
Blood Kingdom

A Long time ago when the earth was a single gigantic supercontinent, (Pangea) there were four blood kingdoms, Onisia, Abalonia, Botswania and Adonisia. Abalonians possessed greatest magical powers that ran deep in their blood type AB. Botswania possessed blood type B and Adonis blood type A. Onisia possessed the toxic blood type O. It was extremely toxic that just a drop into the blood stream of any of the other blood types guaranteed death in about two minutes. This led to Onisia being isolated. Magic is everything in all the kingdoms. Kids are born into magic. They practice before they even learn how to walk. There is a saying in Abalon,‘Learn magic, then talking and walking will soon come naturally.’ There are seven ranks of magic called the spectra. The first and basic level is violet rank, followed by indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange and the highest rank being red. In the old earth, before the world flood that destroyed the nephilims(half men, half demons) there were more powerful spectras beyond red. They were called intermediate spectra. Black spectra was the most evil and sinister magical power, that was possessed by the nephilims and white was the most powerful ever possessed by a human being. The earth enjoyed peace and prosperity for centuries until Onis, out of desperation and politics, waged war on Adonis. Abalon’s fall quickly followed at the hands of the invading Onisian empire. However two twin princes,(Daniel and Raphael) of Abalon fled the city as it was being engulfed like fire on a dry and thirsty grass. There was a prophecy made before the fall of Abalon that forty years after the invasion, they will take back their lands from the hands of the Onisians. Now forty years have passed and the descendants of the two twins, possess great mystical powers. They are called the seven swords of Yoshino. They are the only hope to fulfill the prophecy and restore their kingdom.

Regi_Nald · Kỳ huyễn
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24 Chs

Did she give up on me?

At the heat of day, as Rosa was resting, she heard a knock at the door. Baffled and caught off guard, she kept quiet, silent as the grave. She knew the reason why they were there. The ceremony was just about to commence.

A ball was held at the Brisga castle. A majestic dome castle built diligently with large golden framed windows and golden doors. The interior of the castle was decorated with eloquent wall paintings, had marble floors and marvelous statues and sculptures.

Suitors were already gathered at the castle when Rosa decided to climb down her second floor window to hide at the garden. The servant let herself in, after knocking a few more times but Rosa was no where to be found. The quarters were empty like a void Alexis felt when he was told that Rosa was not in her quarters.

Just how unlucky is Alexis? Every good thing in this world is hiding from him.

'Did she give up on me?' He thought as a tear forced its way out. Poor Alexis needs a break but what broke was the dam holding his tears and down his face they streamed. It wasn't his intention to cry infront of the maid servant. The emotions that had been building up throughout his life were suddenly ignited and he broke down. He had suffered so much and it seemed like that was the theme of his miserable life. He went away sullen, dejected and disappointed.

Tommy who had been trying to talk to Rosa, saw her in the pavilion as she was sidling to the garden. The poor girl was in tears and Tommy came at the right time to comfort her. They have met a couple of times growing up but Rosa didn't quite catch his name.

He wasn't handsome but the wealth made him somewhat attractive to girls. There was some charm and poise to him that drew girls's attention.

"What is wrong princess?" He asked in a honeyed voice.

"Nothing." Rosa muttered under her breath.

He caressed her shoulders and told her that he was there for her.

"You can talk to me." Tommy said gently.

Something about those words made Rosa feel a lot better. It was as if the heavy weight on her shoulders was suddenly lifted.

"What did you say you were crying about?" Tommy asked.

"Was I crying?" Rosa asked in confusion.

"No I'm fine." She added.

"Okay then, can you be my date?" Tommy proposed.

"Yes sure I would love to." Rosa replied flatly.

Rosa went to her quarters to change into a crimson long dress. She barely missed Alexis who had just returned to his chambers. Tommy and Rosa went to the ball together in his gold plated carriage.

Their grand entrance received a warm welcome from the crowd. She was the center of attention. All eyes were focused on her, watching her in awe. She was impeccably dressed in a long gorgeous red gown, wearing a gold necklace rendered with crimson pearls, shiny diamond earrings and a sparkly diamond tiara. She was beyond elegant and graceful. Everyone would have loved to be her date. But it seemed she was in good hands of Tommy, the rich hunk, dressed in a fine suit.

They made their way to the hall of the castle which was full to brim. Pairs of couples were spanning across the hall, dancing around in the marble floors.

Well there were those who had raised brows upon seeing the two of them together. Luis, Rosa's younger brother was dumbfounded when he saw them together. Perhaps who was more surprised was Olivia, Rosa's elder sister.

They didn't see it coming because she had been worried sick about Alexis for weeks and all of a sudden she was happy with Tommy. They watched her dance and chuckle like she hadn't spent the last three weeks crying her lungs out. Against their better judgment, they thought maybe she was just doing her role as a princess.

Everyone else seemed genuinely happy for Rosa. No one was more happy than the queen. She was pleased to see the smile on her daughter's face.

