
Blood Kingdom

A Long time ago when the earth was a single gigantic supercontinent, (Pangea) there were four blood kingdoms, Onisia, Abalonia, Botswania and Adonisia. Abalonians possessed greatest magical powers that ran deep in their blood type AB. Botswania possessed blood type B and Adonis blood type A. Onisia possessed the toxic blood type O. It was extremely toxic that just a drop into the blood stream of any of the other blood types guaranteed death in about two minutes. This led to Onisia being isolated. Magic is everything in all the kingdoms. Kids are born into magic. They practice before they even learn how to walk. There is a saying in Abalon,‘Learn magic, then talking and walking will soon come naturally.’ There are seven ranks of magic called the spectra. The first and basic level is violet rank, followed by indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange and the highest rank being red. In the old earth, before the world flood that destroyed the nephilims(half men, half demons) there were more powerful spectras beyond red. They were called intermediate spectra. Black spectra was the most evil and sinister magical power, that was possessed by the nephilims and white was the most powerful ever possessed by a human being. The earth enjoyed peace and prosperity for centuries until Onis, out of desperation and politics, waged war on Adonis. Abalon’s fall quickly followed at the hands of the invading Onisian empire. However two twin princes,(Daniel and Raphael) of Abalon fled the city as it was being engulfed like fire on a dry and thirsty grass. There was a prophecy made before the fall of Abalon that forty years after the invasion, they will take back their lands from the hands of the Onisians. Now forty years have passed and the descendants of the two twins, possess great mystical powers. They are called the seven swords of Yoshino. They are the only hope to fulfill the prophecy and restore their kingdom.

Regi_Nald · Kỳ huyễn
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24 Chs

Return to Adonis

Alexis had been contemplating the attack ever since he was appointed as the king's hand 2 years ago. The reason behind the sudden decision to attack was because he was invited to a royal Adonis wedding. He knew it was a set up to have him killed so he decided that he was going to return the favor.

He arrived home just before darkness crept in. They were residing on a castle that used to belong to Tommy's family. It was a wedding gift from the king to Rosa and Alexis. The castle was as big as the kings palace and they had about 20 servants. Outside the castle was a large garden that unfortunately used to be beautiful. All the flowers had died due to the drought but the roses were still very much alive, blooming boldly in the dry sun like desert flowers. Rosa had never missed a day without watering them even though there was just a modicum of water left. That is just how much they meant to them.

As Rosa was nurturing the two children, Alecia and her younger brother Roseo, Alexis creaked the main door open.

"Good afternoon." Alexis beamed with content as he was shutting the door behind him. Roseo ran towards him in excitement. He squatted down and Roseo jumped into his arms, hugging him tightly. Roseo was four years. He was born just as the drought was beginning. In his life he had never seen rain, heard a thunder or even smell the rain. He was a handsome, ruddy boy with chartreuse eyes and dark hair. Alecia was 7 years old. She was born a year after the wedding and she was as beautiful and graceful as her mother Rosa. She had her father's eyes and her mother's chestnut hair. The little servant that helped Alexis at the ball was her personal maid. Her name was Jasmine.

Alexis kissed Rosa and asked the kids to give them a few minutes to talk. They sat on the couch as the maid servants took the kids to the dining room. Alexis sighed and said.

"The famine is severely affecting us."

"I have no choice but to attack Adonis and take back my father's kingdom."

"Do what needs to be done, as long as you come back home to me." Rosa replied in a rather low voice.

Alexis had thought Rosa would be against it and her approval assured that he was doing the right thing.

"I will come back with the crown, and you will be the queen of Adonisia." Alexis said convincingly.

"Okay whatever you do, I and my father the king support you." Replied Rosa.

"But please be careful, I don't want to lose you."

"I will, you know I'm always careful my love."

"You?careful?" Rosa asked with a slight chuckle.

"You're the most reckless person I've ever met in my life."

Alexis chortled, knowing that she was right. He was a reckless man, especially when there was a lot at stake. That also made him the right man to lead the invasion. Not only because he was the rightful heir of Adonis but because he was the bravest and the most daring.

Alexis summoned a meeting with the king and the king's Counsel. The man of the King's Counsel were Omiros, the commander of the Onisian forces, Luis, the king's first born son, Flavia, Ahuiliz, Yahto and the four elders. They were eleven all together. The gathered around a large oak wood table in a well lit conference room. The king was sitting at his usual golden chair, sandwiched between Omiros and Alexis. After everyone was settled down he welcomed them and dived right into the dire matter at hand.

"I called you here today because I wanted to talk to you about the situation we are currently facing." Alexis said.

"Our food storages are extremely low."

"And we have to find ways to save our wives and children from starvation."

"Adonis has plenty but they don't want to trade with us because they are hoping we would starve to death."

"If we don't attack them, we will all die."

"Back me with an army and I will take back Adonis from my uncle"

"I will give you half of everything we find in their storages."

"And when I am king of the Adonisian empire, I will forge a long lasting relationship between Adonisia and Onisian kingdom.

"That's a good notion Alexis." Omiros consented.

"We have to act before we are too weak to fight."

"I agree with you." Flavia added.

"It's better to die fighting for our lives than to die a slow agonizing death of starvation."

Flavia was an extremely violent man and most believed he was a psychopath. If it was his choice he would have attacked Adonis just for his own amusement.

The king was unusually quiet and had significantly lost weight. He was a lot thinner than the first time Alexis saw him. The drought had consumed the fats in his body like a disease. The one thing he didn't lose was his humor. He cleared his throat and motioned for silence.

"This kingdoms have been cold to us." King Amon said.

"We will be warm to them."

"Too warm for them to handle."

