

"Noooo!" Yells two different male voices in panicked unison. One of them reverberated with a regal tone while the other resounded with a low motorized buzzing background…

And it is now growing louder as the shouting masculine speaker seemed to draw nearer…

As the sorcerer's deadly knife went even closer to the panicking Princess' bosomy breasts, the screaming slim but muscled man quickly zooms into view riding a blue and white golf cart which is speeding towards his beautiful femme fetale, while avoiding any of the large trees or lush vegetation in its swiftly moving path.

Eventually, the now fully-transformed talent Serg, fully collides with the hated magic user and throws him about a meter or so away from where he is currently standing…

Of course, the young-looking Nosferatu monarch will be rendered shocked, silent, and extremely impressed by the boyish Sergei at his offhanded but well-effected move.