed him. And he who had experience the might of those with bloodline power was very well aware about its might and its perks. 

With curiosity laced in his eyes, he opened the status to check on his bloodline power. 

[Bloodline: Devourer]

Once again Lucius was puzzled. It was never heard before bloodline power. But a memory flashed in his eyes as he contemplated about his bloodline power. 

The recent image of that unknown thing which was sucking the light particles flashed past his mind, 'Is it perhaps related to it?'

He couldn't help but attribute his bloodline awakening to the incident with his host star. Afterall the black hole formed after the collision of those stars was the least bit of thing which resembled greatly with his bloodline power. 

[Would you like to see more details regarding you bloodline power?]

Noticing his distress, system inquired.

Without any sort of hesitation, Lucius answered, "Yes"

[Devourer: A special bloodline power that allows the host to devour the mana of any living entity and allows the host to use a part of that power]

[Note: To devour the attribute of others, host needs to kill the person himself. And this ability can only be used for about a minute after the death of target, meaning you cannot use it on target that have been dead for more than minute]

[Also you cannot imitate the true power of the target, you can only mimic part of its power. However devouring more of the same attribute will result in strengthening of that particular attribute. However the amount of energy you can get is directly proportionate to the mana possessed by the target]

"With this, at least I won't have to spend time navigating its uses" reading the analysis presented by the system, Lucius murmured, his tone laced with gratefulness. 

'So basically I can use every type of magic as long as I can consume the mana of others huh? And what more, there's no limit in killing. As long as it is a living being, I can devour their mana and make it mine' 

Just the sheer thought of being able to use every type of magic made Lucius's heart lightened with joy. Thinking about the possibilities, he couldn't stop himself from smiling wryly.

'But once again, it means that I wouldn't get much power by killing weak preys. If I want power, I'd have to go for stronger foes' 

Lucius hated to put his life in danger.