"We should burn those who stand in our way."

"I didnt want to see war in my time."

"But they have forced us into a war."

"Omiros!" The king called out.

"muster an army right away."

"Your word is my commmand." Omiros replied and Flavia grinned delightfully.

'Finally, finally.' He thought to himself. The last time he killed was when he slashed Tommy's neck at the ball. He had been very disappointed to not find any one deserving to die. Not that all the men he killed deserved to die.

"I was invited to their royal wedding." Said Alexis.

"So if I want to have men with me and attack them from the inside."

"Good plan, I will accompany you. I haven't been to a wedding in a long time." Flavia said while knuckling his hands, imagining a white wedding painted red with blood.

"I will join in the wedding celebrations too." Said Omiros.

Ahuiliz and Yahto looked at each other and nodded.

"We will join too." They said in one voice.

Ahuiliz and Yahto were best friends just as their mothers. As family friends they grew up playing together from a young age. The relationships between the two families were so rapport that Yahto married Ahuiliz's younger sister Kale.

The four elders also assented to the decision and the next four days they all prepared for The drought wars.

Omiros spread word through out the towns, villages and the countryside. He sent messengers on fast royal horses and within four days he had mustered an army of 70 000 strong. Warriors were gathered around the whole towns and villages of Onisia, as far as the snowy lands of Alaska.

The last of the barn and underground storage swere emptied and they divided the grain and corn among the soldiers for a week long march to Adonis. They had dried up all the storages leaving barely enough to last their families just about 2 weeks. They were very much aware that they were forced to come back with plunder or else their families would all die.

Alexis, Duncan, Omiros, Flavia, Yahto and Ahuiliz traversed to attend the wedding ceremony at Adonis together with 7 more warriors disguised as servants. They had three carriages of gifts to King Loannis. The army led by Luis marched a day behind them.

After a long and exhausting six day journey, Alexis and his Onisian men arrived in Adonis. A captivating city built on the edge of cliff, with tall skyscrapers touching the clouds. It was an advanced civilization with architectural elements that were not present anywhere in the world.

They were filthy rich in gold and silver just as their nutrient rich soil. The people of this kingdom have been paying taxes of grain, wheat and corn to the king for over the last decade. When the famine started, the king's storages were overflowing. He sold the grain to the people and even to Abalonia and Botswania for gold and land. Even if he sold half the reserves he would still have plenty to survive 5 more years. They were in great abundance.

It was already in the afternoon when they descended on Adonis. The crimson setting sun was shining through the six towers, their shadows spanning almost a third of the city. It was a beautiful place with an amazing atmosphere, vibrant and peaceful. The smiles on the people's faces were quite wonderful to see. The Onisians hadn't smiled in four years. The people seemed very happy unlike at th gloomy Onis city were there was unforgiving hunger, and sorrowful tears. Here everyone was energetic and euphoric.

The royal wedding was a perfect example to show how happy and stress free they were. There was plenty that they decided to make a wedding and invite about 3000 people.

It was a very relieving experience for Alexis and his men as they had been through a very tough period of famines at Onis.

The men lodged at a guesthouse in the heart of the city. The guesthouse belonged to one of the noble families who had close ties with Alexis's late father. Alexis had already sent a raven to his spies before he arrived at Adonis. They had a clandestine meeting before he could even settle in the lodge. Although they hadn't seen each other in forever, the conversations were rather quick. There was no time for small talk. He gave them instructions for what to do the next day and they left in the cover of darkness.

As it dawned beautifully upon Adonis, the lively and colorful city was full of activity. It was a wedding day for prince Brayan, the first born son of king Loannis. He was Alexis's cousin and he was marrying Palesa, a princess of Pilanesburg, the capital of Botswania.

Alexis went to his uncle in the throne room and paid his respects. He bowed before the king and presented the gifts from king Amon.

"My lord the king." Alexis bowed.

"Alexis my son, look how you have grown up." The king said while getting up his chair and hugged Alexis.

"Thank you my lord the king." Alexis replied.

"It's good to see you."

"Good to see you too Alex, though I had hoped you'd come earlier so we can catch up." King Loannis said.

" I wanted to, but the circumstances didn't allow." Alexis replied.

"Okay I guess we will talk after the wedding then." King Loannis said.

"Alright. I come bearing gifts my lord." Alexis said and his men presented the gift to King Loannis. There were spices of all kinds, animal tusks, leather, cotton, silk, linen and artifacts of gold and silver.

"They are from king Amon." Alexis said

"How generous of my king, king Amon." King Loannis said.

"I will surely return the favor." He added.

The favor he was planning to return was by killing King Amon's hand, Alexis.

"Thank you my lord the king." Alexis replied.

"How is your stay at Onis?" King Loannis asked.

"My stay there has been good. I am married to King Amon's daughter and I'm the king's hand."

" I have heard the good news, I'm happy for you." King Loannis said.

"But how are you immune to the toxin?"

"It's a painful process that many might die trying to attempt. I guess I was lucky to survive." Alexis said.

"You must have realy loved this girl." King Loannis said.

"I do my lord the king." Alexis responded.

"That's wonderful." King Loannis said.

"Your cousin is marrying today."

"I hope his wedding will be as happy as yours."

"It sure will my lord." Alexis replied.

"I want to see him before the ceremony and bless him."

"Yes do so my son, he is your brother." King Loannis said.

"Let me not keep you long." He added.

Alexis and his Onisian men bowed before the king and they left. The Onisians went to the lodge while Alexis went to see Brayan, the bridegroom."

As Alexis was with Brayan, his spies were on the move, carrying out the instructions he gave them the night before. The course of history lied on them.

I think you guys are going to love Flavia

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