Alexis who was dispirited, depressed and lonesome walked in the castle hall and the first thing he saw was a beautiful smile of Rosa. A smile he had longed to see. A gorgeous face he faced death to see. But her head was resting on another man's chest as they were moving in circles. It was last thing he thought he'd ever see. His heart broke in two and a mild chest pain struck him. Immediately he was taken back to Peruvia. He had flashbacks of the unimaginable chest pains he suffered just to come home to the shocking sight of Rosa in another man's arms.

His rage flared and emotions overwhelmed him. He couldn't yet tell who the guy was because of the angle but as they were circling around, he peeped at the man and he was suddenly horrified and unnerved. He froze to his feet and lost memories came rushing down.

'I know that face. That's the guy I saw at the city center as we were leaving for Peruvia, giving me a dead stare of hate and hostility.' Alexis thought and he instantly had flashbacks of a dream that he had forgotten.

A dream where someone was trying to strangle him to death. He could never mistake that face. It was the very same man he sensed at the rain forest watching him. The same man who sent mercenaries to kill him and controlled giant snakes to eat him alive.

Alexis nearly jumped out of his skin as the shocking revelation unraveled in front of him. He stood there nonplussed and enraged, glaring at the unsuspecting Tommy. He knew right away that Rosa was in danger.

A rich, powerful and influential man like Tommy would be hard to accuse for bewitching a princess. His family is the wealthiest in Onisia. And if Alexis says anything, who would believe him? Let alone listen to him. He is a stranger after all, an Adonisian prince raised to hate Onisians. Or they will probably just say he is jealous that Rosa chose Tommy over him.

Sorcery and witchcraft is banned in the kingdom of Onisia so the only way is if he could prove that Tommy is a sorcerer.

Alexis was infuriated by the situation he had found himself in, he walked towards Rosa to at least try to get her attention. He didn't want Tommy to see him so he sidled around trying to find the right spot. As the dances were going on, they locked eyes. She gazed at him but it was like Rosa didn't know who he was. She didn't even look at him twice.

'This can not be true.' He thought bitterly, his heart that had endured multiple heart attacks was at its breaking point.

'She must be under a spell.' He convinced himself.

'Damn this Tommy guy." He cursed.

Before the ceremony, when Alexis and his men arrived from Peruvia, he sent the eight men to Omiros to report back the events that transpired. They told him all about the assassination attempt on Alexis. He recalled seeing Omiros outside the brisga castle and he made his way out the hall to meet him.

"Good to see you Alex." Omiros said upon seeing Alexis.

"Good to see you too lord commander." Alexis replied.

"I wanted to talk you about the incidents that happened at Peruvia." Omiros said.

"Yes that's why I have come to you." Alexis replied.

"I know who was behind the attacks."

"Who was it." Omiros asked.

"It was Tommy." Alexis said, hoping to get a firm approval. Unfortunately he was met by a frown.

"No, Tommy can't be behind that." Omiros snapped.

"Be careful of the accusations you make Alexis. I have seen men be put to death for less." He added.

"I am certain it was him. He attacked me with a witchcraft spells when I was sleeping." Alexis said grimly.

"I saw him with my own two eyes."

The explanation didn't get the response Alexis was hoping for. In fact it was quite the opposite. Omiros now thought he was a mad man.

"He attacked you with a witchcraft spell as you were sleeping?" Omiros asked humorously.

"Yes and I was saved by an angelic woman who looked like Rosa." Alexis replied.

Omiros could've burst into a hysterical laughter if it wasn't for the occasion. He sighed and decided to give Alexis the benefit of doubt.

One thing he was sure about was that someone sent the mercenaries to kill Alexis. On that condition he decided to look into Tommy as a suspect. He knew they both wanted the same girl so that could be a motive.

"If indeed he is a sorcerer then that means he will be put to death." Omiros said.

"That's a big accusation you are making Alex."

"I hope for your sake, you are right."

"I am certain lord commander." Alexis responded.

"Rosa doesn't even remember me."

"It's like her memory has been erased."

Appalled and outraged by the words, Omiros vowed to look into the matter. He sent his own trusted personal guards to watch Tommy and report everything back to him.

As Alexis was immersed in his thoughts outside the castle, he saw a red rose at the entrance of the castle and deviced a plan.

'If she doesn't remember me then maybe the rose will trigger a memory.'

It was a long shot but it was worth a try. He took the rose and went towards a servant who was holding a tray of red wine filled glasses.

The servant gave him a glass which he politely rejected.

"I need you to do something for me." He muttered.

"It might cost you." The little servant girl replied.

"How much?" He asked impatiently.

"Well it depends on what you want me to do for you." She responded.

"I need you to give this rose to princess Rosa." Alexis said.

"I want to serve in your household, that's my price." The little servant girl demanded.

"Okay, okay I will buy you from your master." Alexis replied.

The girl took the rose and gave Alexis the tray of glasses. She jostled around couples and handed Rosa the rose. She took the rose and raised it to her nose and immediately a faint memory flashed in her mind.